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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Those cried the loudest before the SWIFT ban didn't seem to understand that sanctions aren't like rockets and bullets, they usually take time to work and the most effective sanctions aren't necessarily those that cause a shock - like a complete SWIFT ban would do - but those that slowly but surely cut off the air supply of the economy, strangling it to death. There have been also reports that Russians are already having difficulty getting cash from their banks and not just forex. Trade with Russia has pretty much come to a complete halt already also. The sanctions are already working, but that doesn't mean that you can't do more. You just have to be smart about it.
A rational mind would contemplate that easily, unfortunately this forum is creeping with trolls who make every attempt of any constructive dialog into a D measuring contest.

The sanctions will bite Russia hard, Russia is not North Korea, the people will shout and more importantly the oligarchs that support Putin will now seriously question his judgement.
Russia's two major purely military capability problems seem to be...

1) old equipment requiring heavy maintenance.

2) lack of logistical support.

It's very clear that what Russia lacks is not attack systems, but the logistics required to operate them effectively over long distances. The fact that Russian convoys are running out of food and fuel is a major problem that needs to be addressed on an urgent basis, which is not gonna happen due to a now severe lack of cash.

their over reliance on trains for transport of troops and goods ended up being useless in Ukraine, as the Ukrainians quickly destroyed all lines connecting the two nations very early on in the war. This explains why they ended up having to use Ukrainian roads to transport their old legacy armour, effective turning entire convoys into death traps which Ukrainians ambushed using Javelins and NLAWs, or drone struck using TB-2s.

Also, the Ukrainians are using old Soviet systems to shoot down Russian aircrafts and old Soviet artillery to destroy incoming convoys shows just how vintage Russian armour actually is, and how weak Russian air force actually is (old Ukrainian migs were literally shooting down Russia's latest and heavily upgraded fighters).

On a side note, Russia has also been unable to prevent NATO from sharing real time intelligence with the Ukrainian military about Russian advances, and Russia seems to no even be trying to prevent it. As soon as something happens, the Ukrainians seem to know about it, which also explains how so many Russian sabotage teams keep getting caught entering cities, and why Ukrainian defenses seem to be so effective at repelling Russian offensives.
I found that surprising as well. The Russians didn’t use their best planes to try to destroy the Ukrainian integrated air defenses and fighters first. In the first gulf war; there was a 100 days of air war followed by a 100 hours of ground fighting.
I am not a person to believe in false propaganda. I am always ready for serious discussion and ready to be corrected if I make mistakes so go ahead and make your points.
If you're serious, then the first thing you need to do is get this idea out of your head that Russia went into Ukraine to denazify them. This is a lie, and propaganda to morally justify their invasion, because they couldn't outright admit that their objection was Ukraine (originally) wanting to join the EU, and (later on) NATO.

Of course, the Russians eventually admitted to it, but saying denazify makes it seem like a moral obligation rather than one that's purely due to geopolitics.

Nations are rational actors, they have to be. When a national leader talks about morality, it's nothing more than propaganda to get people on their side.

Same with Europe, they don't give a **** what happens to Ukraine or its people, what they want is for Ukraine to remain a buffer state between the Russians and western Europe. The Europeans talking about a moral responsibility towards saving Ukraine is also nothing more than propaganda.

The truth is that Ukraine is stuck between a geopolitical dilemma. They side with one side, and the other gets mad. Yet, neither side wants Ukraine to remain neutral, so Ukraine suffers for it.

And that's the reality of it.
A rational mind would contemplate that easily, unfortunately this forum is creeping with trolls who make every attempt of any constructive dialog into a D measuring contest.

The sanctions will bite Russia hard, Russia is not North Korea, the people will shout and more importantly the oligarchs that support Putin will now seriously question his judgement.
With Putin under so much pressure, will it make him snap and resort to more indiscriminate use of force? Even the possibly use of tactical nuclear weapons?
If you're serious, then the first thing you need to do is get this idea out of your head that Russia went into Ukraine to denazify them. This is a lie, and propaganda to morally justify their invasion, because they couldn't outright admit that their objection was Ukraine (originally) wanting to join the EU, and (later on) NATO.

Of course, the Russians eventually admitted to it, but saying denazify makes it seem like a moral obligation rather than one that's purely due to geopolitics.

Nations are rational actors, they have to be. When a national leader talks about morality, it's nothing more than propaganda to get people on their side.

Same with Europe, they don't give a **** what happens to Ukraine or its people, what they want is for Ukraine to remain a buffer state between the Russians and western Europe. The Europeans talking about a moral responsibility towards saving Ukraine is also nothing more than propaganda.

The truth is that Ukraine is stuck between a geopolitical dilemma. They side with one side, and the other gets mad. Yet, neither side wants Ukraine to remain neutral, so Ukraine suffers for it.

And that's the reality of it.

Can you please rewrite that after removing the snarkyness and arrogance ?
I was always against unnecessary wars/conflicts or which could have solved in a other way.
But I'm completely against taking people from other cultures, societies with other values and other ideologies.
BTW, I mean only Germany, with 40/50 billion spending for "refugees" (mostly young men who don't wanna work/integrate, are in fighting age and were even in their home country useless).

You may be against war personally but that it not the view of your government.

Europeans helped US in destroying middle east so it is logical for them to accept responsibility for it.
I found that surprising as well. The Russians didn’t use their best planes to try to destroy the Ukrainian integrated air defenses and fighters first. In the first gulf war; there was a 100 days of air war followed by a 100 hours of ground fighting.
It's likely the Russians don't have enough new equipment to justify using them on what they thought was gonna be a quick and easy conquest.

They still have NATO to worry about, and using your latest tech on a weaker opponent just gives your enemy more data, and even worse if you lose that tech, it could end up in enemy hands.
Day 5.

All focused on Kiev, the capital and largest city. But the most important thing is happening in the Donbass. Mariupol, to the south, is practically surrounded, the same happens in Kramatorsk/Sloviansk and also Severodonetsk/Lysichansk.

Notice there are two pockets forming in the south forget the Mariupol one but if the upper pocket forms then ''Novorossiya'' Is a reality not a theory anymore
Can you please rewrite that after removing the snarkyness and arrogance ?
Nope. Take it or leave it.

If you want to have a serious discussion, I'm all ears, but I'm not about to change my entire personality.
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