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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Seeing several reports that Russian soldiers are getting slaughtered to the northwest of Kiev and they have little will to fight and push forward.
Seeing several reports that Russian soldiers are getting slaughtered to the northwest of Kiev and they have little will to fight and push forward.
In the end all that matters is the strategic outcome. A few thousand soldiers dead and a few hundred vehicles destroyed is not significant to the Russians. The Ukrainians are suffering far worse then the Russians. They will be forced to settle in the next few days or weeks,IMO.
there is 1.5 milion of them. Greece is 10 million and in NATO. Why would you worry about stuff like that?
No we don't worry about them militarily. They even have problems with the Albanians in their country,you know it.
The problem is that they do propaganda worldwide claiming Greek history,names and historical figures and millions of people around the world that have no idea about Macedonia,believe them.

Even the Bulgarians are angry,because they claim Bulgarian history now too.

Some hilarious videos for you:

Good. Stay neutral but be a part of a military alliance? hmmm interesting
We used to be neutral between the Americans and Russia all these years. But now the government wants to get influence with NATO and the EU.

d. if the people dont like government action they can vote for a new one and leave NATO. just to see how that goes. and compare.
The problem is...if we leave NATO,Turkey is waiting for us. Plus the Americans and the Western Europeans wouldn't just let us leave NATO like that. The Communists and all kinds of leftists have been nagging about Greece leaving NATO for decades.
Sounds like the Ukrainians are trying to find and end to war by offering concessions to the Russians. Zelensky is offering the Russians items he could have offered before the war. West wants to show him as a hero, but from a neutral perspective he was an idiot.
What if Poutine refuse the offer?

If NATO membership was truly the only assurance Poutine wanted, that mean a declaration of neutrality would immediately compel Russia to lose, right? But what if Poutine refuse?
Those idiots really can’t learn. This conflict was clearly provoked by their stupidity in violating Russia’s red lines. If they keep moving in the same direction Russia will just double down on the attacks. Ukraine wouldn’t be in this mess if it had accepted neutrality to be a buffer state. Atleast then they could’ve ripped off both Russia and the West to enrich their corrupt elite.

Russia demanding Ukraine ceases its military action??? It's Russia's military action that caused Ukraine's military re-action, so it should be Russia that stops killing innocent men, women and children, and withdraw its forces from Ukraine before there's any consideration of peace. Hardly logical a weaker state like Ukraine is going to start a war with Russia when nato membership has been declined to them. How is Ukraine a buffer zone to west when Russia borders nato Baltic’s states , fck sake I got in trouble last week with a mod I’m going to quit now
In the end all that matters is the strategic outcome. A few thousand soldiers dead and a few hundred vehicles destroyed is not significant to the Russians. The Ukrainians are suffering far worse then the Russians. They will be forced to settle in the next few days or weeks.

Strategically Russia is already defeated, with almost no upside for Putin. Destroyed Ukrainian cities is not a victory for Putin. The Russian military has been humiliated, the Russian economy is cratering, and Russia is being treated as a pariah state by the international community.

Russia has already lost.
In the end war is about getting a political settlement in your favor. Russia can still get this in Ukraine. Russia has suffered economic consequences. But, based on history they will probably overcome this in time, especially if oil is over $100 a barrel. They cannot be completely isolated as long as they have hard assets to trade.
Russia has now surrounded all major cities and is giving Ukraine time to surrender. Otherwise Russian artillery will turn them to ashes like in Syria or Chechnya. Russian patience is not forever tho, if no quick surrender, Russia will level the city, take it forever. Game over.
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