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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There are rumors of 11 Russian transport ships with a battalion each to join the war effort and Belarussian paratroopers but take this with a Spoon full of salt as credibility is almost non existent.

Their doctrine is also based on Tactical nukes, hence their operational tactics, training and so on. I firmly believe that the Russians have not barraged to their fullest capacity (as mentioned).
This lack of arty support should've been compensated for by use of Airforce, but even that is not being done. The air is still contested. I don't know why russians are reluctant to employ their airforce and the small number of RuAF being used is hampered by the lack of AEWACs. Due to this Russian ground forces are being forced to fight set piece battles.
The major reason why Russian invasion is failing is because of the lack of artillery support. The whole Russian land nased operations revolves around attrition to enemy by arty and preservation of own forces.

Failing? It’s only a mere 4 days. Let's break it down a little bit

USA took 300.000 soldiers to Iraq-- a country considerably smaller than Ukraine, and not nearly as densely populated. It took the US 3 weeks to take Iraq. Iraq was getting 0 outside support and had no intelligence capability nor was Iraq being fed intelligence around the clock.

Ukraine, by contrast, has full intel around the clock from the entire NATO, is armed and is still being armed by NATO, is very densely populated, much larger and Russia has only about 30-40k troops inside of Ukraine at the moment. Russia is moving quickly, while doing an outstanding job at avoiding civilian casualties in an invasion of a country this large and majority of Ukraine's forces using cities as strategic assets. From a military perspective, Russia is still employing a minimum of its capability in terms of manpower & especially, firepower. Russia is using very simple weaponry & used nothing it has developed in the last 20 years -- except Kalibr. No evidence of combat drones, loitering munitions, hypersonic missiles, EW, or widespread airstrikes. This is a fraction of what RUS uses in Syria Casualties, a realistic estimate which is still likely inflated if considered for Russian forces on their own -- is from the British MOD, which estimates 400 Russian losses. This is likely accurate IF combined with forces from LPR and DPR.

The most contrasting thing is this: the US was not worried about civilian casualties, they were simply collateral-- and it still took them 3 weeks. Casulties: This is from 2008, number is much higher these days Russia's invasion of Ukraine has only just started, and that is in context of timeline -- and also capability employed. Russia is moving much faster through densely populated land, with 7x less manpower being used.

And yet we are failing?
Well that’s what happens when you don’t control the info sphere.
well honestly due to this new world order no one can except the west. the western colonial powers have made sure of it. the zionists control every aspect of our lives.
This lack of arty support should've been compensated for by use of Airforce, but even that is not being done. The air is still contested. I don't know why russians are reluctant to employ their airforce and the small number of RuAF being used is hampered by the lack of AEWACs. Due to this Russian ground forces are being forced to fight set piece battles.
This has also baffled me, I was expecting a complex set of attacks but instead frog foots are spraying here and there. Putin has seriously miscalculated or his military advisors have stood him up, even though I am glad that the Ruaf has not been used to its full extent and human life should be protected but I am certainly curious as to why this Invasion/war is being fought the way it is.
This has also baffled me, I was expecting a complex set of attacks but instead frog foots are spraying here and there. Putin has seriously miscalculated or his military advisors have stood him up, even though I am glad that the Ruaf has not been used to its full extent and human life should be protected but I am certainly curious as to why this Invasion/war is being fought the way it is.

Civilian casualties
well honestly due to this new world order no one can except the west. the western colonial powers have made sure of it. the zionists control every aspect of our lives.
Just go off the grid and live like good old Bert Gummer. 🙂

Have left Belarus? are u okay?
I’m only posting what is sent to me (forwarded as received) perhaps reading is difficult for you.
If that was the case Russia wouldn't have sent in an army of 200K + to invade Ukraine and blast them with cruise missiles , thermobarbaric bombs etc-"I sincerely think Putin thought all these people will just drop their arms and go home when he tell them to. "
You should think of it the other way around.

If Putin want war, and no mercy, why not send in the entire might of the reserve force? 200,000 men is peanut to them.

Don't forget the tradition Soviet Doctrine Russia is using is mass their armor and roll them over with numeric superiority, this was NOT done in this case, but rather they make a more "American" approach on the issue.

And if you have listen to Putin Casus Belli. It's quite obvious from the get go he is going after the regime, that's why he split his force and taken 3 Strategic objective at once, those 3 prong are surgical, they aren't there to fight a conventional war.
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