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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It's not propaganda.

But that is the local story.

The West is trying to rewrite the history of their people, by claiming that foreigners know better than local people.

I think the West should give up fabricating stories around the world.

This Ukraine and Russia case is not just one.

I believe you probably believe 100% of the story told by your media because it's well-written.

But for local people who know better, it feels funny.

And it becomes annoying when suddenly strangers believe the fake story so much and try to impose it and claim they know better.

I have friends in Ukraine. One is a fossil collector who sells fish fossils. He fights and kills russians now. He obviously stands for his nation, not because stories but because Ukraine never again will allow russia to harm it
Russian propaganda? It's part of history.

You don't like Russians? Ok. You can't tell me that the majority of what is now Ukraine,was not Russian.

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I think that Lviv and should belong to Poland by the way.

Just ignore him.

Most of the West, especially Americans don't know where is the location of Ukraine on the world map.

Let alone believe they know better than the local people there.

But they insist that they know better.

And they don't know what the Ukraine-Russia war means to them.

We all are trying to save them, it's them who are trying to kill themselves.
Not totally true, we do know a lot about Ukraine or the geopolitics of that region, but you got one thing right, we cheer for anti US and Nato, actually we don't have much problem with any specific European countries, the only country we have problem with is US.


This Russia-Ukraine crisis will not happen if it's not because of USA.

Even most, if not all European don't want it to happen.

The relationship between Russia and the rest of Europe is fine until USA feels like he knows better about this part of the region than the local people.

If any European supports USA on this one, I can't imagine how stupid they are!

Poles don`t hate Russians! Russians as people are really okay I know some, but the russian imperial ideas are not. Katyn is one thing. Being in the easter block after WW2 and having a really bad economical system forced by the soviets for 45 years this is the real issue! Being again in the russian zone? NO! thank you! Better being in EU and at the east flank of NATO.

Anyway, NATO is a defence pact. It won`t interviene.

Defense pack?

But you are sending military forces to other countries?

You are not attacked, but you are attacking.
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The PDF Chinese talk carelessly about lobbing cross strait missiles at Taiwan and that will soften up Taiwanese defense enough to make it easy for the invasion. EW drones have been around for yrs. What if the US give Taiwan a sh!tload of EW drones? The drones can loiter long enough to disrupt missiles with radar sensors. But that is not all the drones can do.

The one critical thing about radar sensors is that whenever there is an interruption in target lock, if the radar reacquire a reflection signal, the radar computer need time to reprocess the new signal to correlate with the previous signals in memory, and that reprocessing time can be up to one second. The drones can cycle on/off their transmissions to further compound the (re)targeting process. That tactic is called 'blinking' and have been around for decades.

Blinking jamming is an effective countermeasure against monopulse radar seeker. It causes line-of-sight angle to step continuously between the two angular positions through jamming resources emitting by turns. The expression of angle noise in synchronous blinking jamming and the relationship between the parameter of jamming resource and Angle Noise are analyzed on the basis of the situation of line-of-sight angle position between missile and target. The relationship between the parameter of jamming resources and Angle Noise is important in application of blinking jamming.​

Airborne blinking is even worse. Given the short distance between mainland China and Taiwan, Taiwanese defense do not need one second. A few milliseconds could be just enough to make the missile failed even by just a few meters. Many hardened structures are robust enough to withstand concussions and shrapnel and will require direct hits to be destroyed or damaged. China must perform post strike battle damage assessments and the more Taiwanese defense assets survive especially after multiple salvos, the odds of delaying the invasion fleet increases, possibly even to cancelling the invasion itself. By the way, note the authors' names of the source above because I do not want to be accused of bias.

The PLA is not like the PDF Chinese members here. The PLA leadership are serious people. PLA generals are watching this war closely. How the Ukrainians uses drones will catch the PLA generals' eyes because it is not a matter if the Taiwanese defense is smart enough to use drones, but HOW the Taiwanese defense will use drones. And the Ukrainians are giving the Taiwanese plenty of ideas.
if the Taiwanese defense is smart enough to use drones, but HOW the Taiwanese defense will use drones. And the Ukrainians are giving the Taiwanese plenty of ideas.

The U.S. agreed to sell four MQ-9B SeaGuardian drones last year.

Here is what a good honest helper from Germany experienced at a military checkpoint in Ukraine: “It would be better for Ukraine if you died as a humanitarian aid worker. That gives bad press for Putin."

The reality of today's war.


Plz come and die for Ukraine, for the good news for Ukraine (and bad news to your family and friends).

The same with Syria as well at the time.

The rebel wants foreign aid workers and journalists to die, but the government is saving them.
The West is trying to rewrite the history of their people, by claiming that foreigners know better than local people.

I think the West should give up fabricating stories around the world.
Its propaganda both terms were created to name territories in ukraine ... Or let me corect myself in russian empire

The West is trying to rewrite the history of their people, by claiming that foreigners know better than local people.

I think the West should give up fabricating stories around the world.

This Ukraine and Russia case is not just one.
Nice russian propaganda ... clearly you dont know nothing about this region more then russians told you ...
I believe you probably believe 100% of the story told by your media because it's well-written.

But for local people who know better, it feels funny.

And it becomes annoying when suddenly strangers believe the fake story so much and try to impose it and claim they know better.
Funny going out from somone that is trowing nothing more then propaganda ...

I dont watch mainstream media for like 10 years already ...If i were watching and believing it i doubt i would be here...

And im not realy interest in talking with you after that 100%.
Members are advised to not discuss Taiwan in this thread.

When I remove off-topic posts then some members cry Wolf here.

Taiwan is only 36000 square kilometers, which is smaller than the two independent small republics in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine's 600000 square kilometers is 18 times the size of Taiwan.not as Russianhas less money to produce precision weapons, China has enough money. Dongfeng 15 missiles cost only US $450000, while $45 billion can produce 100000. Taiwan and Ukraine are completely different.
The other is that Taiwan currently has no sign of stepping on China's red line. 1.remove the constitution,Taiwan's current constitution is called the Republic of China, which still includes the whole of China.
2.Foreign troops are stationed openly. As long as Republic of China do not do these two,People's Republic of China will not attack Republic of China .
We can be %100 that Poutine and Xi received similar assessments from their generals about Ukraine. How Ukraine is weak in this, and that, and these...And so on...Then Xi gave Poutine orders to invade Ukraine. Now both leaders are shocked.
I wondered why putin did such idiotic decission and i guess isolation mixed with bootlickers
Nowhere close to that. He actually has rather logical reasons for invading Ukraine, but most of them boil down to "internal politics", "historically ingrained Russian paranoia" and "Europe trying to get independent of Russian gas".

I have an article about it scheduled for this Sunday on blog.
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