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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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How is it a warcrime? You see a large enemy force you bomb it. Unless there was a ceasefire or the war ended, you attack them. Whether they are advancing or retreating.


'Enemy' based on your invasion of a sovereign nation on pretexts that were later revealed to be fake/fabricated? Don't defend this shit, please. These moral quandaries can't be reduced to simple tactical explanations, as you have put forth.

What you were even doing there is the bigger question. The only way you'll be taken seriously by balanced minds on this forum is if you can first confront the atrocious human rights record and hypocrisy of the US (especially relative to the fact that it's apparently a liberal democratic nation). You cannot claim any form of moral high ground when successive governments have conveniently weaponized the idea of human rights and liberty as tools of hegemony.

For the US, Israel's occupation and apartheid-like tactics in Palestine are totally fine. Removing democratically elected leaders to install autocratic US puppets is fine (you have a long history of this, from South America to Iran). Selling billions in arms to dictatorships like you have been in Saudi Arabia is fine.

The above examples demonstrate that human rights, occupations, and democracies are not what matter --- it's just grand strategy and hegemonic interests. All that matters is who is doing what - and how they fit into America's worldview.
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Extreme sanctions have been placed and Russia has been removed from SWIFT. What has Russia got to loose now. They will leave a landlocked Ukraine and join China CIPS. We will see a unipolar world. NATO has a policy, your either with us or against us. China also needs to think, they have Hong Kong and Taiwan issues, in the future China could also face severe sanctions. Its best to plan for it now. Let the west know Asia/Russia can survive without them.
Surely you mean multipolar don't you?
If this report is true then Russia should eleminate every single on of these nazi beasts. Send them to hell once and for all.
Yes, destroy the nazis so the zionists can have total control?
Why should I? The US military have the copies. But please continue. I know you are less interested in the actual subject as a learning event and more about trying to put US in a negative light.

You should know that an allegation does not qualify as evidence, let alone proof. it does not matter if the source is a famous US magazine or from the Taliban.

But civilian casualties and rights abuses caused by questionable US 'interventions' are well-documented, especially those by the military and CIA-backed 'rebel groups' (terrorists).

Do you at least acknowledge the problematic moral ground the US is standing on? It's more like quick sand, or at least shifting sands, than anything firm. You're sinking into it the more you dig into arrogant interpretations of hegemony. My 2c. But, by all means, keep sharing stuff that everybody will consider one-sided; you'll only be wasting your own time, really.
They can’t even do propaganda photos properly. Just seen this on Twitter:


I’m all for people defending their country and promote the hell of such selfless people. But not when they are rocking air soft (bb) rifles:


Yes, destroy the nazis so the zionists can have total control?
Talking of Nazis:-

Israel takes sides in Ukraine invasion, braces for consequences in Syria

Jerusalem had tried to placate Russia to keep a free hand against regional rivals.​

By ARIE EGOZIon February 24, 2022 at 11:07 AM

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid gives remarks at the U.S. Capitol on October 12, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
TEL AVIV: After weeks of attempting to keep the diplomatic peace with Russia over the looming invasion of Ukraine, Israel has denounced Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked incursion — prompting worry from Israeli defense sources that Moscow could retaliate by strangling Israeli operations in Syria.
Though Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett did not mention Russia in an address today, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid condemned the attack on Ukraine as a “serious violation of the international order.”
“The first hours and days of any war are also the last time you can still stop and return to the negotiating table, mediated by world powers, to settle disputes peacefully,” Lapid said. “Israel has experienced wars, and war is not a method of resolving conflicts.” That message came a day after, again without mentioning Russia, Israel backed Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
In response, Russian officials in a United Nations Security Council meeting criticized Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights and said Russia does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty there.
What appears to be a diplomatic tiff could have immediate real-world consequences for Israel, which has relied on Moscow to allow it to launch military strikes against Iran-backed forces in Syria and stop Iranian-made weapons systems from transiting Syria on their way to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Earlier this month Breaking Defense reported that Israel went so far as to preemptively deny the transfer of Israeli weapons from Baltic states to Ukraine in an effort to appease the Kremlin.
The concern over Iran and its proxies is especially acute, sources here said, if the US signs a new nuclear deal with Iran, which one source said would cause Tehran to “increase its supply chain of advanced weapons systems” to Hezbollah via Syria.
In recent months Israel has intensified its operations against Iran and its various proxies, but even before the Ukraine invasion, Russia appeared to be less comfortable with Israeli operations in Syria. In a show of solidarity with Syria, Moscow flew a joint aerial patrol of Russian and Syrian military jets over the Golan Heights at the end of January. The Russian discomfort of Israeli operations also caused Israel to perform some of the attacks using ground-to-ground missiles and not air-dropped weapon systems, as noted by Eldad Shavit, a senior researcher in the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).


Army to industry: What technologies will increase our ability to drive electrification to the tactical edge?

The Army’s on-the-horizon electric, tactical wheeled vehicles need to align with the commercial market so that industry can both build and sustain them.
“The Russians may use the Middle East as an example to the US for what they can do in other parts of the world,” the researcher said. He added it was possible that more than hamper Israel, Russia might actually encourage Iran and its proxies to act against US forces in the region and against Israel.
For its part, Iran has firmly taken Russia’s side in the Ukraine invasion, saying it was “rooted in NATO provocations,” but still called for a ceasefire. “We do not see resorting to war as a solution,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Twitter.
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Why muslim brothers are making it a muslim vs west fight ? Are not chechens tortured by Russians ? Ukrainian people does not have to do anything with religion. They are defending themselves against aggressor which is unfortunately Russia.

Because there are a lot of Muslims that think Russia is friendlier to muslims and think thats Putin is not a hardcore zionist. But this is totally wrong.
The Ukrainian Zio regime was the first one to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israhell, isn't enough for you?

Ukraine was the third contingency in the war against Irak, isn't enough for you?

Ukrainian Zio President, mocking Islam and Muslim when doing comic shows, isn't enough for you?

What you fail to understand is that this is one zionist power fighting another zionist power.

The only difference is that that America and Most of Europe were not Muslim lands. Russia on the other hand is built on a muslim graveyard, that they created, from Crimea to Mongolia.
Yes, destroy the nazis so the zionists can have total control?
Those Nazis are only Nazis against Muslims, Eastern, Black, brown, yellow, ....

They are the creation of CIA and west
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