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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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In 90s there was a time when 1 US $ was traded like 50,000 Rubles.

Russia survived those times. This is nothing in comparison!

It's funny how everyone went from sanctions won't do a thing, to saying the Russians will survive! If you're talking about mere survival, you're not in good shape.
I will be surprised if india does not. india getting dirt cheap oil without even burning massive FX india has. Russian's will be paid in rupee lol.

putin better getting used to butter chicken :p:
Yes, Indian budget deficit is beyond control. So this may be very tempting for the government. We'll see what happens.

Russian logistics continue to get obliterated.
I bet they learned this from the US and UK, and how they would get ambushed in Afghanistan and especially Iraq.

Militants would either let the heavy tanks and IFVs roll by and attack the logistics support behind them, or they'd destroy the front and rear vehicles to create a kill box.
The Ghost of Kiev killed them all.
It is exaggeration but a Chechen mission failed:

Even Russians are admitting it.
Seeing how the Russians are struggling,they might reconsider their objectives. Occupying entire Ukraine seems now impossible. Russians even brought parade uniforms with them. "victory parade" will probably have to wait a bit.

The Russians are way overextending their lines, especially to the north, leaving their rears exposed, and logistics and fuel trucks obliterated.

It's funny how everyone went from sanctions won't do a thing, to saying the Russians will survive! If you're talking about mere survival, you're not in good shape.

Just putting things in perspective.

Russians are kinda used to have those harder times and can live with less. We cant say the same about spoiled brats elsewhere in the West.

And right now signs are not good. Diesel selling for 2 EUR a liter, Shell Germany just said that they will limit supplies to bigger players, meaning costs going even higher. Dont even start me about gas prices!

1 Billion $ are being paid by EU to Russia every single day for Gas. For the last 11 days, that would make like 11 billion. Heck, this alone is more than what Pakistan earns in a month?

The point is, there is absolutely no doubt in it that sanctions are gonna bite Russia hard. I have never seen this amount of sanctions on any other country in my lifetime. But you can not destroy economy of country of Russia's size without hurting yourself deeply.

Right now German auto industry is in crisis due to lack of raw materials coming from Russia and do you have any idea what kind of influence German auto industry has on German politics? Well stay tuned. Germany not allowing Ukraine into EU or opposing NATO membership is just the beginning.

Bottom line: These sanctions on Russia can not stay for a longer period of time. This is my personal forecast, :- )
Just putting things in perspective.

Russians are kinda used to have those harder times and can live with less. We cant say the same about spoiled brats elsewhere in the West.

And right now signs are not good. Diesel selling for 2 EUR a liter, Shell Germany just said that they will limit supplies to bigger players, meaning costs going even higher. Dont even start me about gas prices!

1 Billion $ are being paid by EU to Russia every single day for Gas. For the last 11 days, that would make like 11 billion. Heck, this alone is more than what Pakistan earns in a month?

The point is, there is absolutely no doubt in it that sanctions are gonna bite Russia hard. I have never seen this amount of sanctions on any other country in my lifetime. But you can not destroy economy of country of Russia's size without hurting yourself deeply.

Right now German auto industry is in crisis due to lack of raw materials coming from Russia and do you have any idea what kind of influence German auto industry has on German politics? Well stay tuned. Germany not allowing Ukraine into EU or opposing NATO membership is just the beginning.

Bottom line: These sanctions on Russia can not stay for a longer period of time. This is my personal forecast, :- )
They'll stay, the EU can afford it, they have the liquidity to afford it. Russia does not, thus it can't.

Russia will survive, no one doubts that, but we may either see a change in leadership, or a purge in the military. Either way, things are not gonna be pretty for the Kremlin. I fully expect there to be riots within Russia, even if they are used to it.
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