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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Don't call people naive, when you miss basic facts.

It may strengthen China, but it weakens Pakistan, as a vital supplier of military parts for Pakistan is no longer able to supply those parts. Pakistan uses a shit ton of Ukrainian engines for its tank forces, and replacing those tank engines is gonna cost a lot of money and time.

It also limits Pakistan's list of foreign suppliers. Relying entirely on a single supplier will erode Pakistan's sovereignty.

For Russia and India, yes Indians paid cash, but that's because they could afford it. There is a reason why Russians always go to Pakistan, whenever the Indians say they'll side deals with the US. Its blackmail. If the Russians were so friendly towards Pakistan, they'd be selling the RD-93 directly to Pakistan, instead of to China.

Pakistan is not aligning its policy with Iran or any other country. Its aligning itself to a more neutral stance, that just happens to be China friendly. With the Russia sanctions, you can also kiss increased economic and military relations with them goodbye.
Relationships take time to build.
1.) You do know the principal of Fiat Curency right?

Let's say I am holding a AUD $100 bill, why it worth $100 when it was just a piece of plastic worth maybe 5c?

This is because the Federal bank of Australia said it worth $100 and guarantee you that you will get $100 of goods when you use that 100 note and not just 5c.

Now, how can the Federal Bank Guarantee that? If the Federal Bank only hold Australian Dollar, it cannot because you cannot use an abstract value (that $100 note) to guarantee another $100 note. There are no value. What you do is you have A$100 equivalent of GBP or USD, so when you can exchange that GBP or USD to a foreign bank, you will have the value of A$100. And bank (say it was a GBP) did the same, they hold 100 Pound value of AUstralian dollar, and sell it back to Australia when they have to release that value. That how our money worth, this is the same system with every other currency, RMB included.

2.) Because you cannot use your own currency to back your own currency. Because it is an abstract value you assigned to your own currency, your Central Bank can literally change it, which mean it have no value.

3.) Can you spend gold? Like cut it up and give it to someone when you buy stuff?? How do you do oversea transfer then? Mail it? What if the other guy did not mail the item to you?
1). You really need to educate yourself more regarding currency. The principal of fiat currency means there is no backing at all. It says $100 because the government says so. Thus the word "fiat". When a ring of fiat currencies backing each other, it is still no backing.

2). It seems to me that you didn't know US used to have gold standard, which means it uses gold to back up its own currency. It was eventually abolished by Nixon so he could print his way out of budget shortage.

3). Again, check US own history. The first US dollar is a silver dollar, which has 371.5 grains of pure silver.
Same can hypothetical be said for Ukraine if Russia manages to achieve its goals and installs a pro Russian government there.
Well, no, because we weren't talking about Ukraine and Russia. We are talking about US and Russia.

His point is, what if Mexico lean on Russia, would US do the same...(invade Mexico)
1). You really need to educate yourself more regarding currency. The principal of fiat currency means there is no backing at all. It says $100 because the government says so. Thus the word "fiat". When a ring of fiat currencies backing each other, it is still no backing.

2). It seems to me that you didn't know US used to have gold standard, which means it uses gold to back up its own currency. It was eventually abolished by Nixon so he could print his way out of budget shortage.

3). Again, check US own history. The first US dollar is a silver dollar, which has 371.5 grains of pure silver.
1.) umm, it is, it's call "FOREX' That is the heck we are talking about. Fiat had to tied to something, if you think the government can say it worth anything then the currency will not be standard. Today it's a bill with (I want to say Washington face) on it, tomorrow they can say an apple craved the word 100 to be legal tender and the 3rd day, the government said a grain of salt worth $100, how chaotic would be??......If it's only the government said so.........

I want to know where you study Economy at?

2,) Key word, USED TO, not anymore.

3.) Again, USED TO, and again, that is the exact reason why we don't use gold and silver anymore. Can you use a US Silver dollar and buy stuff from EBay UK? IF so, how you gonna pay for it? Again, mail the silver dollar?
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Then the last thing Putin will be thinking about is Ukraine.

Putin is many things, but suicidal is not one of them.
If it comes to the collapse of the Russian economy on a large scale which will seriously hurt Russia, Russia will resort to Nuclear strikes, if the US was in place of Russia, the US will also do the same. some people are seriously underestimating the sensitivity of the situation and as far as Russians are concerned they will try their best to protect Russia against the incoming nukes in case of Nuclear exchange.
1.) umm, it is, it's call "FOREX' That is the heck we are talking about.

I want to know where you study Economy at?

2,) Key word, USED TO, not anymore.

3.) Again, USED TO, and again, that is the exact reason why we don't use gold and silver anymore.
Guess why Russia has been hoarding gold in the last few years. :)
Well, no, because we weren't talking about Ukraine and Russia. We are talking about US and Russia.

His point is, what if Mexico lean on Russia, would US do the same...(invade Mexico)

And hence the historical precedents are relevant to project what might happen in such a hypothetical scenario.
And hence the historical precedents are relevant to project what might happen in such a hypothetical scenario.
But we are not talking about the same Current incident.......

One is Ukraine at war with Russia, the other is US at war with Mexico......
Hahahaah. This is hilarious Georgia is terrified

Georgian PM says opposition wants to drag Tbilisi into war with Russia​


TBILISI, February 28. /TASS/. Opponents of the Georgian government seek to drag Georgia into a conflict with Russia over Ukraine and repeat the events of August 2008, the country’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said at a government meeting on Monday.

"We are very familiar with what is happening in Ukraine. We experienced this much earlier, in 2008. It is very sad that our radical opposition is rejoicing over the war in Ukraine and is seeking out benefits and interests for itself from all these calamities. Their goal is to repeat the tragedy from which they themselves failed to protect our people and country," Garibashvili said.

Prime Minister Garibashvili noted that Georgia continues to support Ukraine at all levels, even by way of having sent 100 tonnes of humanitarian aid on Sunday. "Our government, within its capabilities, is doing everything to offer the greatest support to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, be it political, humanitarian, human, or otherwise," he stressed.

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