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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Sure, it can. Will it ? Is China interested to fight this war to the last Russian ?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. America is China's enemy. So it is in China's interest to fight America in Donbas. At least it serves the purpose of destroying America's artillery in Donbas.

I wouldn't be surprised if China sends J-16 and Su-35 to Russia for use in Donbas war.

@Tai Hai Chen Russian regime is a fcking joke!!!

This one is for you dummy @Tai Hai Chen

Suicide it's a suicide, biddy bye bye
Suicide it's a suicide
Suicide it's a suicide, biddy bye bye
Suicide it's a suicide

So you wanna die, commit suicide
Dial 1-800-Cyanide line

Those things are flying coffins, I would hate to be a pilot in that thing, how many have been shot down? Especially today where the Ukrainians have many Manpads and even a 50. cal machine gun at full blast within 400 feet can knock this soviet trash out of the sky.
Those things are flying coffins, I would hate to be a pilot in that thing, how many have been shot down? Especially today where the Ukrainians have many Manpads and even a 50. cal machine gun at full blast within 400 feet can knock this soviet trash out of the sky.

MANPADS don't have the range to engage Mi-28NM. Hermes missile has range 30 km. Also, MANPADS are largely ineffective against Mi-28NM's self protection suite.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. America is China's enemy. So it is in China's interest to fight America in Donbas. At least it serves the purpose of destroying America's artillery in Donbas.

I wouldn't be surprised if China sends J-16 and Su-35 to Russia for use in Donbas war.
Russia is not fighting America or NATO, just Ukraine, that gets help from the west, and this help is not big to be frank( 10B USD? ) and not much deteriorating NATO Power.

I would be suprised if China would send it`s fighters there, this would mean, that Russian`s campaign is a complete disaster and would risk the China`s relationship with Europe over Russia, which is the junior Partner comparing to Europe.
Russia is not fighting America or NATO, just Ukraine, that gets help from the west, and this help is not big to be frank( 10B USD? ) and not much deteriorating NATO Power.

I would be suprised if China would send it`s fighters there, this would mean, that Russian`s campaign is a complete disaster and would risk the China`s relationship with Europe over Russia, which is the junior Partner comparing to Europe.

True, but all of NATO's artillery will eventually be sent to Ukraine where they will be destroyed. That is not a small number.

I would be suprised if China would send it`s fighters there, this would mean, that Russian`s campaign is a complete disaster and would risk the China`s relationship with Europe over Russia, which is the junior Partner comparing to Europe.

China stands on morale high ground. It is the Kiev regime that shelled Donbas civilians since 2014. It is the Kiev regime that forced Russia's hand to do military operation. It is the Kiev regime that started the war. Chinese people are not stupid. Chinese people know who is the bully. Chinese people have been bullied by western Europeans in the past. Chinese people are wary of western Europeans and their imperialism. Chinese people would rather break relation with western Europe than not protecting civilians from bullies.

Turkey invaded Cyprus to protect ethnic Turks in Cyprus. Chinese people understand Turkey's invasion is of good nature. Likewise, Chinese people understand Russia's invasion is of good nature.
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I would be suprised if China would send it`s fighters there, this would mean, that Russian`s campaign is a complete disaster and would risk the China`s relationship with Europe over Russia, which is the junior Partner comparing to Europe.

China's relation with western Europe is only temporary. Chinese do not trust western Europeans. Chinese people have been bullied by western Europeans in the past. Britain imposed opium on Chinese people and snatched Hong Kong from China in war. Chinese people are wary of western Europeans and their imperialism. To Chinese people, Russia is friend, western Europe is enemy.
As I have mentioned before, you are not expert regarding Central Europe.

My father is thuringian, i have czech friends. We have no problems with you guys.

China's relation with western Europe is only temporary. Chinese do not trust western Europeans. Chinese people have been bullied by western Europeans in the past. Britain imposed opium on Chinese people and snatched Hong Kong from China in war. Chinese people are wary of western Europeans and their imperialism. To Chinese people, Russia is friend, western Europe is enemy.

Must suck for,you that russia is a poor hellhole with weak economy.
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