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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I feel bad for Ukrainians. War is hell and I don't wish it on anyone. But in this world......might is right. Putin had his redlines and Zelensky crossed them. Ideology aside if he had more savvy he could have avoided the worse of what's going on.
So do you believe Afghanistan should have given up against both the Soviet Union and US? We had our red lines, too.
Absolutely stupid statement.

In what way does Putin compare to Hitler?


Do a little research into the events leading to this.

And stop sipping from the FALSE Western narrative Kool-Aid.

Or AT LEAST consider the viewpoints from the Russian side.

IMO, Putin took this action RELUCTANTLY.

But push came to shove.

There is nothing to discuss. We plaon and simply wont accept a facist russian war. There are core values...eavh country decides free what alliances it choses. Putin acts like Hitler did with Sudetenland, its exactly the same.
Nato did not soround Russia. Russia opressed all its countries around for decades. Ukraine is one of the nations that suffered most from russian agression. Nations join NATO to be secure by russian agression.

If Ukraine would have joined NATO in 2008, it would be save today.

And you know who decides Ukraines future? Ukrainains, not russians and certainly not we greeks.

The way the ukrainians give the russians hell shows they indeed play an important part for russian history, a massive defeat in russian history.

Slava Ukraine!

What you are saying is that the West didn't do the same as what Russia does today.

I think Russia is far more patient than the West, it waited for decades.

More talk rather than action.

What Russia does today, is what the West did for decades before.

Even 10 times more.

To say that what Russia does is wrong, it's good as long as the West does the same to themselves.

If the West can't blame themselves for their own action in the past (even a couple of months ago), it's useless to accuse Russia of wrongdoing.
First of all I am completely neutral.. You could say I am slightly leaning on the Ukraine-US side but that being said now.. Whatever you said doesn't hold a candle to the reality.

Putin has taken huge portion of Ukraine currently right now and militarily his doing better then some assume and their short-comings is overexaggerated. Yes they are meeting heroic Ukrainians who are willing to defend and fight for their country but the truth is always in the middle of both camps who have gone berserker rage by claiming high claims.

Hence Putin holds 35% of Ukraine today and when he came in he held less then 5% and that is 30% gain in 3 weeks that is not short-comings in the real conventional warfare but in fact an overperformance considering the foe his fighting, the armaments they have, their numbers etc etc. If you take everything into account the Russians on the ground has over-performed thus far but their momentum is slowing down and could be due to weather.

I think he will be able to reverse the sanctions as he will invade Finland post-Ukraine and use Sweden as bargaining chip to lift all of his sanctions

The goals posts with some of you keep changing on here. Your two day Putin war is now turning in to nearly a month of street to street fighting, it’s hard to swallow his army has so far lost 8% to 10% of its armour which you say has been a good advance by it go tell that to thousands of Russian mums who lost there kids in Putin war. You guys are to easily giving the thumps up to him real experts opinions is this war is a disaster, he can take 30% of Ukrainian so what, USA had whole of Afghanistan but gave it back to its original adversaries Taliban. Before you dream on taking nato, try defeating Ukrainian civilians first. Let’s look at your grand Russian army , its full of novice conscripts with no food or rations broken down equipment. No fuel or parts. This Russian army of 130,000 is not strong enough or good enough to control 44 million peoples and fight a nasty insurgency its going its way. And it’s not looking any better for Moscow on the other front. Totally boycotted from sports arts media music fashion no one is off the sanction list. And Are completely economically diplomatically socially blocked from the rest of the world trade. Sadly for Russians with expensive taste China cheap knock off eBay tatt is not a good substitute for there German french brands. Sanctions will never be reversed , you’ve only unified EU snd nato likes of Germany to build its army with others and importantly west is buying energy from the Gulf.

Sweden and Finland omg , why not invade USA to .
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What you are saying is that the West didn't do the same as what Russia does today.

I think Russia is far more patient than the West, it waited for decades.

More talk rather than action.

What Russia does today, is what the West did for decades before.

Even 10 times more.

To say that what Russia does is wrong, it's good as long as the West does the same to themselves.

If the West can't blame themselves for their own action in the past (even a couple of months ago), it's useless to accuse Russia of wrongdoing.

Empty gibberish since states dont work like this. Europe and NATO wont allow Russia to wage wars inside Europe. Its that simple. There is no guilt or any of this moralistisc bullshit.

Its exactly for that reason why Russias economy is crushed into the abyss and Ukraine pumped up with enough weapons to deliver a humilating defeat to Russia.

German media report Ukraine took Cherson back from Russians. Multiple russian helicopters destroyed on the airfield

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Not so easy, China has the impossible task neutralise USA navy first. any land invasion start or even a blockade of Taiwan
The PDF Chinese do not realize how much more critical the PLA is viewing Taiwan now. They deluded themselves by way of shiny toys, as in how many missiles and ships. But despite the evidence of Ukraine in front of their faces, they never consider the consequences to China of a Taiwan invasion.

Already, we know that once a mainland build up is evident, companies will start leaving China, ships will begin to divert away from the SCS and the strait, then once missiles started flying, all traffic thru the SCS will stop, no one will risk being hit by an errant missile, which WILL happen, or be mistaken for a warship and fired upon, which is always a chance to happen. Then the Chinese economy will decline.

Now we have the Ukraine resistance and this is where the PLA is more worried than before. The Iraqi and Afghanistan resistance were not as organized and less sophisticated in terms of weaponry, so new questions and uncertainties for the PLA are:
  1. How much will the US and allies support the Taiwanese?
  2. What if Taiwanese resistance is the same as the Ukrainian because the US and allies support Taiwan to the same degree as Ukraine?
  3. How much longer will be the pacification regime?
  4. How much more troops?
These are military questions, not counting the political questions that contains issues like sanctions by governments and withdrawal of business relationships by companies.
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The PDF Chinese do not realize how much more critical the PLA is viewing Taiwan now. They deluded themselves by way of shiny toys, as in how many missiles and ships. But despite the evidence of Ukraine in front of their faces, they never consider the consequences to China of a Taiwan invasion.

Already, we know that once a mainland build up is evident, companies will start leaving China, ships will begin to divert away from the SCS and the strait, then once missiles started flying, all traffic thru the SCS will stop, no one will risk being hit by an errant missile, which WILL happen, or be mistaken for a warship and fired upon, which is always a chance to happen. Then the Chinese economy will decline.

Now we have the Ukraine resistance and this is where the PLA is more worried than before. The Iraqi and Afghanistan resistance were not as organized and less sophisticated in terms of weaponry, so new questions and uncertainties for the PLA are:
  1. How much will the US and allies support the Taiwanese?
  2. What if Taiwanese resistance is the same as the Ukrainian because the US and allies support Taiwan to the same degree as Ukraine?
  3. How much longer will be the pacification regime?
  4. How much more troops?
These are military questions, not counting the political questions that contains issues like sanctions by governments and withdrawal of business relationships by companies.

China are to smart to go in now. They've spent years and billions improving relations worldwide. Russia spent months building up troops on the border, just a few miles away from Ukraine and are bogged down. China would need to amass a large force AND cross the Taiwan strait to invade. Ukriaine had only a short time time to learn nato weapons, Taiwan has had access and practice with them for many years. How long will USA fighters be able to fight an air war with China from the mainland are USA be coming from Guam. long way away ? , China will have bit of time until the huge usa naval power arrives
Let me guess what congressmen/Biden will say to Zelensky:

"more weapons for you, yeah! fight you henchmen [aka die for our goals]"

Then congress will shed crocodile tears for Ukrainians who are suffering as a result of their false promises and interference.

Lets see if my predictions come true in the morning. :angel:

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No, Ukraine fights to be free from russian dictatorship. Thats what you guys dont understand neither did Putin. Ukraine does not accept russia as occupation force.
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