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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russian IL -76 bound for Ukraine to deliver weapons.....miracously catched fire after take off and crashed into a city 200km away from Moskow.

Thats best scenario. Destroy them still on russian soil.

What you think? Javelin? Stugna?

@jhungary @oberschlesier @jamahir @zartosht

Not ev

You’re suggesting every Hermes missile will be shot from 30 kilometres away? THAT is impossible buddy, from most of the footage I've seen these old soviet crap machines fire from approx 3-5 kilometres away.

Are you saying a Manpad missile cannot shoot down this MI-28NM? HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Of course, 30 km is the max range. Most time it'll be shot from say 10 km or so. Likewise, MANPADS max range is 6 km, but most times it is shot from about 2 km. 90% of time in Donbas artillery is shot from about 10 km when the max range is about 30 km.

And while it is possible MANPADS can shoot down Mi-28NM, it might take the lives of 100 MANPADS to shoot down a single Mi-28NM. The loss ratio just won't be worth it, especially considering Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine.

China won't do anything, they have no interest in sending their men to die in Ukraine. This is all wishful thinking. Besides, judging from prior wars the Chinese are good at dying, that's about it. Life is cheap in Russia and China, they throw bodies into the fight not caring how many will die.

I always say, the Soviets did not lose 20 mil men because the Germans were super strong, they lost so many men because of dumb soviet tactics. It is also funny to see Moscow trying to hijack the 20 mil deaths as Russians when we all know it was all peoples from the former SU.

It suffices for China to send military hardware. Whatever Russia needs, China sends. This is payback time for 100 years of humiliation at the hands of western Europeans.
At an AFA event June 24, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall went further, saying Russia’s Air Force has been “absent” in the Ukraine war.

“The Russian Air Force has been absent from the war to a large extent, and it’s because they’ve been intimidated by the … air defenses the Ukrainians have been able to use tactically pretty successfully,” Kendall said.

The result has been more than 100 days of contested air space.

USAF Sec Kendall days the Russian Air Force has been absent
Sweden has conscription, as does Finland. When mobilised, Sweden's Army is larger than the UK's. Finland operates a similar system, and when mobilised, it's Army is an equivalent size to what Russia's was before it began its war with Ukraine. Both countries active service standing Armies are highly professional and, at present, are hugely better equipped than the Russian Army which is almost literally scraping the barrel of its Inventory

More than half of their men have already lost their manhood through transgender and gay procedures. So when an army whose men cut their balls (Sweden, Netherlands, and Finland) fights with an army whose men have their balls intact (Russia), of course the army whose men have their balls intact (Russia) is going to win. Come' on people, those hormones they use on those men who lost their manhood will melt as soon as they smell the bullets. Swedes, Dutch, and Finnish people should stop beating their chests. Straight men will defeat in battle against batty boys and men who turned themselves into "women". Weird and strange if you ask me now that batty boys and gender "fluid" people are claiming to be gearing up for battle. What is this? The End of Age?

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So let me get this straight. The US can invade a sovereign nation on the other side of the planet (Iraq) based on a lie, with full blessings of most of the Western governments but Russia cannot invade a neighboring country that they themselves (USSR) created and which has a sizable Russian minority that has been persecuted by Western-sponsored Ukrainian nationalists in Donbas and elsewhere since the coup in 2014?

Anyway it looks like Donbas will return to Russia and there is nothing the West can do about that.

Long live the hypocrisy.

Similarly with Taiwan, what are the US even doing there? Taiwan is a part of China and inhabited by Han Chinese. The dispute dates back to the Chinese civil war. Anyway we all know that the US presence in Taiwan and support for it is only used as a pretext for trying to keep China in check. However that will fail just like they failed to keep Russia in check in Ukraine.

Long live the multipolar world and to hell with Western hypocrisy.
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The last Ukrainian forces fighting in the hotly contested eastern city of Severodonetsk have been ordered to withdraw to avoid being encircled, as fears are growing that the neighboring city of Lysichansk will also fall into Russia's hands within days.

The expected loss of Severodonetsk is the last reversal of the Battle of Kyiv after its defeat in the port city of Mariupol. According to some estimates, there are still about 12,000 civilians in Sievierodonetsk, out of a population of 160,000 before the war.


The Pentagon: Russia imposes a complete naval blockade on the shores of the Black Sea

Russian President: We are ready to supply the world with 50 million tons of grain, and the West is intimidating the situation around Ukrainian grain
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