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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I wish I could double like this post.!


lol, I just say what I think..

I infact don't like Zelenskyy myself, a lot of people in Ukraine did not like him, but the very fact that he is staying when he could have just leave show you what kind of man he is, I don't like him as a politician, but if I am Ukrainian, I would gladly fight for him, because he fight for you, like literally. That I think anyone should respect that.
Ahem... Is an NPP going boom worse than a nuke going off near it?
Am willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that on this forum, I am the only person who had personal experience with anything nuclear.

When I was active duty on the F-111 and stationed at RAF Upper Heyford, we had something called 'Victor Alert' jets. That is where a few F-111s loaded with the 'cannot-confirm-nor-deny-the-existence-of' weapons. Each jet had two external tanks and two B61s freefall nucs. Each VA crew have a navigation cartridge loaded with coordinates known only at the time of engine start. Each VA aircrew must be in utility uniform at all time, cannot leave the base, and must be within 15 minutes of the flightline. Each VA HAS is a 'no lone zone' where each person must be in full physical view of someone else at all time, and lethal force is authorized to enforce that rule.

The first time I pulled VA duty was the first time I saw a live nuke. I never thought ever in my life would I touch a nuclear bomb but here am looking at two of them. We had to test the jet for readiness so I had to load the nav cartridge to make sure the INS works. Am not going to say the coords but I will say for that jet, it was assigned to fly very far eastward if we ever had to launch for real. Under agreement with the UK, American VA jets are not allowed to leave the HAS fully loaded. We can run up the engines but that was as far as we can do. The fuel load was for 1.5 journey, meaning once the crew delivered the bombs, the jet have enough fuel for 1/2 of the trip home, so if there was no tanker waiting, it would be ejection possibly over enemy territory or even radioactive lands. Every VA aircrew know and resigned to the fact that the launch is probably their last.

In a way, I understand the cavalier attitude people on this forum have about nuclear power in general and weapons in particular. Most are borne after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Anything nuclear are abstract and from entertainment. Easy to say 'nuke this and nuke that'. There is practically no one left from the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to remind the world of nuclear horror. So we are left with survivors from Chernobyl and Fukushima.

You, and I say 'you' generically, cannot blame this on the US and NATO. No matter how you might strain the rules of logic, this falls on Vladimir Putin. No one will swallow the NATO is at fault argument. Putin did this on purpose. If he cannot have Ukraine, then you cannot have your country, wherever that might be, because your home soil will be contaminated.
If Russia falls or West tries a coup to oust Putin again.

There will be a lot of destabilization in E.Europe and Central Asia and maybe trickling down to South Asia.
lol, I just say what I think..

I infact don't like Zelenskyy myself, a lot of people in Ukraine did not like him, but the very fact that he is staying when he could have just leave show you what kind of man he is, I don't like him as a politician, but if I am Ukrainian, I would gladly fight for him, because he fight for you, like literally. That I think anyone should respect that.
Couldn’t agree more, the main this is that he’s given his people someone to rally around and that is commendable.

Also his last appeal to Putin in TV felt sincere.
The economic fallout will also hit US and EU. In fact it already is starting to. Gas price have shot up almost immediately. There are so many raw materials that come from Russia for industry in US and EU. The adverse will start to be felt in about a week.

In the short term you are correct we consumers in the west are going to take a hit of Putin madness

During this period we all know west will just simply find others to step in

And Russians are going to see there living standards and e-commerce total collapses.

Russians sport media music arts travel bans to Eu and west are now being boycotted , I reckon Moscow did not think sanctions included all

More like flaring rather than shelling.

These are just flares.

Another flop propaganda.



Pakistan better stock up

The narrative about this conflict is so lopsided; and there is clear evidence that, just like in case of the Covid pandemic, dissent is being muzzled. I recall the words of CNN's Christian Amanpour, who covered the Iraq war of 2003: "We [media] allowed ourselves to be muzzled". And we know the disastrous consequences of that war for all--for all except some connected corporations. The war was the beginning of decline of America or at least its prestige in the world.

The same kind of muzzling is going on but there are a few very prominent bloggers who are speaking up and presenting an alternate viewpoint. And there is always an alternate viewpoint! Notables are these. Then there is of course Tucker Carson who, presumably a Republican oriented person, is not shy to criticize Republicans. While on the Left I see dead-quiet from the likes of even Bernie Sanders to present some perspective.

General G. D. Bakshi [My favorite Indian!]:

Kim Iverson:

Russel Brand:

Kim Iverson is repeating Michael Brenner's article word to word. 😆

The Consequences of Humiliating Russia​

"If you are going to humiliate someone publicly in a really crass manner, make sure that he doesn’t survive to take his inevitable revenge.”
Ahem... Is an NPP going boom worse than a nuke going off near it?

In my limited CDF training, Nuclear Missile or bomb go boom in the air, it can be 20 ft in the air, it could be 10,000 ft in the air. If Nuclear Power Plant go boom it will be a ground det.

The different is the initial phase of the boom, if you are within the blast zone of an airburst, you will be vaporised by the shock wave and the explosive chain reaction, in ground burst, item such as concrete will block some initial energy and the blast wave, and you are basically cook alive from the inside if you are in the initial containment area. Remember what happened to Chernobyl?

Depends on what do you mean by worse, ground det will not destroy much, but it will have a more horrific death for people inside, Air Burst will destroy most of the area, but your death is most likely painless, hadn't tried that before so I can't tell you........

(edit: corrected a few autocorrect mistake, I need to change my OS....)

Take it as a no then.........:)
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Here you go.

They are expecting [read planning] to turn it into an insurgency @9:53+ again @10:10+ they expect [plan] that this will continue for a very long time, years. @15:17+ we're gonna help them fight [a protracted insurgency]. [Instead of helping towards a ceasefire, will help them fight].

These instigators talk high of Ukrainian people, how children are suffering in NICUs, but how do they plan to help mitigate those sufferings? By sending more Javelins and weapons and insurgents, instead of hastily bringing a ceasefire solution!. In addition they will help the suffering Ukrainians by banning Russian oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil, oil . . . goes on for half an hour.

That may be the plan of instigators but if Russians are successful at encircling the country, then insurgency won't get fuel and will wither soon.
Probably that's why instigators are in a rush to supply as much weapons as quickly as possible, instead of rushing to achieve some sort of ceasefire.
"Hurry before our routes are blocked".

Why I'm feeling deja-vu I wonder? Hmm, oh yes, the 1000+ NATO containers unaccounted for in Pakistan.

Anyways, if they were sincere about Ukrainian civilians, as they poorly pretend, then they would be heard talking about going to the table. Not the case here.

Russians are trying [not quite successful though] to not hit even the barracks of Ukrainian soldiers. Only the infrastructure.

I think that's a cheap shot. :stop:
I see that much crowd in IKEA on a normal day.

Westerners are seen twice a years, fighting on boxing day/black friday sales over a TV? I thought they were "more civilized than Iraqis and Syrians/Libyans"!!.
At least Russians were very disciplined.

(click to watch age-restricted video directly on YouTube instead of embedded here)

My thoughts on Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant footages:

If Russians were to take control of plant, they won't attack the plant itself.
If those CCTV show fires/explosions on the plant itself then it could possibly be the retreating ones sabotaging the plant.

Russian FM Lavrov alluded to such acts by retreating Ukrainian army @2:10+ in his video above.

And we have precedence of decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear plant under joint protection with Ukrainian forces. Why would Russians do it differently with a working one.

Magnitude-wise, those fires and small duds seen on CCTV footage from reactor don't seem to coincide with what Russians have been firing so far on Ukraine.
Unless I missed any big ones!

I at first thought that was just arcing, as there must be electric grid. Or flares.

They did attack a dam though earlier. But they said it was to release the water of Crimea that was blocked. And it was more like a beaver dam with no catastrophic results. Just slowly flowing water.

"Would you mind not shooting at the . . . "
Does US deep state want revenge for Afghanistan? What will happen if Russia is "neutralized" by the West?
The only knowledge I have of nuclear fission is old Haji’s bun kebabs he was my go to street food guy back in the day. those things have enough spice to blast you to the moon and back. 😂
Really bad news for all these wannabe western soldiers:

"I wish to make an official statement that none of the mercenaries the West is sending to Ukraine to fight for the nationalist regime in Kyiv can be considered as combatants in accordance with international humanitarian law or enjoy the status of prisoners of war," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Thursday, Russia's Tass news agency reported.

Konashenkov continued, saying that "at best, they can expect to be prosecuted as criminals." He warned foreign nationals "to think a dozen times before" before traveling to fight alongside Ukrainians.

at best lengthy jail term

with a High chance of getting executed on the field

These clowns have 0 protection under international law.
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