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Russia vetoes UNSC resolution on Crimea

Politically, france is such a despicable country from what it has done to Libya, Syria and etc. in addition its past despicable records in Algeria and other African countries.

Who give a fxxk to france. Whoever in China' seat should tell that French jerk to fxxk off!!!


France is angry.
China Abstained instead of Vetoing :angry:
I think it just need one veto from the five permanent members to make the draft null.

Forget about it, Crimea is gone ever. Exactly as I have predicted more than three weeks ago, Russia will take Crimea for sure.

There is nothing China can do.

China is close to both Ukraine and Russia. However, if there is anyone at fault, the No.1 to be faulted should be those so-called pro-west oppositions who stirred Ukraine into such a mess.

For Ukraine to be an effective country, it can only be neutral. It cannot be too close to Russia or too close to the west. Basically, it cannot be allowed itself to be used as weapon against the other one.

If it has to choose one, it has to choose Russia based on its historical link.

Now those idiots from Ukraine have dragged the country into such never-ending messes. The so-called west now will only do some type of lip service for it. Remember, those countries are capitalist countries. Do you understand what Capitalism stands for???

For every type of investment, the ultimate goal is for "RETURN"!!!

Who the hell will sacrifice themselves for a country without "RETURN"???

China cannot vote "YES" since that is against the relationship with Russia, and China does not like those Ukraine oppositions as well.

China cannot vote "NO" since that is against China's non-interference policy against other countries' internal affairs as well. In addition, China does not want to have a complete confrontation with the west for a territory that is not hers at all.

Anyone with a brain will understand perfectly that the "abstain" vote is 100% for sure.

Learn some history. Crimea was part of Russia for several hundreds of years and have never been part of Ukraine until it was given to Ukraine for administration by Russia's president since that president himself is Ukraine. In addition, by then, both are part of USSR. None with a brain will put Crimea under Ukraine's control if he/she knows Ukraine will be separate.

The issue here is way more delicate historically, not simply a annexation issue here.

Take our precious flag off, you such a fxxking pretender. What a fxxking japs.
He is Indian for the record living in USA
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talk about keeping silent while a country annexes another country or part of...
Remember kosovo, iraq? Who supported the coup in kiev? It was so democratic, wasn't it?
china's response is expected, I call it the han thought process. They burn bridges for the sake of short term gains but in the long term this will be the death of them. They have no friends in the world, save for pakistan and North Korea, who are already pariah states. Why not stand by Russia? This insult will not be forgotten, nor will they come to your aid when you need it the most.
china's response is expected, I call it the han thought process. They burn bridges for the sake of short term gains but in the long term this will be the death of them. They have no friends in the world, save for pakistan and North Korea, who are already pariah states. Why not stand by Russia? This insult will not be forgotten, nor will they come to your aid when you need it the most.

Why would China get involve in Ukraine in house fighting, West and Russia in a tug of war to pull Ukraine to one side or the other. Ukraine situation have no direct impact on China security or interest but choose side will only hurt China interest in the long run.
Why would China get involve in Ukraine in house fighting, West and Russia in a tug of war to pull Ukraine to one side or the other. Ukraine situation have no direct impact on China security or interest but choose side will only hurt China interest in the long run.

han thought process will come to bite you in the back. There is a reason only 2 pariah states consider china their ally while every other country has feelings ranging from dislike to enemy status. But you don't have to trust me on this, just look at your history, it will give you a good description of what's to come
han thought process will come to bite you in the back. There is a reason only 2 pariah states consider china their ally while every other country has feelings ranging from dislike to enemy status. But you don't have to trust me on this, just look at your history, it will give you a good description of what's to come

I think China government know what they want to do, you shouldn't be worry how China respond situation, China will figure out how to deal with this crisis base on their own national interest and security.
I think China government know what they want to do, you shouldn't be worry how China respond situation, China will figure out how to deal with this crisis base on their own national interest and security.

Only time will tell, Mr. han, only time will tell.
Good going our Russian friends.

The "West" is making a mockery of itself on this issue. Let them try and fail to prevent this and understand they are dealing with a country with a spine here.

Crimea has been a part of Russia for long and the people want to join it back. These Westerners just have no locus standi here.
I think too that it's not the job of the chinese to make wars for someone else, too many chinese died for freedom in Korea and Vietnam

But it's not because you stay away from the NATO's agressions that they won't attack you one day

Don't forget they finance the Dalai Lama to destabilize you, make Kunming attacks, malaysian airliner hijacking to intimidate you before the UN vote

If you are not here when you are needed, people won't be present when you need them

china's response is expected, I call it the han thought process. They burn bridges for the sake of short term gains but in the long term this will be the death of them. They have no friends in the world, save for pakistan and North Korea, who are already pariah states. Why not stand by Russia? This insult will not be forgotten, nor will they come to your aid when you need it the most.
han thought process will come to bite you in the back. There is a reason only 2 pariah states consider china their ally while every other country has feelings ranging from dislike to enemy status. But you don't have to trust me on this, just look at your history, it will give you a good description of what's to come

Han thought process is that we stick to our core foreign policy of "non-interference, " like how we stick to our allies when no one else does. Such steadfast and principled policy is something spineless country would not understand. You don't have an ally, most of your neighbors despise you, even your diplomat got humiliated. Look at your history instead, you never had a foreign policy.
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han thought process will come to bite you in the back. There is a reason only 2 pariah states consider china their ally while every other country has feelings ranging from dislike to enemy status. But you don't have to trust me on this, just look at your history, it will give you a good description of what's to come
Why do we need friends?

Russian has our emotional support. We will not intervene unless NATO jumps in militarily.
Han thought process is that we stick to our core foreign policy of "non-interference, " like how we stick to our allies when no one else does. Such steadfast and principled policy is something spineless country would not understand. You don't have an ally, most of your neighbors despise you, even your diplomat got humiliated. Look at your history instead, you never had a foreign policy.
Why do we need friends?

Russian has our emotional support. We will not intervene unless NATO jumps in militarily.

Typical han response. Enjoy being the antagonist of humanity with your two pariah state allies, who will leave you eventually.
Typical han response. Enjoy being the antagonist of humanity with your two pariah state allies, who will leave you eventually.
What? LOL We are being smart, here, leaving our words "ambiguous" for flexibility and strategic value. The so called "No friend" China is within our foreign policy's "non-intervention" boundary. It works very well for our strategy as we do not get drag into any world's messy political conflict. Having friends are counterproductive to our profound strategy. This does not mean we don't have friends. It just meant we are very selective in who we want to befriend with and who we are ready to put aside our national interest to protect. Pakistan and perhaps North Korea are only two we are willing to protect publicly. Everyone else is an "acquaintance" or "partner" that is part of our "non-intervention" foreign policy. Btw, Russia doesn't need our protection. They are powerful enough to rock the world themselves.
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