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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Turkey delivered to Turkey? 🤔
I think he got a bit excited and got ahead of himself.
Chechnya is part of Russia - very likely to be rebuild.

What about Syrian cities like Aleppo? Would Russia rebuild it?

I don't think that Russians will rebuild Aleppo. It can be rebuilt by Syrians, if Israel ever stops bombing them.

What I do believe is that if Russia didn't step in then after the regime change in Syria the Anglo-Zionist war machine would have levelled Iran by now and installed a puppet regime there. In that happens Pakistan can forgot about Baluchistan.

The sad reality is that the death and destruction in Muslim lands has been going on for over forty years, but Muslim rulers still don't get it. I haven't seen any united effort by 57 Muslim countries to put together any joint defense or development plan into effect. Their strategy seems to be to surrender to the enemy and hope they don't attack you.

At least there is a hope that with Russia breaking away from the West the Zionist war machine will slow down.
Ruskies cry over loss of Ikea

Yes lets celebrate the collective punishment of a people who live in an authoritarian regime, because you know it's their fault the tanks and guns are in Ukraine, they signed the directives, they packed the care packages and waved those men to go marching into Ukraine.
If claims are true, then Russia really did not have air superiority :-)
Read this.
I don't think that Russians will rebuild Aleppo. It can be rebuilt by Syrians, if Israel ever stops bombing them.

What I do believe is that if Russia didn't step in then after the regime change in Syria the Anglo-Zionist war machine would have levelled Iran by now and installed a puppet regime there. In that happens Pakistan can forgot about Baluchistan.

The sad reality is that the death and destruction in Muslim lands has been going on for over forty years, but Muslim rulers still don't get it. I haven't seen any united effort by 57 Muslim countries to put together any joint defense or development plan into effect. Their strategy seems to be to surrender to the enemy and hope they don't attack you.

At least there is a hope that with Russia breaking away from the West the Zionist war machine will slow down.
The gulf nations will always side with zionist same with the salafis
George Galloway. A bit long, but always entertaining. Not essential viewing.

Simply brilliant. You won't hear that on the BBC.
I was introduced to this gentleman's politics during the Palestine conflict, I am a very big fan of this man and his voice for those who don't have one.

They build it for a price, Russian have destroyed and killed every fighter who have foughted in Checenya. Kadirov is puppet litteraly, you have to pay a price.

Why are chechens fighting in Ukrain today, what kind benefits do they have? Nothing, only thing is they have to pay the price, Russia have rebuild Grozny lol...

Russian are the biggest in assimilating millions muslims in catholics. They have erased muslim identity. But hey anti zionist Palestine and good to go, it seems people like you looks from a tunnel view on life. Give 20 years and that picture will turn in something else.

The past is the past. Our faith teaches us to forgive and forget and move on. If Chechens are willing to fight for Russia and sacrifice their lives then I'm sure they know why they're doing it. No one throws their lives away for someone they hate.

Russia doesn't have a clean history any more than anyone else. But they themselves have suffered the erasure of their history and culture by the (((Jewish))) Bolsheviks. Up to 20 million Russians were killed by the communists. The another 20-30 million were killed by the Nazis. That's a horrendous death toll, something Muslims haven't suffered since the Mongol invasions.

The Bolsheviks killed off the Russian royal family and almost erased Christianity from Russia. Putin has been trying to revive it. Christians have been victims along with Muslims.

The point is that we need to look to the future, not the past. If we can forgive and forget then Russia can be an ally. Otherwise Muslims can carry on doing what they've been doing, which doesn't seem to be leading anywhere.
Yes lets celebrate the collective punishment of a people who live in an authoritarian regime, because you know it's their fault the tanks and guns are in Ukraine, they signed the directives, they packed the care packages and waved those men to go marching into Ukraine.
But Poutine tacitly threatened other countries' citizens with nuclear war...
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