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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That's...that's not how war strategies work. You don't give up cities without a fight, unless you plan to take them back.

But hey, you know what else could have avoided this entire situation? The Russians not invading. Lol

Well, Ukrainian NAZIs should've stopped attacking the people of Donbass and Luhansk in Eastern Ukraine. They should've also stopped flirting with NATO and putting Russian security at risk. And they should've stopped banning Russian language in Ukrainian government offices even though they have huge Russian citizens in Eastern Ukraine. The root causes of this conflict go at the feet of Zelensky and his fellow NAZI backers.
When did that happen?

Ok I stand corrected, I mixed, should have been 10$ and not 1$ against 50K or so Rubles. But it was still pretty bad. There were even bank notes in 500,000 Ruble denomination lol.

"Survival is not the point - countries like Somalia also exist."

Ok where do you want to start:

1) Russia produces everything which she needs - Food, Raw Materials, Oil, Gas in abundance
2) China can fill the gap for technology related imports
3) Russia even now, under the worst sanctions, getting 1 billion $ dollars a day (!) from those very same countries which have put sanctions on her
4) Russia and China have a massive Gas export deal
5) German car industry is completely dependent on Russian raw material
6) Russia sits on some of the largest reserves of gold
7) Russia is a major military power
8) Russia has stuff which world needs and she will find customers with innovative ways of payment

It is not mere survival, it is living like a middle income country. Do you expect given all the above factors Russia will collapse? Well my friend you are in for a big surprise. Stay tuned. I will ask you after a year or 2 when Russian Oligarch boats again start sailing to forbidden ports.

If anything, by cutting off Russia from SWIFT, US has shoot herself in the foot. Even for a non economist like me it is obvious that it will put US Dollar as a reserve currency of the world under huge pressure.
@LeGenD : I am wondering if it is ok to deliberately misspell the country leader in insulting ways? Not that it bothers me, but it would be nice to have clarity, :- )
It's a world leader, not a religious figure. I assume it's fine. I do it all the time.
People are talking about 95% of the forces allocated to Ukraine theatre are active. Well the country the size of Ukraine that's quite a small force.
Nope, I don't.

I would define thousands of people as massive, not just 100s of thousands. I don't like the fact that you're arbitrarily adding a goal post by suggesting as such.

Ok, you dont like 100s of thousands and consider 1000s as massive, fine.

Lets fine tune then: Do you see BLM sorta riots in Russia then? Because though anything less than that could be significant for Western media consumption but has no real value on ground.

Heck, in London alone more than million people marched to stop the war in Iraq and it didnt do a shyt.
Can someone remind me how many Refugees UK and US have taken? And that too without Visa?

They were the loudest of all to throw fuel on fire, as also mentioned by Chinese FM.

Right now, Poland has taken close to a million and Germany 50K+.

Oh come on! they are "sensible" instigators.

UK refuses to ease visa rules for Ukrainians

. . . Prime Minister Boris Johnson has rejected calls for the UK to open the door to any Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing the conflict in their country and wish to seek safety in Britain, saying his government wants to be able to check who is wishing to cross the border.

Speaking on Monday, Johnson defended his government’s response, saying the UK is a “very, very generous country” but officials still want to maintain “control” and “be able to check” anyone who claims to be fleeing Ukraine before granting them a visa.

I think it's sensible given what's going on in Ukraine to make sure that we have some basic ability to check who is coming in,” Johnson said, dismissing criticism over the UK’s slow admittance of Ukrainian refugees. . . .

Looks like after these 2 major cities, Ukraine will be land locked ?

Mykolaiv / Nikolayev and Odesa.
Not sure how important is access to the sea to Urk at the moment!


And my guess would be that post-landlock, Rus will get started on this side in rectangle, thereby almost completing the encirclement of the whole country:


A repeat of Ukrainian setting up tanks next to residential apartments and houses, thereby resulting in civilian damage when Rus attempt to destroy them:
This is Mykolaiv. (source)


. . . African students video few pages back who are protesting that Ukranian people are not letting them go and asking them to stay or even fight instead?


PS: I just want to make it clear, I am not pro Russia or anti Ukraine, I like them both.
Just too tired of one sided Western propaganda and brainwashing of general public ... and all those non-stop revolutions and Western ignited wars everywhere.

And when they did evacuate, one video shows surprisingly no women or children or elderly in the whole bus:


Other video shows them evacuating when Russians were allegedly firing at them (although there are very strong inductions of that footage being staged.) :


In other news:

"[China's] Friendship with Russia is rock solid."

I take that as an subtle message to whom it may concern.


Airlines Scramble for Routes Around Russia as [reciprocal] Flight Bans Intensify

...flying around the giant country may add hundreds of miles and up to two hours to some flights, incurring higher fuel, labor and maintenance costs
...[German] Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s cargo division has canceled flights to some Asian cities including to Hong Kong and Beijing until the end of March.
...London-based Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd. suspended a four-times-a-week cargo service from London to Shanghai
...[Finland's] Finnair Oyj suspended key cargo and passenger routes to cities in South Korea, Japan and China.
...Russian flag carrier Aeroflot-Russian Airlines PJSC, meanwhile, scrapped its entire European network
...[American] United Airlines Holdings Inc. said it would stop flying over Russia on its route to India
...[Australias] Qantas Airways Ltd.’s nonstop service from Australia to London is going over the Middle East and southern Europe instead of Russia, adding about an hour to the flight.
...Ireland-based ASL Aviation Holdings said its flights to and from Asia are now flying over Kazakhstan instead of Russia. That is adding around 100 minutes to a flight between Belgium and South Korea,
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In the south, they need to work on getting Russian airforce denied access from the mainland Russia, and Crimea.

Then, Russian forces in the south will find themselves with no supply routes as anything coming from Crimea/mainland Russia through Crimea will be very easily intercepted because the South is an open plain, and salty desert in Crimea itself.

They are still very deep inside Ukraine, with most of force without remotest hope of reaching Russia overland.

Bombing FOBs, and bridges is of prime importance in the Southern theatre.
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