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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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5th of March... Encirclement continues..


Salam we have been advised in this thread that this video is From 2014.

Does it not further prove why this war was inevitable. This is basically terror financing in collusion with installed Ukrainian governemnt. This is what was happening in Eastern Ukraine.

One wonders where the financing of these organization like azoz and aidar etc comes from.
Does it not further prove why this war was inevitable. This is basically terror financing in collusion with installed Ukrainian governemnt. This is what was happening in Eastern Ukraine.

One wonders where the financing of these organization like azoz and aidar etc comes from.
There is in doubt foreign funding for Azov exists.
True, but NATO is far more capable in the aviation and EW regimes. Meaning? NATO can establish and enforce NO FLY ZONE over entire Ukraine if it wants to but it won't do this due to political factors - no obligation to shield Ukraine.

You should read following article:

It explains a lot about Russian military assets (and performance) in Syria.

There are some Russian technological advances to account for in the present but not much difference on a broader level.

Russian also have financial constraints.
it is true that there is a black mark on Russian tech in the sense that their s400s could not prevent any air raids on syria nor are Russian origin planes have been known achieve air superiority in any of the conflicts of the past. We all know the performance the "raptor of the east" gave on Feb 27th. the western militaries are ahead in ew but not by much since Russia tends to keep its true teeth to itself when it comes to military technology so at least I can't say for sure how far ahead the west actually is. Let's see...
Look this is not the place for such discussions, but you have to understand Germanic tribes and slavic tribes have lived next to one another and intermixed for 1500 to 2000 years.

I have germans in my family and many germans have slavs in their family. Russian Czars have been all German for 100's of years. The last Russian Czar was like 90% German.

Germans have excelled in so many areas, and if you look at all the great architecture of Czech or Poland, Slovenia, its all germans responsible for it. Al the good cars. yep that's all germans.

The list of German achievements are so long it not funny. And historically, the germans have sometimes dominated the slavs and other times the slavs dominated the germans.

Yes if nazis had won slavs would have worked in German factories. And germans would have been the rich overlords. hmmmm exactly how it is right now. And they would have assimilated most of the slavs over time into germans. That happening now anyway.

But different slavs were treated differently by the germans depending on the danger they posed to the German state. Those slavs that took germans lands or that did bad things to germans in the past were treated harshly, those slavs that were close to the germans and did not endanger Germany were treated very well.
Until Soviets defeated nazis - they definitely had very low opinion of slavs to the extent they were planning wholesale slavery and slaughter for lebensraum.

RIght now slavs are working in german factories because soviet collapsed (due to bad economic mismanagement) but definitely not like the way Nazi would have make them work. For that too you need to be thankful to soviets.

security and dignity comes first - money comes later. If you are now living in europe with this much confidence that your identity is not threatened then you owe that to soviet victory in anti-fascist war.
This how we feel in America; I’ll defend me and mine if they come here, but don’t ask me to go fight in another war, and for what. I’ll sure this is the sentiment in most of the world as well.

5th of March... Encirclement continues..

View attachment 821149

View attachment 821150
Looks like the Russians are trying to take the western side of the river, so they can encircle and destroy or force the capitulation of the Ukrainians on the Eastern side of the country.
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