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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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LOL, You call this involvement? China also sells weapons to other countries, it's business, is Nato an arms sale company? You coward.

We dont sell it, they get it for free, evry day thousands of stingers.
Interesting tank battle that ends when the russian tank gets cooked by the ukrainians

That's not a tank. That's a BMP-2. It's an IFV. And from that distance it can't resist multiple shots from a 30mm gun. It must be a 30mm gun on the Ukrainian vehicle.
Nato has done good as much as people have negative thoughts on them. They forget it was nato nato stopped Serbian bloodshed in Bosnia and Kosovo:Albanians. Worst ethnic cleansing since Hitler, and saving the region from being destabilised by thousands of refugees.
If we start this conversation here again,we'll have a flame war. The idiocy of you people who blame the Americans and the West day and night and suddenly believe their propaganda when it comes to Bosnia and Kosovo....

Wake up. Izetbegovic and the Americans used the same tactics to fool the public opinion back then as they do now. They did it in Syria,they do it in Ukraine.

Tell me something,why is it ok for Kosovar Albanians to wage guerilla warfare and attack Serbian police and Army and then declare independence and be given their own country...and when the DNR and LNR declare independence,they are fought by the West? Talk about lies and double standards.
Another Mi-24 shot down

That russia still uses helicopters makes no sense. Its obvious those things are death traps with that amount of manpads around there
Another Mi-24 shot down

That russia still uses helicopters makes no sense. Its obvious those things are death traps with that amount of manpads around there
Only fools believe those propaganda, Nato has exhausted all their resources, begging could be the last resort they can turn to.
Putin is not orthodox either. He is a facist through and through.

On a sidenote if you would be orthodox you would know that patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria condemn Russias crimes against Ukraine and also distance from moscows position.
Fascism fascism! All I here is fascism! But blocking Russian media from Facebook,Twitter and other sites and allowing comments that are anti-Russian,even if they talk about violence against Russians,that's ok? That's not fascism? That's not hypocrisy?

Here,democrat. Enjoy your democracy.

If we start this conversation here again,we'll have a flame war. The idiocy of you people who blame the Americans and the West day and night and suddenly believe their propaganda when it comes to Bosnia and Kosovo....

Wake up. Izetbegovic and the Americans used the same tactics to fool the public opinion back then as they do now. They did it in Syria,they do it in Ukraine.

Tell me something,why is it ok for Kosovar Albanians to wage guerilla warfare and attack Serbian police and Army and then declare independence and be given their own country...and when the DNR and LNR declare independence,they are fought by the West? Talk about lies and double standards.

There are no lies and double standards, only interests. Fact is, Serbia interests nobody. Welcome to hard reality of diplomacy. I think you are much older than me, sad that i have to explain this to you.
LOL, You call this involvement? China also sells weapons to other countries, it's business, is Nato an arms sale company? You coward.
Yee we should join but don't blame us if some nukes or radioactive clouds go to china... Like wtf people think that a nuclear war between NATO russia does not have anything to do with them 😂 Like the radiation will stay in Europe Usa only ...

And russia is strong not as strong like we all where scared that they will roll over Europe in a week or two, but expect nukes they dont have anything impresive.
Now what Nato can do to stop Russians ? Nothing, bad mouthing and disinformation won't stop armies on the ground.

Yee we should join but don't blame us if some nukes or radioactive clouds go to china... Like wtf people think that a nuclear war between NATO russia does not have anything to do with them 😂 Like the radiation will stay in Europe Usa only ...

And russia is strong not as strong like we all where scared that they will roll over Europe in a week or two, but expect nukes they dont have anything impresive.
Thank you for admitting fear factor, which is hard to swallow by some guys here.
There are no lies and double standards, only interests. Fact is, Serbia interests nobody. Welcome to hard reality of diplomacy. I think you are much older than me, sad that i have to explain this to you.
Then stfu about "evil Russians" and "dictator Putin"? If you consider NATO to be a benevolent organization after the Cold War,then you're naive. If you are aware of what they've done to Serbia,Afghanistan,Iraq and Libya and you still love it,then what is wrong with you?
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