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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Can you explain what dreadful future you mean?

a major war in Europe that could end in nuclear confrontation

The Situation was:

(1) The most colossal, brutal and deadly military empire the face of the earth has ever known, which in recent years has unscrupulously sent 3-4 million to hell and displaced several million from their homes, or directly or subcontracted chaos, terror and destruction

(2) With an imperial oligarchy that suffers from a rabid, deep, pathological and incurable Russophobia, which permeates everything from top to bottom

(3) An unstoppable trend of encircling, threatening and harassing Russia, and

(4) More than 20 years of unsuccessfully trying to communicate with a bunch of narcissists, cynics, rabid ideological fanatics and little children trapped in delusional fantasies. This complete inability to communicate is frightening. Their interests, desires and even their ultimate sentimental and/or cultural whims are sacred. And the interests and lives of others are worthless

If, for example, 1000 shells a day fall on the Russians in the Don ... The West shrugs its shoulders, and so on. If they are reminded of past promises ... the secretary of state literally shrugged his shoulders in front of minister Lavrov and said "... are/were words", and only failed to add: and we use words to deceive, that's why the Russians tired of lies and deception wanted a written agreement

The Russian ruling class with its grave, unpleasant and rational decision has broken a trend that was inexorably on a "collision course" as we sailors say. It was either war now or a worse war in the future.
Ukraine unit in Chernobyl defect to Russian army. Both side vow to protect Chernobyl from sabotage.

Statistics do not tell how much of the military force is in good shape or can be diverted towards a theater of operations in view of financial situation and without compromising other security commitments.

NATO could also spare limited military force for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003: a total of 90,000 troops were involved in taking over Iraq on the ground in this war effort. Kuwait was the only country in the region which allowed NATO forces to invade Iraq from the ground. Baghdad is located in the center of Iraq and there are several Iraqi cities and locations which drew attention of the invading forces when coming from Kuwait. If Iran had allowed NATO forces to invade Iraq then it could be different story.

Russian forces invaded Ukraine from Belarus, Russian territory, and from the Black Sea on 24-02-22 and still feels the need to call in Chechen militias - this suggests that Russian forces are under stress even though Ukranian defenses are not much to write about. Russia have also deployed some of its experimental units in the war and made extensive use of both cruise missiles and ballistic missiles by now. Kyiv is not far from the border as well.

If Ukraine had good defenses...

See above.

See above.
USA and Co. used Iraqi Kurdistan , used Kuwait
and later turkey allowed them use turkey for attack
Would you ask the same at the people of Russians too? You clearly aren't able to differentiate between the government and its people. Let me spell it out to you, its Putin who wants this war. Not your average person from Russia or China. They have nothing to gain from this.
Pretty sure many russians care what the ukranians been doing to their brethren in east of the country
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Statistics do not tell how much of the military force is in good shape or can be diverted towards a theater of operations in view of financial situation and without compromising other security commitments.

NATO could also spare limited military force for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003: a total of 90,000 troops were involved in taking over Iraq on the ground in this war effort. Kuwait was the only country in the region which allowed NATO forces to invade Iraq from the ground. Baghdad is located in the center of Iraq and there are several Iraqi cities and locations which drew attention of the invading forces when coming from Kuwait. If Iran had allowed NATO forces to invade Iraq then it could be different story.

Russian forces invaded Ukraine from Belarus, Russian territory, and from the Black Sea on 24-02-22 and still feel the need to call in Chechen militias - this suggests that Russian forces are under stress even though Ukranian defenses are not much to write about. Russia have also deployed some of its experimental units in the war and made extensive use of both cruise missiles and ballistic missiles by now. Kyiv is not far from the border as well.

If Ukraine had good defenses...
are the russians not using enough CAS?
Every photo or video I've seen today shows Ukrainian soldiers carrying British NLAW anti Armour weapons. They each seemed to have their own. This is going to be a real problem for Russia, and I hope west keep sending them anti air weapons and anti Armour weapons.
Every photo or video I've seen today shows Ukrainian soldiers carrying British NLAW anti Armour weapons. They each seemed to have their own. This is going to be a real problem for Russia, and I hope west keep sending them anti air weapons and anti Armour weapons.
So when is the west gonna send some to Palestine or Kashmir?
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