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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I read a few days back there were some suggestions and evidence that China is turning against Russia with certain moves. These were I think twitter posts. Does anyone remember them or have those links?

Trying to work out what is real and propaganda.
At the meeting in Turkey, the Ukrainian side offered to arrange a meeting between Putin and Zelensky. The way to the meeting can be opened.

— Russia | Kremlin

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: The meeting showed that there is nothing to replace the negotiations
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Those who want a Russian expert to explain their strategy please read the following article. He says things like:

—They’re not surrounding cities completely on purpose to allow civilians to escape.

—They’re going to kill all the neo-Nazis. No prisoners.

—They’re going to kill the foreign mercenaries.

—Putin has ordered a harder line with regard to civilian deaths. The gloves are off.

The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine​

This was a good read. Thanks for sharing.
Russia is no longer going to participate in the Council of Europe - Russian Foreign Ministry.

Russia is returning to Cold War levels of diplomatic relations with Europe and the US.
This is worst than cold war, in the cold war USA had some respect for Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine.

Remember 1968 Prague Spring and how all West remain silent about that, and compare it to now.

Anyone would say MAD doctrine doesnt exists anymore, at least USA acts like if they could win a nuclear war against Russia.

USA and Turkey have no business in being "guarantors" of Ukraine in this conflict. Russia is right in rejecting it. This conflict is for securing Russia's security and expelling Nazis. I don't see why Zelensky will have objection specially to the latter. And if Zelensky will not accept to those demands then the sufferings of the Ukranians is on him. He may not mind being the puppet of NATO but what about he people his forces are holding hostage, not allowing to leave the cities and placing artillery and rocketry in civilian areas ?
Anyone would say MAD doctrine doesnt exists anymore, at least USA acts like if they could win a nuclear war against Russia.

Because they can. If we believe that Russian maximum launch capacity is 1000 warheads in the best hypothetically possible scenario. It's not a lot for US alone, and if you take the whole of NATO, it's near nothing.

Remember, Russian missiles are targeted on US, some on China, some on Europe. Russian missiles in the far east can't target Europe, and their missiles in Europe can't reach most of USA besides Alaska. 550 of Russian warheads are 2nd strike only: submarines, and road mobile. They will out themselves when they stop to erect the TEL, or raise to the surface and wait for the launch command.

At most, 450 warheads will be heading for North America, and Europe, with 3:1 split, if they don't want to save anything as a reserve.
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You must be getting paid by the post. Because only a person trying to cope would be spamming the forum with random
spaaaaaaam of tweets. but ignore all the maps and the situation on the ground.. all to try and paint the western media narrative with absolutely 0 evidence.

talk about coping. Or getting paid to spread propaganda..... one of the 2
Of course he is getting paid. He is a poor Indonesian living on a poor island and working from home, making money by cheerleading for america. His other work is making fish traps so dont expect any intellectual debate, its why he avoids debating, just troll replies.
I recommend everyone to read the book «Antifragilty» written by author Nicholas Taleb.
Its a profound book and yet so intuitive concept.

Basically there are systems in nature that are fragile, robust and third category: Antifragile, which are things, beings, systems, that not only survives during stress but in fact it THRIVES during stress. So much that if you remove stressors then a Antifragile system will simply become weak and fragile and dissolve. Antifragile systems MUST HAVE chaos and stress experiences in order to thrive.

Think about it; the human body and mind is essentialy a antifragile system. It only gets stronger by experiencing challenges. When a man get luxurious and lazy life, he simply becomes soft and weak.

This is what i believe Russian leadership, especially Putin have understood. He simply is letting Russia feel pain and scorn, so that Russia learns to manage and weather it, making it stronger and more independent.

At this point, you are just shooting in the dark in an attempt to explain why Putin took this initiative. I don't think he has anything to do with "strengthening" the people of Russia. Rather, he wants the opposite; a population disconnected and unaware of the West.
If Putin was so adamant about strengthening Russia, why is the conventional military arm of the Russian forces in such a bad condition? To a point, where is has become a joke, and Western nations are scratching their heads trying to understand the complete collapse of their forces.

I think that the George Orwell's Animal Farm is much more applicable to the Russian oligarchs and the Putin himself, rather than the book you recommend. Imagine Putin, his esteemed generals, and the Russian oligarch billionaires sitting in a meeting:

This is worst than cold war, in the cold war USA had some respect for Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine.

Remember 1968 Prague Spring and how all West remain silent about that, and compare it to now.

Anyone would say MAD doctrine doesnt exists anymore, at least USA acts like if they could win a nuclear war against Russia.

USA will believe that he is going to win the nuclear war.

Because without it, there will be no nuclear war.
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