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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They'll stay, the EU can afford it, they have the liquidity to afford it. Russia does not, thus it can't.

Russia will survive, no one doubts that, but we may either see a change in leadership, or a purge in the military. Either way, things are not gonna be pretty for the Kremlin. I fully expect there to be riots within Russia, even if they are used to it.

Yeah we will see that. Right now things are not looking good for bigger economies.

OK, make your forecast for one year about Russia.

Do you see riots on streets and govt change in Kremlin till March 2023?
Russian oil companies have offered oil at 30% discount for India. Because of lack of SWIFT access, only way for India to pay them is by setting up a Rouble Rupee account. Now imagine the loss for these oil companies even if India takes their offer. :laugh:
Oil is not like a tap where you can close it to stop production at moments notice, it takes a while to reduce the production. And since its costlier to store than to produce. They are offering it cheap. Pakistan should fill up their strategic reserves as well. Its a great opportunity for Asians not so much for Europeans
The Russians are way overextending their lines, especially to the north, leaving their rears exposed, and logistics and fuel trucks obliterated.
I've said it before, the Russians simply don't have the man power to maintain an occupation of major cities. They can't afford to keep a large enough force in them to maintain order, because they need to move on to their next objectives, leaving behind a token force which will inevitably get crushed.

The Russians can take villages, due to the fact that the Ukrainians don't even seem to be trying to contest small villages. The Ukrainians know their major advantage is the cities, the terrain, and the fact that Russian forces are having to stretch their troops thin across the occupied territories. The more the Russians occupy, the worse the situation becomes for them.

The fact that the Ukrainians are on the defensive, yet have enough forces to match the Russians 1:1 is a huge blessing for them. They can spare troops to harass enemy lines, or even attempt retakes of occupied territory where Russian troops are thinning out.

It's funny how everyone went from sanctions won't do a thing, to saying the Russians will survive! If you're talking about mere survival, you're not in good shape.
Today's Russians are not the early 90s Russians, they're not Soviet era Russians, they're not tsarist era Russians, used to extreme poverty and a boot on their neck. Today's Russians know about Western culture, freedoms and, most importantly...Western luxury and way of life, abroad hollydays,smartphones and the Internet. Once you're used to that, there's no way to revert to a North Koreean, Soviet way of life
The Russians are way overextending their lines, especially to the north, leaving their rears exposed, and logistics and fuel trucks obliterated.

They are not overextending that much in the north, it's just they literally got stuck.

Their head of the spear been blunted, and the frontlines are now full of defunct units trying to regroup, while at the same time they get bombed by aviation, and artillery the moment they do it.

Russia is trying to resupply, and rearm a force which is on its last legs. No amount of supplies will help them now, but roads are now jammed with MTLBs with ammo, and fuel tankers because they themselves can't go anywhere.

Another point is that while their FOBs in Belarus are very close, the roads from them a very few.

If they will go off-road, they get into impassable bogs, and marshes.

They are trying to break the stalemate using their last Tochkas, and attack aircrafts.
The Russians are way overextending their lines, especially to the north, leaving their rears exposed, and logistics and fuel trucks obliterated.

Sounds like a colossal mistake to try to take Kiev or even threaten Kiev. Should have concentrated on eastern Ukraine and southern/coastal Ukraine and bargained to get neutrality from Ukraine.
If you had made any effort to research things up, you would've known that Russians also initially tried to blitzkrieg Grozni, and were crushed.

Only after that, did they resort to levelling the city, while their land forces were still there fighting
Uh Russia has a kill ratio advantage in every battle including first battle of Grozny. Try again.
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