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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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A Polish invasion of western Ukraine, thought to be a threat to Russia, might actually work in its favour. If Poland annexes western Ukraine, land it considers to be historically Polish, it will leave a surviving Ukraine so small and weak that it will pose a threat to no one.

This is the latest Russian propaganda nonsense.

Why Poland would need Western Ukraine with milions of Ukranians and a small polish minory? For Sports ? It`s relatively poor, it would require tons of Investmenets and would generate endless problems. It`s like Poland did not have any other Problems. Anyway the Ukrainians love Poland with the help we have provided.

It is not the 19 Century, you expand through economy, not by taking land. Russia is trying to solve it`s internal problem with expansion, which will lead to even bigger internal Problems.

The Western elites won't tell us (the masses) about why they were trying to squeeze the Russians. The root cause of this conflict between the West and Russia is about the preservation of the fiat money. The West wants to make sure that the Petro-Dollar remains the fiat money of the world. And that can only be done when Russia, which is major energy producer, and China, which is a major economic power, are contained. If you really look at the wars against Libya and Iraq and the sanctions against Iran are all based on preserving this Petro-Dollar financial system.

Sadly, the Ukrainians have a leadership that couldn't foresee how they've been setup as a canon fodder for a conflict that shouldn't have them engaged at all. And I would add Sweden should also remain neutral and stay clear from a conflict that doesn't concern them.
It`s Russia invading Ukraine, not a conflict between West and Russia, there is no second bottom to this.
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The right wing poles have pushed anti-russian sentiment too far. They had everything after integration into EU and NATO, but got arrogant lately.

If Russia takes control of most of southern Ukraine, the northern areas wont be handled with the same care. Unfortunately for Poland there will be mass exodus of polish speaking people from Ukraine and it will be a financial vurden on a Poland already cut from Gas.

This is a lesson for every country. Dont become areogant because youve recently had economic boom.

A lot of Eastern European countries got arrogant and over zealous handling relationship with Russia. Poles in particular didn't want to miss any opportunity to wipe America's *** and lead the charge to fight the bear.

Speaking about Zelinski:

We give Biden's spoiled child one last chance to stop following NATO orders and put his hand with Putin.

There is a very painful blow coming that will change everything and the West will not be able to protect him from our wrath.

We will not be generous again, for after that we will go to his shelter in Kyiv to speak to him directly.

Predator drone wont make much difference if used in attack role it would possibly be detected first by Tor type of systems because although advanced it is a large signature drone. If it carries extended range sdbs that is another issue. Another usage can be sar imaging Ru artillery positions in nearby regions like in Kherson , Melitopol or even Kharkiv depending on the range of the sar imaging sensor and not getting close to target areas to not to be taken down. Eastern Ukr soldiers dont have anything against Ru drones though. They are easy targets for drone atgms. Maybe older decomissioned soviet high alt aa guns like 100mm ks-19 have slight chance of targeting larger slow flying drones if they have a good optical targeting system.
A lot of Eastern European countries got arrogant and over zealous handling relationship with Russia. Poles in particular didn't want to miss any opportunity to wipe America's *** and lead the charge to fight the bear.
Nope, it is now more going in the direction of ignoring the bear.
The West including the US wants to sign a deal with Iran. Russia is the bigger threat. Iran can deliver gas to EU. Also, Venezuela.
Shocking how quick pariah states like Iran are seen as "okay". I doubt Iran will trust US after withdrawing from nuke agreement by Trump.
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