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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Apparently you missed the post that is right above yours. :)
It was kinda ridicolous. Not much Polish speaking people in Ukraine and economicaly will be fine. Russia is not so much important for Poland economically, this is not arogance, just facts.
It`s Russia invading Ukraine, not a conflict between West and Russia, there is no second bottom to this.

Reality of this conflict is different than what people are led to believe from their mainstream Western sources. If the West is not part of the conflict, why are they all arming and financing the war? They could've remained neutral. Why couldn't the West categorically stated Ukraine wouldn't be permitted to NATO?
It was kinda ridicolous. Not much Polish speaking people in Ukraine and economicaly will be fine. Russia is not so much important for Poland economically, this is not arogance, just facts.
Maybe it is payback time.


People still don't get it, unless the US is willing to give the Ukrainians F-16s, Abrams, Apaches etc, it won't make a meaningful difference on the ground. The Ukrainians have lost an equal number of troops and armour, but people here seem to be forgetting that, and those numbers hurt the Ukrainians more than the Russians. It's not Americans or Europeans dying by the tens of thousands, but Ukrainians. The US and West can keep on pumping billions into Ukraine.
Lol cry harder

Us and eu have 400 billion dollar of russian assets seize. They will just use those no big deal.
True! In that case, carry on. Russia will be weakened, but at the cost of Ukrainians.
Putler ask to get fucked and fall in to trap of usa. No one else to blame but him self.
Reality of this conflict is different than what people are led to believe from their mainstream Western sources. If the West is not part of the conflict, why are they all arming and financing the war? They could've remained neutral. Why couldn't the West categorically stated Ukraine wouldn't be permitted to NATO?

Sure, the conflict is completly different than what people are led to believe from their mainstream Western sources. The West is de facto more financing Russia, than Ukraine. EU is still buying Oil and Gas from Russia.

Why permit potential entrance of Ukraine to NATO? It was always stated it`s unlikely in the near future. Your definition of neutrality means, being on Russian side and having no interests in Ukraine.
Maybe it is payback time.


It was 80 years ago, you cannot build a prosperous future if your are stuck in the past. Reconciliation worked very well with Germany and will work well with Ukraine. It does not work well with Russia, as they never did anything wrong since 1939 ;)
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