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Russia vetoes UNSC resolution on Crimea

No need for all this cold war rhetorik. Putin is just a single guy and Medwedew is already pro western. They just need to wait until Putin will lose popularity through economical problems. And Russia will join the New democratic Order
No need for all this cold war rhetorik. Putin is just a single guy and Medwedew is already pro western. They just need to wait until Putin will lose popularity through economical problems. And Russia will join the New democratic Order

That's why China will back Putin at any cost.

If Putin claims the whole Ukraine as part of Russia's territorial integrity, then China will also veto along with Russia.

To veto to separate Crimea from Ukraine is against China's interest on Taiwan, but China's abstain response is already an indirect support for Russia.

In order for Russia to join the New Democratic Order, then it must first abandon the nuclear weapon, since the US has to make sure no other western nations could ever challenge their absolute leadership in the western world.

Putin decides to side with China, because he believes it does fit Russia's national interest to re-become a superpower. Russia will have a chance to co-rule the world along with China after overthrowing the old world order.
No need for all this cold war rhetorik. Putin is just a single guy and Medwedew is already pro western. They just need to wait until Putin will lose popularity through economical problems. And Russia will join the New democratic Order

US and Europe are not against Russia because of Putin or whatever XXXism. They are against Russia because it is a powerful country and a threat to them. Unless Russia breaks into dozens of pieces, the antagonism isn't going to stop no matter who is in charge.

France is angry.

French Ambassador: !@#$%^&*
Chinese Ambassador: "Solar Panels"

Not our business.Russian can fock Ukrine as they wish,we don't really care.
Maybe we could export our weapons to Ukrine as much as we can,if they can afford it.
We maintain our initial stance, we don't openly support the separatism against any country, but if Russia wanna grab Crimea, then we are not going to against it nor suppor it, we maintain our neutral stance.

Just because the US is a double standard hypocrite and the biggest rule breaker, it doesn't mean that we have to follow their suit.
But you need to support Russia because if one day you decide to take Taiwan, you'll have their support

NATO is a block and we must be united to fight them, if not the defeat is sure it's just one after the other

What? Taiwan is de jure part of China, just like Crimea is de jure part of Ukraine because Khrushchev transferred it. Recognizing the referendum would give Taiwan a window of opportunity to declare independence.

I sympathize a lot with Russia because on cultural grounds, our position is the same: Crimea and Taiwan are both ethnic and cultural appendages of the motherland. But legally, we are in different positions and China's vote had to reflect that.
The neutral status of China is what countries often do in politics, but the matter is that everybody knows that NATO want to attack China too

So why not be united strongly with Russia to be able to face NATO? NATO is a union of dozens of countries, so only thinking that they can be defeated alone makes no sense
But you need to support Russia because if one day you decide to take Taiwan, you'll have their support

NATO is a block and we must be united to fight them, if not the defeat is sure it's just one after the other

The neutral status of China is what countries often do in politics, but the matter is that everybody knows that NATO want to attack China too

So why not be united strongly with Russia to be able to face NATO? NATO is a union of dozens of countries, so only thinking that they can be defeated alone makes no sense
Too naive.Russians are two-faced traitors.We won't get anything from them even we support them in Crimean issue.
No need for all this cold war rhetorik. Putin is just a single guy and Medwedew is already pro western. They just need to wait until Putin will lose popularity through economical problems. And Russia will join the New democratic Order
Unless Russia decide to make troubles in USA, i fear that what you say is true, it's very difficult to resist the NATO's rhetoric
Too naive.Russians are two-faced traitors.We won't get anything from them even we support them in Crimean issue.
Never seen Russia betray it allies.

You probably meant JEW USA who always do: Saddam, Al Qaeda, Ben Ali, Mubarak, Morsi, death squads in Latina America, Asia...
Way to go Russia..... Whom do they think they can fool???
Never seen Russia betray it allies.

You probably meant JEW USA who always do: Saddam, Al Qaeda, Ben Ali, Mubarak, Morsi, death squads in Latina America, Asia...
Of course they betray its allies.They betrayed its ally in WWI.They betrayed its supporters after WWII.They always betray when they think it would fit with their profit.
Of course they betray its allies.They betrayed its ally in WWI.They betrayed its supporters after WWII.They always betray when they think it would fit with their profit.
They lost in WW1, betrayed by JEWS revolution (Marx, Lenine, Trotsky)

In WW2 JEWS created nazism to eliminate the europeans JEWS and communism that didn't obey them anymore after Stalin took power

So Russia never betray anyone.

But we can discuss about China betraying Russia, Vietnam, Combodia

When i say betray it's rather beating their former allies very cruelly and make as if they never knew them, and that only JEW USA perform very well
China can't veto because the referendum sets a bad precedent for the Taiwan issue. But an abstention already expresses China's displeasure at the resolution. And China already called out Western intervention and meddling in Ukraine as the root cause of the conflict.

talk about keeping silent while a country annexes another country or part of...
Forget about it, Crimea is gone ever. Exactly as I have predicted more than three weeks ago, Russia will take Crimea for sure.

There is nothing China can do.

China is close to both Ukraine and Russia. However, if there is anyone at fault, the No.1 to be faulted should be those so-called pro-west oppositions who stirred Ukraine into such a mess.

For Ukraine to be an effective country, it can only be neutral. It cannot be too close to Russia or too close to the west. Basically, it cannot be allowed itself to be used as weapon against the other one.

If it has to choose one, it has to choose Russia based on its historical link.

Now those idiots from Ukraine have dragged the country into such never-ending messes. The so-called west now will only do some type of lip service for it. Remember, those countries are capitalist countries. Do you understand what Capitalism stands for???

For every type of investment, the ultimate goal is for "RETURN"!!!

Who the hell will sacrifice themselves for a country without "RETURN"???

China cannot vote "YES" since that is against the relationship with Russia, and China does not like those Ukraine oppositions as well.

China cannot vote "NO" since that is against China's non-interference policy against other countries' internal affairs as well. In addition, China does not want to have a complete confrontation with the west for a territory that is not hers at all.

Anyone with a brain will understand perfectly that the "abstain" vote is 100% for sure.

China Abstained instead of Vetoing :angry:

Learn some history. Crimea was part of Russia for several hundreds of years and have never been part of Ukraine until it was given to Ukraine for administration by Russia's president since that president himself is Ukraine. In addition, by then, both are part of USSR. None with a brain will put Crimea under Ukraine's control if he/she knows Ukraine will be separate.

The issue here is way more delicate historically, not simply a annexation issue here.

talk about keeping silent while a country annexes another country or part of...

Take our precious flag off, you such a fxxking pretender. What a fxxking japs.

Wait... If you want to take Taiwan, you should side with Russia

I think too that it's truth that China doesn't really have friends
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