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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@sammuel means that USA has the veto power of the EU, because USA has the right to review the qualifications of democratic countries.

For sure democracy is not a country that has been ruled by the same putin/dictator , for the last 22 years , and recently have abolished free press in his country all together.

Russian Journalist Accused Of Discrediting Army Sent To Psychiatric Hospital


Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko, who was detained in St. Petersburg in April on accusations of discrediting the Russian armed forces in social-media posts about the war in Ukraine, has been transferred to a Siberian psychiatric hospital, her lawyer reported on July 2.

Lawyer Sergei Podolsky said Ponomarenko will be evaluated at the Altai Clinical Psychological Hospital for 28 days.

Ponomarenko, who lives and works in the Altai region city of Barnaul and is the mother of two young children, was transferred from St. Petersburg to Barnaul late last month.

“Today I went there and handed over a parcel for her,” Novosibirsk activist Yana Drobhokhod told RFE/RL. “She is not allowed to receive letters or visits from relatives. She is allowed to meet with her lawyers.”

Ponomarenko faces up to 10 years in prison for a Telegram post about the Russian bombing of a theater in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in which hundreds of civilians were killed. A Russian law passed in March criminalizes the dissemination of "fake" reports that "discredit the armed forces."

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For sure democracy is not a country that has been ruled by the same dictator for the last 22 years and recently have abolished free press in his country all together.

Russian Journalist Accused Of Discrediting Army Sent To Psychiatric Hospital


Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko, who was detained in St. Petersburg in April on accusations of discrediting the Russian armed forces in social-media posts about the war in Ukraine, has been transferred to a Siberian psychiatric hospital, her lawyer reported on July 2.

Lawyer Sergei Podolsky said Ponomarenko will be evaluated at the Altai Clinical Psychological Hospital for 28 days.

Ponomarenko, who lives and works in the Altai region city of Barnaul and is the mother of two young children, was transferred from St. Petersburg to Barnaul late last month.

“Today I went there and handed over a parcel for her,” Novosibirsk activist Yana Drobhokhod told RFE/RL. “She is not allowed to receive letters or visits from relatives. She is allowed to meet with her lawyers.”

Ponomarenko faces up to 10 years in prison for a Telegram post about the Russian bombing of a theater in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in which hundreds of civilians were killed. A Russian law passed in March criminalizes the dissemination of "fake" reports that "discredit the armed forces."

Come on.

In fact, we all know that the reason why Putin has received high support for a long time is that Russians lack a sense of security, so they pursue a strong president. This insecurity comes from NATO.

In other words, the USA forced the Russians to choose Putin.

Scolding the president is nothing. Unlike what you think, Chinese people can also scold Xi JingPinf.
But dare you scold the president's backstage? Dare you scold the Jewish plutocrats and Israel? I remember 10 years ago, an official of the British Foreign Office was sentenced to seven years in prison for scolding Israel.

And the woman you said was arrested for rumors. If a reporter in your country rumors that you are using living people for secret human experiments, will she be arrested?

As far as I know, the Australian government has also arrested journalists who reported that Australian special forces killed innocent Afghans. This is not a reporter who made up rumors, but he was still arrested by the so-called democratic govt.
For sure democracy is not a country that has been ruled by the same putin/dictator , for the last 22 years , and recently have abolished free press in his country all together.

Russian Journalist Accused Of Discrediting Army Sent To Psychiatric Hospital


Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko, who was detained in St. Petersburg in April on accusations of discrediting the Russian armed forces in social-media posts about the war in Ukraine, has been transferred to a Siberian psychiatric hospital, her lawyer reported on July 2.

Lawyer Sergei Podolsky said Ponomarenko will be evaluated at the Altai Clinical Psychological Hospital for 28 days.

Ponomarenko, who lives and works in the Altai region city of Barnaul and is the mother of two young children, was transferred from St. Petersburg to Barnaul late last month.

“Today I went there and handed over a parcel for her,” Novosibirsk activist Yana Drobhokhod told RFE/RL. “She is not allowed to receive letters or visits from relatives. She is allowed to meet with her lawyers.”

Ponomarenko faces up to 10 years in prison for a Telegram post about the Russian bombing of a theater in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in which hundreds of civilians were killed. A Russian law passed in March criminalizes the dissemination of "fake" reports that "discredit the armed forces."

In addition, the so-called "democratic state" is not just a definition of Americans. Chinese people also have it. Dare you listen?

The Chinese believe that the state is the tool used by the ruling group to rule the ruled group. A democratic country means that the ruling group is the people, and the people rule the plutocrats with the tool of the state.

The country where the plutocrats rule the people through the state is not a democratic country.

Now you tell me honestly, China and the USA, which country's ruling group is the plutocrats? Which country's ruling group is the people?
In addition, the so-called "democratic state" is not just a definition of Americans. Chinese people also have it. Dare you listen?

The Chinese believe that the state is the tool used by the ruling group to rule the ruled group. A democratic country means that the ruling group is the people, and the people rule the plutocrats with the tool of the state.

The country where the plutocrats rule the people through the state is not a democratic country.

'Democratic State" means that there is a government by the people via free electoral system.
Anything else is not a democratic state.
Democracy is the polity where power originates from the people, is exercised by the people and serves the interests of the people.
'Democratic State" means that there is a government by the people via free electoral system.
Anything else is not a democratic state.
Democracy is the polity where power originates from the people, is exercised by the people and serves the interests of the people.
What is the exact definition of "democratic election"?
Wall street takes out two rotten apples and gives you the freedom to choose one from two. Is this a democratic election?
In addition, the so-called "democratic state" is not just a definition of Americans. Chinese people also have it. Dare you listen?

The Chinese believe that the state is the tool used by the ruling group to rule the ruled group. A democratic country means that the ruling group is the people, and the people rule the plutocrats with the tool of the state.

The country where the plutocrats rule the people through the state is not a democratic country.

Now you tell me honestly, China and the USA, which country's ruling group is the plutocrats? Which country's ruling group is the people?
Yes we know all about how “democratic” those one party/communist dictatorships are.

From Stalin proclaiming the ussr the most democratic country, to north korea, to Pol pot democratically sending his people to die, to Mao’s “democratic” rule which led to the deaths of millions.

“I am the sole voice of the people” is a cause for great concern, not something to boast about…..
'Democratic State" means that there is a government by the people via free electoral system.
Anything else is not a democratic state.
Democracy is the polity where power originates from the people, is exercised by the people and serves the interests of the people.

What is your definition of people?
@jhungary, you did not believe me when I said the Ukrainian civilians welcome the Russians and allies in the liberated cities.
Let me fix it for you:
“The ethnic russian fifth column that stayed while the invaders ethnically cleansed the area welcome the russians”
@Akritas @Apollon, this is the way of the Russian and allied fighters - not to harm the Ukrainian civilians, unlike the fanatics among the Ukrainian military who commit war crimes.
Even conservative sources point out that majority of civilian deaths are caused by russia, and before that the russian seperatists.

No wonder considering the russian MO of fighting in afghanistan, chechnia, syria….
How would you describe a democracy ?

You do realise that most european countries score much better on social mobility, chances, distribution of wealth then your “paradise russia”. Where putin usurped power and wealth, and there are a multitude of oligachs with their million dollar yaughts?

Communist theory most often has been historically abused by those in power, to absolutely trample over the lifes and rights of its “people”. In many ways europe is far more truly socialist then russia or china.
Even after the latest trend of liberalism.
'Democratic State" means that there is a government by the people via free electoral system.
Anything else is not a democratic state.
Democracy is the polity where power originates from the people, is exercised by the people and serves the interests of the people.

Yes we know all about how “democratic” those one party/communist dictatorships are.

From Stalin proclaiming the ussr the most democratic country, to north korea, to Pol pot democratically sending his people to die, to Mao’s “democratic” rule which led to the deaths of millions.

“I am the sole voice of the people” is a cause for great concern, not something to boast about…..
The issue should never be about "Democracy", "Socialism" or " Communism", all of these ideology arise due to inequality at the time. Unfortunately human emotions/greed/sins stand in the way of any political entity/system. Power corrupts absolutely. So this debate is quite pointless and only flamed by political propaganda. My view is that it's better to have competing ideology to check the power of all governments. The argument should be about Unipolar vs Multipolar + Regionalism vs Globalization. Ukraine Russia war clearly points to an inflection point where the power of US led unipolar coalition are being tested. Russia clearly wants to establish a new multipolar world order to challenge the Americans/EU.
Yes we know all about how “democratic” those one party/communist dictatorships are.

From Stalin proclaiming the ussr the most democratic country, to north korea, to Pol pot democratically sending his people to die, to Mao’s “democratic” rule which led to the deaths of millions.

“I am the sole voice of the people” is a cause for great concern, not something to boast about…..
You don't understand Mao Zedong, and I'm not interested in explaining the famine of 1958/1961 to you. If you think that the death caused by famine is Mao Zedong's massacre, and the death caused by the great depression in 1929/1933 is not a massacre. It's up to you.

You say that China is a dictatorship, but the descendants of Mao Zedong are historians, and the successor of Mao Zedong is Deng Xiaoping.
The descendants of Deng Xiaoping are the staff of the disabled persons' Federation, and the successor of Deng Xiaoping is Jiang Zemin.
Jiang Zemin's descendants are engineering professors, and Jiang Zemin's successor is Hu Jintao.
Hu Jintao's descendant is a tour guide, Hu Jintao's successor is Xi Jingping, and Xi Jingping's daughter is a researcher at the Translation Institute.

China has never had two Bush presidents, two Adams presidents, two Harrison presidents and so on.
The capital of China is called Beijing, neither Mao Zedong nor Washington.
Do you still want to say that China is an authoritarian country?
Touch your conscience and ask yourself who is the country that really serves the people?
The issue should never be about "Democracy", "Socialism" or " Communism", all of these ideology arise due to inequality at the time. Unfortunately human emotions/greed/sins stand in the way of any political entity/system. Power corrupts absolutely. So this debate is quite pointless and only flamed by political propaganda. My view is that it's better to have competing ideology to check the power of all governments. The argument should be about Unipolar vs Multipolar + Regionalism vs Globalization. Ukraine Russia war clearly points to an inflection point where the power of US led unipolar coalition are being tested. Russia clearly wants to establish a new multipolar world order to challenge the Americans/EU.
Though no system is perfect, some might have more checks and balances to abuse of power. Putin removed all his checks and balances…Xi is doing similar.

And To me it seems more clear russia is acting like a colonialist empire again and mistreating one of the eastern european nations (again, like many many times before).

Due to this war, two power blocks are weakened. Russia itself, and the EU.
How is this “striving for a multipolar world?”.
Nato hasnt seen this massive increase in military power since ages thanks to Putins misadventure. (Sweden and finland joined, others likely to follow. Defence spending doubled all over europe)
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