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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Look at his face and his condition. Yep, he is clearly winning the war, only a winner can have this amount of vigor and energy. Or maybe i am wrong, a russian air strike or so destroyed his cocaine supply, who knows. Maybe he should try pervitin, to have more energy ...

At around 3:28 the best part starts:

I don't want to attack a man who is leading his country so I wont comment on his appearance but here is a translation for those interested in the jist of what he is actually saying:

What do you want us to give? Get off our land. If you don't want to leave, then sit with me and negotiate. I'm free. Just don't do it from 30 meters away like with Macron, Scholz, etc. I'm a neighbor after all. Don't put me 30 meters away. I don't bite, I'm a normal guy.

Sit with me. Let's talk. What are you afraid of? We don't threaten anyone. We're not terrorists. We don't rob banks. And we don't rob foreign lands.

Thank you to a nice Russian on twitter @_tsarlet for the kind translation.
I don't want to attack a man who is leading his country so I wont comment on his appearance but here is a translation for those interested in the jist of what he is actually saying:

What do you want us to give? Get off our land. If you don't want to leave, then sit with me and negotiate. I'm free. Just don't do it from 30 meters away like with Macron, Scholz, etc. I'm a neighbor after all. Don't put me 30 meters away. I don't bite, I'm a normal guy.

Sit with me. Let's talk. What are you afraid of? We don't threaten anyone. We're not terrorists. We don't rob banks. And we don't rob foreign lands.

Thank you to a nice Russian on twitter @_tsarlet for the kind translation.
Looks like the drugs talking man 😂

Putin: Special Op in Ukraine Going According to Plan

5 hours ago


On Thursday, Russia's Defence Ministry spokesman, Igor Konashenkov, said that the West has increased the dispatch to Ukraine of contract soldiers from private military companies and several European countries are sending mercenaries.
The military operation in Ukraine is going according to plan, and all tasks are being implemented "successfully", Russian President Vladimir Putin said during his address to the Russian Security Council.

"Our soldiers fight steadfastly, with a full understanding of the justice of their cause, even after being wounded, they remain in formation, sacrifice themselves [...] in order to save comrades and civilians," Putin said, noting that Russian troops are striving to prevent civilian casualties in Ukraine.
Putin also said that nationalists and foreign mercenaries in Ukraine are using civilians as human shields. They have not kept their promise to remove heavy military equipment from residential areas, he continued.

"Instead of fulfilling promises to remove this equipment from residential areas, from kindergartens, hospitals, on the contrary, tanks, artillery, mortars are being additionally deployed there," he said.

Foreigners Held Hostage​

The Russian president also said that foreign citizens are being held hostage in Ukraine: particularly, among them are some 3,179 citizens of India.

"Neo-Nazis also opened fire on Chinese students who were trying to leave Kharkov. Two of them were injured. I repeat: hundreds of foreigners are trying to leave the war zone, but they are not being allowed to do so," Putin stressed.
But the way "neo-nazis treat their own citizens" is even worse, according to him, as Russian soldiers have witnessed residents of apartment buildings being "herded into the middle floors of buildings", while in the lower floors "they break through windows and walls, put up heavy equipment there". On the roofs and on the upper floors, machine guns and snipers are placed, the president said.
Still, the Russian troops "have provided corridors in all collision zones without exception, provided transport so that civilians, foreign citizens have the opportunity to go to a safe place" - something that "nationalists do not allow to be done", Putin outlined.

Putin's address came shortly after Russia's Defence Ministry spokesman, Igor Konashenkov, said that the West has increased the dispatch to Ukraine of contract soldiers from private military companies, with the US military intelligence launching a massive campaign to recruit PMC contractors for Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in his turn, stated that Ukraine expects some 16,000 foreign mercenaries to come and fight for the country.
According to estimations from the Russian Defence Ministry, 200 Croatian mercenaries have already arrived in Ukraine, with the UK, Denmark, Latvia, and Poland also giving the green light to sending mercenaries there. Konashenkov said that foreign soldiers who are already in Ukraine "commit sabotage and raids on Russian convoys of equipment and material supplies, as well as aircraft covering them."

Look at his face and his condition. Yep, he is clearly winning the war, only a winner can have this amount of vigor and energy. Or maybe i am wrong, a russian air strike or so destroyed his cocaine supply, who knows. Maybe he should try pervitin, to have more energy ...

At around 3:28 the best part starts:


Above video is a few hours old, apparently a massive missile struck a residential complex in the city of Chernihiv - many civilians killed and injured. In line with forum rules I have not posted the video merely the link should you wish to watch it.
It appears Ukraine will be a landlocked country soon and for the foreseeable future. Russians are determined to achieve that goal and of course to create several hundred miles of buffer zone in eastern Ukraine. I think they will achieve those objectives and should stop right there or at most not beyond the Dnieper River. If the French President's statement from today is true then Russia wants to occupy whole Ukraine. I would say that is cruel and unnecessary. Get the neutrality agreement from Ukraine and stop the slaughter!

And how much worth is a guarantee on a piece of paper for the western countries? Even after signing agreement and not joining NATO, Ukraine will be heavily funded, rebuilt, armed and trained and who knows in 20 years time they rise up again or get nukes.
The only guarantee of a buffer is for Russia to hold it. I think the Russians want to carve out eastern and southern ukrain, as independent sates/states that may one day vote to be annexed with Russia. This way they put distance between Moscow and a landlocked western Ukraine, that can be a NATO member. This also gives Russia more control in the black sea. We are focusing on land but the black sea is extremely important as well, Ukraine as a whole joining NATO would have meant the black sea belongs to NATO. I also think putin wants to capture kiyv and use it as a bargaining chip for the endgame
It appears Ukraine will be a landlocked country soon and for the foreseeable future. Russians are determined to achieve that goal and of course to create several hundred miles of buffer zone in eastern Ukraine. I think they will achieve those objectives and should stop right there or at most not beyond the Dnieper River. If the French President's statement from today is true then Russia wants to occupy whole Ukraine. I would say that is cruel and unnecessary. Get the neutrality agreement from Ukraine and stop the slaughter!
Putin isn't gonna occupy ukraine. it is very obvious since the Russian forces are deliberately moving slow. If their intention was to occupy ukraine, they would've arleady done so by moving at a lightening speed which the Russian forces are more than capable of. Their aim is to remove, perhaps arrest zelensky and install a pro-Russian government there, perhaps restore the last guy...the ukrainian people will far too tired and war wary to resist and ukraine will virtually have no military, it has already been virtually decimated. Russia will help the new government rebuild its military as pro-Russian and for the sole purpose of being an offensive buffer against nato.
A Ukrainian solider poses with newly donated Yukon Nordforce XQ30 Thermal Image Scope:

The Irony is these scopes are made in Russia.
The far right in Ukraine is much worst than doing just that..

You know, I watched that video of a residential building hit with a missile and I have to admit, it was hard. I wavered. Your very timely reminder of what this war is about has brought me back.

A Ukrainian solider poses with newly donated Yukon Nordforce XQ30 Thermal Image Scope:
View attachment 820573

The Irony is these scopes are made in Russia.
Even money there's a picture of her with some Nazi paraphernalia.
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