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Russia: US sabotaged Super Jet 100

here, we see russia is quickly learning from india at blaming others when sh1t gone wrong..

They suspect the US for good reason. The Pentagon stirs up a lot of crap. The CIA admitted to blowing up parts of a Russian pipeline in the 80's and blamed it on someone else. Look it up.

Look at the Russian Election with Putin. Even though Putin won the popular vote with flying colors, the American Media painted it like Putin was on the verge of collapse with millions of demonstrators (truth was that it was a very small movement). They tried to hype it into revolution. Go back and read the stories. The media lackeys of the Pentagon was trying to engineer another "Revolution" in Russia to topple Putin.

Only this time, Putin won and proved their efforts foolish. Regardless, only a fool would believe there's no involvement from the Pentagon in these events. Most of the papers in the world now who pretend to be objective are now compromised by the CIA and their information warfare.

You guys think the events of the past couple of years and just so happened to benefit the US? The uprising in Syria, the toppling of Libya, all coincidences?

You'd be naive to think so. The American propaganda department is in full force. Need proof?

Wikileaks exposed CIA directives to Al-Jazeera News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S81dTb6Tq0



Look at this story, where a Pentagon Propaganda mole at a top paper tried to discredit journalists who tried to report objectively. This is the reality of American Media, my friends. Ulterior motives and bought stories reign supreme. The problem is Americans still think their media is objective and unbiased, which is the biggest joke of it all.
here, we see russia is quickly learning from india at blaming others when sh1t gone wrong..
Original Post By qwerrty
Kiddo Baby behave yourself.

it's the truth. india is very good at blaming..:lol:

-blame russian upper stage engine for consecutive GSLV failures---> before the failed launches, every indian media boasted how they become few selected countries capable of making indigenius upper stage cryogenic engine blala

-blame russia for half of indian mig-21 fleet ate the dust-->india has licence production of the plane since the 60's, but can't make reliable spare parts to keep the plane in the air

-blame BAE for the delay in the assembly of 42 Hawk trainers-->indians stole parts from the kits intended to assemble new aircraft and used instead as replacement parts for aircraft already delivered

-blame foreign components for failue of satellites --> everything were all indigenous before the failures no mentioning of using foreign components.. *ttp://www.newdelhinews.net/story/658350

-blame russia for not giving them all TOTs to build the t-90s at home--> russia says they gave em everything. its indian incompetence cannot read the bluepritns is to blame.

-blame pakistani ISI for a gang of monkeys attacked and killed indian politician

- the list goes on..
Your mindset of wanting to be the white mans proxy oozes from your post.

Pakistan is not the only country that may or may not benefit from a multipolar world. Do you even understand anything about geo politics?
India has been asked to join SCO by Russia, the same guys who supported you guys too..

I would have liked your comment if you would have mentioned 'benefits' but you clearly said counter NATO, does this come from your hatred of them operating on your soil without your personal approval? This is something which I suspect highly.

Please, this thread is about Russia, US and Superjet. You brought in SCO, then geo-politics, then India and your claimed proxy status of India, do you even know this is called trolling?
Not surprised, they blame us for the weather!:cheesy::lol:
They suspect the US for good reason. The Pentagon stirs up a lot of crap. The CIA admitted to blowing up parts of a Russian pipeline in the 80's and blamed it on someone else. Look it up.

Look at the Russian Election with Putin. Even though Putin won the popular vote with flying colors, the American Media painted it like Putin was on the verge of collapse with millions of demonstrators (truth was that it was a very small movement). They tried to hype it into revolution. Go back and read the stories. The media lackeys of the Pentagon was trying to engineer another "Revolution" in Russia to topple Putin.

Only this time, Putin won and proved their efforts foolish. Regardless, only a fool would believe there's no involvement from the Pentagon in these events. Most of the papers in the world now who pretend to be objective are now compromised by the CIA and their information warfare.

You guys think the events of the past couple of years and just so happened to benefit the US? The uprising in Syria, the toppling of Libya, all coincidences?

You'd be naive to think so. The American propaganda department is in full force. Need proof?

Wikileaks exposed CIA directives to Al-Jazeera News Wikileaks exposed CIA directives to Al-Jazeera News - YouTube


Propaganda firm owner ran smear campaign against USA TODAY journalists

Look at this story, where a Pentagon Propaganda mole at a top paper tried to discredit journalists who tried to report objectively. This is the reality of American Media, my friends. Ulterior motives and bought stories reign supreme. The problem is Americans still think their media is objective and unbiased, which is the biggest joke of it all.

this is all done by international NGOs.
FIRSTLY, ban all NGOs and you will see the CIA's biggest weapon dismantled.
these NGOs use american/british/french government funds and corporate funds to bribe the poor people of a country to protest and hope to get the government to react to those protests and then get the western media to report on the events and spin it in favour of the west and against the government. its information warfare.

SECONDLY, secure the borders with security cameras and fences, increase airport security of every foreign visitor on any visa and take their biometric database, increase air traffic control, secure the maritime borders with coast guards.
this will greatly reduce the number of CIA and MI6 operatives entering a country.

if these 2 things can be done by the targeted countries(china, russia, iran, syria), then the CIA/MI6 network will be severely paralyzed. it cannot be 100% eliminated as there will be loopholes, but it will dismantle the vast majority of the cIA/MI6 network and greatly reduced their interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
This makes me wonder about our recent crashes as well..
Because india don't give us the reason, if you not follow what we(Americans) instruct you than you would face severe consequences too. You pull out from IPI pipeline & you reduce your oil import from Iran so there is no reason left for now.

Oh please, are you finished troll, can you say something about he goddamn superjet or not?
Because india don't give us the reason, if you not follow what we(Americans) instruct you than you would face severe consequences too. You pull out from IPI pipeline & you reduce your oil import from Iran so there is no reason left for now.


Now this 'we' is happy with US droning Pakistan. Also you (I mean the Pakistani part of you)are being droned bcs you have a spineless leadership which includes your military. Wonder why US never droned Iran till now?
Oh please, are you finished troll, can you say something about he goddamn superjet or not?

That's the best of yours? Watch the post by "Harpoon" & i replied to that. What do you mean by troll? I'm American & Pakistani.

As for that Superjet, Russia should act as responsible country & don't start blaming US for their jet's technical failure, blaming doesn't suit's to a big responsible country like Russia, leave it for india.

Now this 'we' is happy with US droning Pakistan. Also you (I mean the Pakistani part of you)are being droned bcs you have a spineless leadership which includes your military. Wonder why US never droned Iran till now?

Now you are going completely offtopic & dragging me there but still i will reply you so that your lies won't seem truth. Always i've supported US drones if they kill terrorists(as i believe TTP is indian proxy) & i beleive there is understanding b/w US & Pakistan on it too(Your second part answere also lie in it).

Common sense Iran have no understanding with US, they are not our allies but Pakistan is.:usflag::pakistan:
That's the best of yours? Watch the post by "Harpoon" & i replied to that. What do you mean by troll? I'm American & Pakistani.

As for that Superjet, Russia should act as responsible country & don't start blaming US for their jet's technical failure, blaming doesn't suit's to a big responsible country like Russia, leave it for india.
And you were correcting some guys post before eh? and that is not called trolling?

So if you are an American and Pakistani you are absolved from being a troll? :woot:

Yesh about the Superjet, they should stop blaming, but the title is misleading.

You are again trolling by bringing India in between, irresistible is it?
His Join Date May 2010 while yr June 2010

He got 476 posts while you got 492

He ha been thanked 620 and you 212 Still you are calling him Kiddo and baby bla bla unfair |:S|

lol..there are members who got thousands of posts and thanks but they are BS king...welcome to PDF.. :lol: :lol:

anyway,there is nothing about india but he was trying to ignite some flame,got apt reply..like i gave him in another thread :lol: :lol:


Russia is unfairly accusing USA...why USA would subotage a jet airliner when they are the king in this sector???what russia is trying to do is damage control,nothing else.
I guess all those Russian jets that crashed over the years at airshows were because of US as well. :lol:
Russian plane are simply ****...there is saying
"when you point your finger at someone, there is 3 more fingers pointing back at yourself".
The gullibility in this thread that is common in other subjects involving US continues to amaze and entertain.
Nothing would surprise me anymore. I think my Govt. is capable of committing all kind of horrendous crimes.
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