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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I hope Pakistan votes to Condemn the invasion of Russia at today’s emergency session of the UN. Based on IK’s stance (per his track record) that dialogue not war should resolve disputes between nations.

This will not undermine Pakistan’s stance in the disputed area of Jammu and Kashmir and the legitimacy resistance of the Kashmir people under occupation, not that different from the Ukrainian people under Russian occupation. (Also, down the line considering most nations regard Taiwan as part of “One China” and not a sovereign nation, Pakistan won’t be penalized for abstaining or even siding with China should that matter come to a head.)

Pakistan still stand up for the Russian’s people legitimate desire to resolve their security concern via a vi NATO and Ukraine potentially basing offensive systems in Ukraine, but not through Force.
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"Russian citizens studying at universities in Europe are expelled from their schools. They will then be deported."
Is this news true?

That's racism. What is called Western democracy is an illusion!
I am actually glad they are doing this. Now entire world can see their "true colors". Just sad that a war was required to see it.
As someone whos neutral in this conflict I think both sides are exaggerating a bit especially the Ukrainian side.

1. Ukraine is putting up resistance which is obvious it has 200k armed forces and paramilitary this was always expected nothing surprising.. I never assumed they would fold even pre-war.

2. Russia has made significiant gains despite the dog-fight

3. Both sides are capable of keep fighting for another 12 months nonestop which will happen until someone is pushed and defeated..

4. I think the Zelenskyy regime will survive this but lose significiant territories and will only survive on the western part of the country as the end game as Russia will consolidate the east including Kyiv

5. After few months of fighting there will be lull including ceasefire that will last for years and Russia will try to consolidate the east before launching another attack on the western part that it has left for Ukraine in the end game

6. Zelenskyy and co will try hard to get funding and rebuild a stronger army on the western portion of the country in order to get back Kyiv and remaining. They will attempt to rebuild for 20 years
Russia announced that it is closing its airspace to 36 countries, including France, Germany, Spain and Canada.

Countries that have closed their airspace to Russia

Turkey has announced that it will not close its airspace to Russia. However, there is probably a lot of pressure to Turkey as well.
Stop chatting shit. The entire foundation of the Freemasonry world has been shaken by President Putin and the Russian state.

This war is a big blow against the Swift and fiat money. And when it is settled and done, many nations will abandon both of them.

Keep in mind, if Russians feel threatened, they'll start deploying nukes and the next thing you know is malhama (Armageddon).

Doesnt look like it.

Putin achieved absolute european unity. He teached the EU power politics. Infact never before threw EU their entire economic power into conflict.

Its positive for us, because the hippies lost power in EU now
You are right the only finish to this is going to be a more divided Ukraine. But I don't think Kharkiv,Dnepropetrovsk,Mykolaiv and Kherson will be kept by the Russians, these areas have large numbers of Ukrainian sympathizers, Russia will struggle to hold ground and implement its will which might force them to reconsider giving Odesa up as well.

Luhansk, Donestk and Zaporizhia is a foregone conclusion.
True, it is possible the sanctions could be so severe that Russia is forced to give back all territory it has taken, even Crimea and the two separatist regions under an autonomy agreement.
Looks like Ukraine has forced Russia into extra time. When you have a motivated and determined nation you have a team. The Russians don't want to be there.

I see a seachange in Russian tactics. Did they replace their operation commander after all?

No news of entire convoys being destroyed anymore today, or other dumb mistakes.

Much slower, bigger formations now used in the south. Less piecemeal unit formations being ambushed. Few ammo, and fuel trucks.

Russian aviation seemed to have gotten much sneakier due to realisation of AA threat. On 2 videos both the helo, and a bomber were almost hugging the ground.

Also, we see "serious airforce" being used by Russians for the first time, deployed from much further away.
Unconfirmed reports - non Ukrainian migrants making their way to the Polish border have reported seeing bodies of students of evacuees who appeared to have frozen to death in the cold. Source: AJN . Video included below:

True, it is possible the sanctions could be so severe that Russia is forced to give back all territory it has taken, even Crimea and the two separatist regions under an autonomy agreement.
That is highly unlikely, both sides will have to compromise, Putin will loose face if he has to give everything back that would be a Russian red line. They will keep the regions and maybe give back Odessa but one thing is for certain that Ukraine's forces will be beefed up whether they are in NATO or not.
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