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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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1 Pakistani Rupee equals 0.87 Russian Ruble, give it another week, and Russia might consider using PKR as a reserve currency, lol.
Russian oil companies have offered oil at 30% discount for India. Because of lack of SWIFT access, only way for India to pay them is by setting up a Rouble Rupee account. Now imagine the loss for these oil companies even if India takes their offer. :laugh:
There is a news in German media that Russian Embassy in Ireland was attacked.

Attacker drove a truck to the main gate of the embassy and broke through it. He was however over powered and arrested afterwards.

Well this is not good! Protection of embassies are job of the host nations!
Russian oil companies have offered oil at 30% discount for India. Because of lack of SWIFT access, only way for India to pay them is by setting up a Rouble Rupee account. Now imagine the loss for these oil companies even if India takes their offer. :laugh:
Good for india. india will be milking russia along with china.
Good for india. they will be milking russia along with china.
India may not take this deal because of International pressure. There is a reason that this commodity is given at a 30% discount. There is no such thing as free lunch :suicide:
India may not take this deal because of International pressure. There is a reason that this commodity is given at a 30% discount. There is no such thing as free lunch :suicide:
I will be surprised if india does not. india getting dirt cheap oil without even burning massive FX india has. Russian's will be paid in rupee lol.

putin better getting used to butter chicken :p:
The Ghost of Kiev killed them all.

17,000 anti tank weapons, and 2,000 Stingers delivered to Ukraine in the last week alone. As the Ukrainians say, Russia is not a strong army, there's just a lot of them to kill.
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How easy is to hit a stationary tank with a 122mm piece of artillery? I would not think its very easy.

To put this war into perspective. USSR invasion of Hungary in the 1950's took about 7 days. with very few casualties.

USSR invasion of Czeckoslovakia too 2 or so days and the lost a handful of troops. The main airport was taken within an hour before the war even started.

Crimea was taken without a shot being fired almost.

Did Putin really think this would go the same way? Could be. Did he think 200k troops could do the job, clearly he did.

Germany needed 3.5 million troops to take France and they only even conquered half of it. Ukraine is huge.

Could this be the biggest military blunder? could definitely be.

When I was on drills with my high school class, artillerymen showed they hit a mock tank target with a first hit just at the limit of naked eye sight 5-6 kms with type 83 towed howitzer.

Nowadays, all kinds of computerised gun sights would make it even easier.

The point is that a properly maintained gun is very accurate at below 10km, and is physically capable of bullseyeing tank sized targets just as well as modern tank guns can guarantee hit inside 1m diameter target at limit of their effective range because of fancy ballistic computers.
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