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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The US will fight Russia to the last ex-Soviet..They are in NATO as a shield for Western Europe..
Russia cant afford to wait till last ex soviet.. that's why putin has activated deterrence force too early. If russia feels that things are going in downhill direction for them ..they will drag nato members with them
The countries sending their warplanes to Ukraine are just weakening their own defences. If Russia considers the assistance a declaration of war who will protect them? They are putting too much trust in NATO.
. . . One look at this table tells you what it is all about :


does this seem normal to you ?


War of Furniture! :undecided:


Russia dare not challenge Poland - period. If he does - NATO will impose a no fly zone over Ukraine and there is no way the Russian air force can challenge NATO airpower ever.
lol I laugh at people ignorance when they think Russia is in any real contention with NATO in a conventional war.

US defence budget is 2/3 of the entire Russian GDP in 2021. Just let that sink in for a moment.

And then you look at Ukraine and they manage to make a big mess out of it. Against NATO?

I don't remember when is the last time any Army lost 3 generals in combat. Probably have to go all the way to Korean War....
Well, all I can say is, yes, US Battle Space awareness is very good, but intelligence will not be share without limitation. Everything have limitation, which mean you can only share so much before the other side or Russia can guess what you are capable of.

Intelligence dissimilation is a very complicated process, while I do believe US have Air and Ground asset monitoring what's Russia is doing, I do not believe, speaking on my own experience, that everything the US know shared with the Ukrainian...
Well of course. You can't share so much that the other side figures out how you got it. Although Snowden probably told them the full extent of the capabilities.

But I hope enough is shared so that Ukraine is denied to them.
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