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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I can’t speak Russian?
Mate I don’t have to justify myself to you. Many people on the forum knows I’ve been living in ukraine for over 6 years
@Kharap Foa @Bilal9

Ps. You can’t even type in Russian, why didn’t you reply to what I said? Go piss off somewhere else

I wrote that post in Russian using English Alphabets.

You can also go Piss off Somewhere else. This feeling is mutual.

Rublem placic nie beda :P

Yuan would do.:partay:
Tik Tok heroes. I can't wait to came across one of them to ask them how it was hanging out with Nazis.:rofl:
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Let us do the math here.

1. Russians have lost more (regular) troops and equipment in Ukraine in 4 weeks than Americans in several countries in 20 years.

2. Americans conducted military operations on a much bigger scale than Russia ever did. NATO fought and dismantled Al-Qaeda Networks and the sort in several countries. NATO also took over Iraq in a blitzkrieg and closed the chapter of Saddam Hussein and his political system. NATO closed the chapter of Qaddafi administration in Libya as well. The so-called War On Terror lasted 20 years and was concluded in 2021.

I admit that a modern war is NOT easy to fight but Indians and Russians have something in common - much talk but a lot less to show on the ground.

Russia can fight one war at a time and there are some countries which can defeat it in a conventional war - not many but some. Pakistan might be able to handle Russia in a conventional war as well.

USA is best equipped to fight a conventional war in the world and it is preparing to fight a nuclear war as well. USA is already capable of defeating a regional nuclear power in a war.

Cool. Thanks for cleaning up Middle East:hitwall:, unfortunately US and South America has many no go areas. Maybe use your conquering military to clean own backyard. Alot of vets are camped out in SF area, you could mobilise them😂
I don't

As I said, we can agree to disagree on how much rape or how systematic it was, but you cannot compare war rape unless you are comparing to historical figure, and with those, Russia/Soviet Union are probably leading the chart by a very large margin.

That's what the American say, WHO is influenced by the Chinese for not reporting COVID in a timely manner and even to a point hiding the true situation.

Also WHO is better and more non-biased toward either side than Ukrainian source or Russian source.

And finally, this is no longer the 19th century or 20th century, we have satellite image that are commercially available, it would not take a few click to go check out the building that was being bombed by Russian. Which mean evidence to show the actual bombing is not really something that is really hard to find. There are tons of photo of hospital being bomb and you can check the aftermath either on the ground (By people taking snap shot) or from Satellite image. If you don't believe what WHO said, you are more than free to check it out yourself.

And LOL white helmet and chemical weapon.

LOL your 'WHO influenced by the Chinese' not reporting Covid. Did you know WHO director wanted to play fair and investigated both the US labs and the Chinese? Trump waged the sanction weapons and cut off funding to WHO. The director almost immediately changed his stance. That's how US bullied other people. Expect justice from Americans? F No. You don't know shit.. and you should go away with your tail tugged.
I wrote that post in Russian using English Alphabets.

You can also go Piss off Somewhere else. This feeling is mutual.

Yuan would do.:partay:
используйте кириллицу в следующий раз, пидар

You wrote «у вас есть меню на руки»
What are you trying to imply by asking if I have a menu on my hand? Without context your question if I can call it that, is gibberish.
Stick to india or you’ll get thrashed by the polish border guards like your countrymen and women did at polish border 😂
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