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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Again take it with a grain of salt. Considering how both sides are claiming to have destroyed vehicles belonging to one another, but it turns out it was their own (such as the 2 T80BV tanks that were allegedly captured by Ukriane, but were actually Ukrainian from the get go)
There might be cases of visual misidentification but WE should not handwave an entire source due to such cases.

If you notice a mistake in published records, you can convey it to the relevant source:

Important maps to consider when we speculate on people support for Ukrainian vs Russian side


Vote share of united pro-russian opposition bloc in 2014


Interesting to see that the pro-Russian opposition bloc vote share roughly matches with Russian ethnic population in the east. If these people want to move into Russia, then a proportional partition with population transfer is not unjustified. With that settled, Ukraine should be allowed to join whatever bloc that they want to :cheers:
And why should WE take it all with a grain of salt?

There can be cases of visual misidentification but WE cannot handwave sources like this.
Why should we? Because the fog of war hasnt disappeared yet? Perhaps thats why? As with any war you take ALL claims with a grain of salt. NK2020 war showed everyone why they should. Armenian propaganda is similar to that of Ukraines, with the absurd claims. But as we all saw, Armenia was torn apart by those Azerbaijani drones, and they ultimately lost the war.
Why should we? Because the fog of war hasnt disappeared yet? Perhaps thats why? As with any war you take ALL claims with a grain of salt. NK2020 war showed everyone why they should. Armenian propaganda is similar to that of Ukraines, with the absurd claims. But as we all saw, Armenia was torn apart by those Azerbaijani drones, and they ultimately lost the war.
I am sorry but WE cannot take all manner of information with a grain of salt as per your suggestion. I did not post Ukrainian statistics of Russian losses in war for your consumption. I understand that Ukraine will exaggerate Russian losses in its books while Russians will try to downplay them.

The source in question is neutral (Turkish) and it is providing visual confirmation of equipment losses of both Russia and Ukraine in war. This is the best it it can get. WE should respect well-researched and/or informative works.

Every source is NOT propaganda source. Do not be too paranoid or dismissive.

Why the concern hasn't Russia lost a gazillion tanks and 1.2 gazillion trucks? Their convoy is stalled only 1 major city has been captured...

Please feel free to add to the cope list.
Important maps to consider when we speculate on people support for Ukrainian vs Russian side

View attachment 821682

Vote share of united pro-russian opposition bloc in 2014

View attachment 821683

Interesting to see that the pro-Russian opposition bloc vote share roughly matches with Russian ethnic population in the east. If these people want to move into Russia, then a proportional partition with population transfer is not unjustified. With that settled, Ukraine should be allowed to join whatever bloc that they want to :cheers:

I noticed people who speak Russian in Ukraine, will identify as Ukrainian. Soo ethnicity is Fluid like gender😉
I noticed people who speak Russian in Ukraine, will identify as Ukrainian. Soo ethnicity is Fluid like gender😉
There are ethnic Russians in my social circle who are of Ukrainian nationality. They used to be very pro Putin before the start of the war and do not want their country to join EU. Strangely, they chose to immigrate to the west and even tried to bring their reluctant family members over here . :undecided: Having said that, Ukrainians from Kyiv are unambiguously pro EU.

The difference in their preference for geopolitical alignment is stark and real. Soviet Union did a number on these people :laugh:. Stalin forcibly moved Russians into Ukraine as part of the SU's integration strategy. This was a timebomb set in the region.
Azov is holding children and women hostage inside Mariupol.. Because they don't want the city to fall hence they are keeping them hostage inside the siege.

DPR troops ordered the Armed Forces of Ukraine to release women and children from Mariupol
Lol, wasn't this the same source that claimed the Ukrainians were planning to blow up a nuclear plant, and launch a bioweapon?


Is it possible to implement a ban on certain sources that are known fake news hubs?

This is propaganda.. The evacuation route is not mined or atleast not by the Russians but Azov don't want the civilians to exit in order to cling on the city so that it doesn't get flatlined hence they are coming up with all this ridiculous narratives..

🤣 🤣 🤣

Saying something is propaganda, while spouting propaganda! You can make this stuff up!!!
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