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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Hahah I Found another Russian military frequency hijacked this time they play the Cranberries song "Zombie"
Frequency: 4625 Khz 2.40 filter USB

Audio file

The song that they are playing is this one:
I miss Deloris :(
Unless the CIA funds their time there, this cannot be the responsibility of NATO. Some of the military guys can simply be conflict junkies (based on what we see in their YouTube interviews) :undecided:
Research about FOG. It's a very special group you won't much on them. There is a reason behind that, I've come across guys like this back when ATAP existed in Pakistan.

I miss Deloris :(
Same, wonderful person, amazing voice and a beautiful soul. Taken too soon.
I can honestly say hyper religious quackjobs are a nuisance everywhere:

Has anyone seen the "The Family" documentary on Youtube?

What's this?
Anti Terrorist Assistance Program

@Madni Bappa if you are interested I did a comprehensive research on this and others, you can read more here:

ive read through some older post and came across racist comments directed againt white people. This is NOT ok. If you insist that racism is bad then you deffo shouldn act like a racist. Thats what a hypocrite does.

It okey to criticise those who deserve critique, but do NOT use that an excuse to paint people with a broad brush, regardless of their skincolor.

China’s manufacturers feel the pain of Ukraine crisis as customers have ‘no desire to pay’​

Manufacturers in China are starting to feel the pain of the unfolding crisis in Ukraine as financial sanctions placed on Russia have started to filter through to export customers.

Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said on Tuesday that China was hoping to “promote our normal trade” with both Russia and Ukraine, with Beijing still attempting to walk the diplomatic tightrope between Moscow and Kyiv.

“My Ukrainian and Russian business has been directly impacted,” said Bob Yao, co-founder of a digital printing production company in Guangdong province.

“We lost contact with my Ukraine client. And another Russian customer sounded no desire to pay and let us deliver goods all at once because the rouble has been devalued.”

China is the largest trading partner of both Russia and Ukraine, but Yao said the impact of Russia’s invasion has even spread to customers in other regions.

“A customer in Central Asia informed us on Tuesday that he has decided to postpone payment and shipping plans for six containers, because of concerns over world affairs,” he added.

Manufacturers in the world’s factory, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial sector, have expressed pessimism about the future of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) market.

The CIS was formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine full member states.

FULL READ in following link:

Of course, the #1 hanjian publication has to spread FUD and disinformation. Why the Party hasn't thrown everyone associated with that rag in prison is beyond me. It points to "liberals" in the Party still wielding excessive influence - although, in truth, any liberal influence above zero in China is excessive.

Anyway, these issues will be sorted in short order once the ruble stabilizes and payment systems like CIPS are brought to bear.

When the US and NATO say they don't have people on the ground. Make of that statement what you will, ofcourse they don't have "Serving" people on the ground in Ukraine. And that explains a lot about the effectiveness of the irregular warfare tactics deployed in defense of many cities.
Patch of the "Forward Observation Group"
View attachment 820234
Alleged "EX" US SF attached to the Forward Observation Group in Kyiv
View attachment 820229
View attachment 820230
View attachment 820231
No surprise there. Nazis stick together.
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