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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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the military is gonna go through a purge of sorts.
Heck yes.... This is a learning curve not only for the Russians but also all audience and decision makers in the top brass around the world... We will see doctrine changes....
Other " side effects " of the war maybe reverse engineering of equipment from both sides... Especially NLAWs and Javelins.... And the Russians won't be so merciful to the Europeans and Nato in there next venture as well...
seems ppl dont understand basic economic fundamentals how west will make Russia a bankrupt country which will soon default and will be the like of Venezuela or north Koreans.

they really need to understand why london and ny handle trillions daily. how bond market work...how corporate world works...and importance of access to liquidity and foreign currency. its just waste of time lecturing these ppl
troll post since you didnt address any of the argued points.
  • Haha
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Comrade Putler is not happy with Twitter. Multiple people reporting that they are unable to see threads or replies to threads.

Also shows reports on down detector.
So you are saying that there is no war in Ukraine.

Dont think for a moment that you can put words into my mouth, ;-)

It is about how Anglo-Saxon propaganda machinery adds fuel to the fire and instigates wars around the world.
Absolutely. All that Russian military kit may look mightily impressive in military parades, but a lot of it isn't very effective in modern combat, e.g. the predominant T-72 battle tank that is vulnerable to an ti tank missiles of which Ukraine has a large supply. The helicopters are perfect targets for Stin ger rock ets (the Russians hate them since the disastrous Afghanistan war in the 80s) and so on. So yes, Russia has the stronger military and would very likely win a conventional war on the open battle field. But war is never really like that in reality. Hence, the Russian advantage may not be as strong in reality as many believe
inflation will impact not just US but everyone as well.

Expect 1970s type of condition. High inflation and low growth. bad for everyone.

For everyone?

Some are gonna make shyt load of money out of it, :- )

Top Diplomats From Ukraine And Russia Agree To Meet As The Kremlin Tweaks Its Demands​

The twelfth day of the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine has been marked by new diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, as well as continued fighting on multiple fronts. This comes as Ukrainian forces continue to put up a spirited defense of their country, inflicting significant losses on their Russian opponents in terms of personnel and materiel, both in the air and on the ground. Readers can bring themselves up to speed on the current state of the war in our preceding rolling coverage here.

China is seeing what the west does. Unites to destroy nations economically. China knows its next.

One thing is for sure.

Pakistan needs to dictionary the doctrine of focusing on tanks and move to drones.
Light agile fast and effective in destroying armour.

Spend little on tanks and lot on drones

Why do they all want yo fight the Russians...
If the capture any volunteers....if I was Russian I would castrate them and let them live. This is not a joke
And active protection systems for the VT-4s, Al-khalids and T80UDs...
History tells russians have always had tremendous losses in war but eventually they overwhelm the enemy. Its also true that offensive can have greater losses than defenders and still win. Here I think just like ww2 the russians are slowly gonna throw better and greater punch until ukraine wears out.
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