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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ok the Zionist troll who is hiding behind the Sweddish flag. The amount of false information that you expressed against Palestinians clearly points to who you're. Bye now and don't quite me. Don't want to read your diarrhea.

and when you have no argument, you head for the door.


and when you have no argument, you head for the door.

"Hamas appreciated Egyptian efforts to de-escalate the tension between Gaza and Israel and the role Cairo plays in conveying messages from Palestinian factions to all parties."

Quit speaking through your arse and understand politics are not as black and white as you think.

The US simply terminated the cease-fire in the war started by Saddam.

You argue for the sake of arguments.
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"Hamas appreciated Egyptian efforts to de-escalate the tension between Gaza and Israel and the role Cairo plays in conveying messages from Palestinian factions to all parties."

Quit speaking through your arse and understand politics are not as black and white as you think.

You argue for the sake of arguments.
When you make irrational well rehearsed propaganda, a response is warranted.

Palestinians are not popular amongst their Arab neighbours since they bite the hand that feed them.

Why would Islamic Jihad need to restore relations, if they were good?

Hezbollah is a proxy for Iran, and the Hamas relations with Iran is a major reason why Palestinians are despised by the Gulf States and KSA.

Your link is supposed to support the view that Hamas is popular in Egypt?

They are at best tolerated after some grovelling.
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Another wedding party in Afghanistan bombed by Russia???... This is outrageous!
No the russians just used to wipe out the entire village instead.

Seriously. Bringing up afghanistan?
Usa invasion. Thousands civilian dead
Russian invasion. Million civilian dead

I guess you dont care for afghans. They only matter when killed by american bullets but all other bullets are fine.
Another wedding party in Afghanistan bombed by Russia???... This is outrageous!

Two wrong don't make a good, and the Yankees are not participating this invasion! Stop trying to excuse Russia's disgusting war crimes by others which BTW, may or may not have been deliberate, here we have a DELIBERATE ACT OF STATE TERRORISM. Moreover, exactly like with the Waffen-SS, the war crimes of ruSSian army are systemic and deliberate in order to terrorize the population, and then, the ruSSian invasion in itself is already a type of war crime that was enough to get you hanged at the Nuremberg trial, even if I agree that Butcher-Harris and Stalin should have been judged and hanged at Nuremberg too...

Now be aware that there are US citizens that are wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, which include members of the CIA, US Armed Forces and even politicians, e.g. Henry Kissinger, Chenney, Rumsfeld or Dubya clearly avoid to enter countries that signed the 1998 Rome Treaty...
At the same time, the cases are few as war crimes/crimes against humanity are not an US norm, actually, as all western forces, US military try to minimize collateral damages as much as possible.
It's not the same with Russia which uses of deliberate terror methods against populations. After 4 months in Ukraine only, there are already 20,000 court cases of war crimes under investigation...
Now, I make myself no illusions about US or Russian criminals ending their days in The Hague's jail.

_ICC Nuremberg.jpg


They ALL deserve :

Period !!!
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