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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It's only the second shipment to Kharkiv I managed to count.

They really need more crack troops, and APCs to scout, and clear softer Russian forces like artillery around the city.

It's a blessing though that most Russian armour just decided to bypass Kharkiv, and went deeper into the country, while not doing anything. They will be basically just guzzling diesel, and losing heavy armour to breakdowns, and mud in the middle of nowhere for the next 2-3 days, while trying to reach Kiyv from the East.

Russians now having to transport their troops in garbage trucks in some regions.

Russians now having to transport their troops in garbage trucks in some regions.

Yes, Russia lost so much armour, but they will unlikely go into bum rush offensive across open country again, and not give Ukraine another opportunity to use its ATGM advantage.

But if they will, Ukrainians need to seize it, and deploy inlaws behind every bush, and tree on the axis of Russian offensive.

Russian army's decision to integrate low value draftees into their regulars backfired massively.
Forget the Ukraine Russia conflict for a moment. What I have enjoyed most is the hypocritical US/Western outrage against Pakistan for remaining neutral. At times it felt like the Americans and Europeans want to blame Pakistan for the entire fiasco. Just have a look at the insane amount of coverage given to Pakistan:

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The Russian general that was killed today was near the Russian border and had to use the an unencrypted phone. The ukranian forces triangulated his position and killed him with a precise stand off weapon.

The FSB guy with him contacted his commanders in Tula and that conversation was also intercepted and will be published at some point.

So thats clearly not a capability that Ukraine has.
The Russian general that was killed today was near the Russian border and had to use the an unencrypted phone. The ukranian forces triangulated his position and killed him with a precise stand off weapon.

The FSB guy with him contacted his commanders in Tula and that conversation was also intercepted and will be published at some point.

So thats clearly not a capability that Ukraine has.

Its an open secret that the US is attacking Russian networks and intercepting their comms and passing that info to the Ukrainians.
The Russian general that was killed today was near the Russian border and had to use the an unencrypted phone. The ukranian forces triangulated his position and killed him with a precise stand off weapon.

The FSB guy with him contacted his commanders in Tula and that conversation was also intercepted and will be published at some point.

So thats clearly not a capability that Ukraine has.

Ukrainians were getting phone intercepts in the 2014 war.

In the first days of war, they were already going after Russian comms very purposefully on scale bigger than any kind of "tipoff" action can.

Radio direction finding is not a rocket science, but what every self-respecting army had since sixties/seventies.

In fact, enemy commanders subject themselves to a greater danger by using encrypted communications, because frequencies they use instantly out them.

The enemy sees "hey look, somebody has a fancy encrypted radio here, it must be somebody big!" This is why Russian use of unencrypted radios along with encrypted is such a tragedy. Anybody using encrypted transmission is instantly being suspected of being a member of the command chain, and gets few arty rounds coming in his direction.
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Ukrainians were getting phone intercepts in the 2014 war.

In the first days of war, they were already going after Russian comms very purposefully on scale bigger than any kind of "tipoff" can.
Yeah, they were also told of the exact day of the invasion. On CNN by Biden himself.

How easily could the Russians reverse engineer the javelin once they have some samples?

The enemy sees "hey look, somebody has a fancy encrypted radio here, it must be somebody big!" This is why Russian use of unencrypted radios along with encrypted is such a tragedy. Anybody using encrypted transmission instantly recognised as s member of the command chain, and killed.
Well it means that the Americans have the ability to recognise the voice of the person on an unencrypted line out of al the 10's of thousands of call being made at the same time. Pretty impressive.
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How easily could the Russians reverse engineer the javelin once they have some samples?

Even if they will do, how they will make them?

Javelin is not some kind of secret bomber. If Russians wanted to get hands on few samples, they would've already done that with ease.
Forget the Ukraine Russia conflict for a moment. What I have enjoyed most is the hypocritical US/Western outrage against Pakistan for remaining neutral. At times it felt like the Americans and Europeans want to blame Pakistan for the entire fiasco. Just have a look at the insane amount of coverage given to Pakistan:

We would have condemned Russia, if they had condemned, imposed sanctions and cut trade ties with India when they abrogated article 370. Now we would just stay neutral, have them both sit on negotiation table if we can and strive for peace.

Imran Khan snubbed and brushed them off already, when they wanted us to Condemn Russia. "Are we your slaves?" - PM Imran Khan
Its an open secret that the US is attacking Russian networks and intercepting their comms and passing that info to the Ukrainians.

Everyone knows that Russia is fighting the entire West and for years in Ukraine. And that makes the conflict much more dangerous! A seemingly defeated Russia likely to throw in everything into Ukraine and the foreign suppliers when they are inside Ukraine. Possibly some massive bombs and even tactical nukes could be used. Russia has already made accusations of chemical and/or biological weapons factory inside Ukraine; they could use that as an excuse to really cross some boundaries in a do or die situation.

We should not rule out anything once some thresholds are reached. If a Russian victory would be bad for Ukraine then a Russian loss would be bad for not just Ukraine but for a much wider region!
We would have condemned Russia, if they had condemned, imposed sanctions and cut trade ties with India when they abrogated article 370. Now we would just stay neutral, have them both sit on negotiation table if we can and strive for peace.

Imran Khan snubbed and brushed them off already, when they wanted us to Condemn Russia. "Are we your slaves?" - PM Imran Khan

We made the mistake of choosing the US over Russia during Liaquat Ali Khan's days. The country paid in blood and never recovered. Finally we have some neutrality and the entire Western diplomatic bandwagon again wants to derail the new development. Imran Khan did exactly the right thing. He should do it all over again if the situation demands it.
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