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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They want to join the EU pact and ditch NATO because of only 1 real reason : they sense NATO is hollowed out and too big to fight succesfully and effectively, maybe loss in Afghanistan plus this Ukraine situation is really hitting home to NATO members the true reality- they also probably realize US is the main party in it, and wont fight anyone until it fights China, which shows a divergence of priorities within NATO. UK has made outside-NATO alliances, recently with Poland and Ukraine.

Putin knows he wouldn't stand a chance against NATO and has said as much. It's also why he's telling them to keep out on the threat of nuclear destruction.
I feel sorry for the people supporting the West in this conflict. They think that they're being very patriotic, when in reality their rulers are wrecking their own countries.

The West spent 20+ years killing Muslim on false pretexts (9/11, Iraqi nukes etc.). The price they paid was over $10 trillion in costs, thousands of their people killed, damage to their reputation and worst of all, it gave China time to become the biggest economy in the world.

What did the West gain from the war on Islam? Zero, cero, null.

Nearly 40% of Americans can’t last a month on savings if they lose their job. Tens of millions don't have health care. The only people who gained were the weapons manufacturers and Israel. The elites are rolling in money while the sheep are barely surviving. People don't seem to know or care that their rulers are 100% controlled by Israel and all policies are made with the interest of Israel in mind.

Again, we see the same thing happening. Russia could have been an ally but their greatest sin was supporting Syria and Iran and not letting the Zionist elites loot them. So there is war and Russia has to be crushed. The average person is the West will be the one cheering the campaign against Russia, dying in wars, being impoverished by inflation, and becoming homeless if they lose their job.

This is an Alice in Wonderland world. Up is down, good is bad.

Agreed 100%. The average person is dumb that's why it is easy for the elites to fool everyone over and over. The propaganda machine here is way too strong.
A 3 star general? How in the world?
If this is true then it just goes to show all is not well if they can’t even muster enough force protection to safeguard senior officers.

It also shows the Ukrainians are definitely getting help from secrets men from various three letter agencies and support from foreign SF types acting as advisors.

Re loss of a general in active combat zone, happens- I myself lost a family member who was a 2 star general during the fighting with the Taliban in SWAT province, Pakistan.
And then he would be the recipient of nuclear destruction

Putin is many things, but he's not dumb or suicidal.
Well, but Russia has the largest land territory in the world. Even larger than the whole European minus Russia. In a nuclear exchange against Europe, They can manage to engulf the whole Europe with Nuclear radiation before NATO can reach every metre's of Russian land. So in a nuclear war, European will be extinct first before Russian.
And then he would be the recipient of nuclear destruction

Putin is many things, but he's not dumb or suicidal.
Well that's easy to find out, just call his bluff and liberate UA.
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