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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It's not how you survive the blast, it's about how you survive what happening after.

What would you do if you cannot just go to the market and get all you need? You have to scavenge necessity just to survive? How are you planning on doing that? Are you trying to be a farmer in the nuclear wasteland or trying to hunt down can food store to store and battling with your neighbour and in some cases, you need to kill them in order for you to survive??

It's no fun when you left in a place where you can't even drink the water you see in the open, because it is contaminated and you have to go hunt for bottle water, a world where no Police and Government are going to help you, and everyone is fending for themselves.

I would not like to live in that world.

1 week after a ground burst, the radiation will unlikely be high enough to kill, and more or less harmless in an NBC protected vehicle.

If the rad sickness doesn't kill you within days, recovery chances are high. There are people who walked unprotected during nbc drills at ground zero hours after detonation, and had normal lives.

Groundwater will almost certainly be drinkable after the blast anywhere, but the ground zero. Puddles will be poisoned with activated sodium for 5 days, and dangerous for 10.
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I think the consequences of a nuclear war is a bit exaggerated. The US and Russia could probably destroy the major cities and military industrial complexes in each country, but its not the end of humanity and planet earth as such. It sure would be the end of life as we know it, but it will not lead to some nuclear winter leaving the earth uninhabitable.
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I think the consequences of a nuclear war is a bit exaggerated. The US and Russia could probably destroy the major cities and military industrial complexes in each country, but its not the end of humanity and planet earth as such. It sure would be the end of life as we know it, but it will not lead to some nuclear winter leaving the earth uninhabitable.

Indeed, and at least in the Red countries, political elites are well informed about what the result will look like.

NATO is 1 billion people, and at least 10 strong states with very robust institute of statehood which will not collapse from a loss of a capital.

Russia+China can at most kill 5% of NATO population if they will agree on a simultaneous first strike, and focus solely on casualty count.

The Communist China, and Russia, despite being the most NBC prepared nations on the planet, will cease to function once the political leadership will go down.

While an unprovoked Western strike will certainly lead to some counterstrike, and at least an attempt to rebuilding the CoC, things will go muddier the moment the ruling party decides to strike during a time of crisis.

You understand that people who are chosen to hold the real nuclear button in a missile silo are the closest things to robots. The indoctrination to follow the instruction to the letter is real, but this also means that they will not do shit if there is any contest of authority.

If strike is unprovoked, sure thing — even if years of indoctrination will fail to work, that 1 star general, or a colonel in the silo will get shot by soldiers, or junior officers who will then press the button.

But if people in the bunker will sense any wavering from the political leadership, the outcome is far less clear. Junior officers will know the risk of being shot by their own knocking on the bunker's door if they will follow party zealots to the end. Remember the 2nd missile corps general who ran away to US during Sino-Vietnam war, losing his shit on the fear that Deng will use the nuke.

If they knew they could win against the West just by pressing the nuclear button, and overwaiting the inferno in a deep bunker, while they lose 10%-15% of the country, they would've done so immediately without any hesitation.
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I didn't see Ukraine bitching about the invasion, nor Ukraine is yelling about sanction or whatever. Did you?
Yes. A LOT! EVERY DAMN WHERE! Their President does it almost on a daily/weekly basis, amplified by US/UK/Germany based media outlets.

"Give us Air Cover"
"They are kidnapping our children! 200K taken!"
"They are bombing buildings marked as children!"
"They are killing civilians! Human rights violators! Devils!"
"They are blowing up our historical places!"
"Give us Air Cover! Now!"
"Give us weapons! Now!"
"Shame on you! You do business with Russia!"

Just some examples.

PS : I have no special affinity to Russia. Putin can and should go to hell for being a slimey little dictator. That being said, I feel sick of US/UK/German hypocrisy.

Ground Burst is not just mean detonate on the ground..........Ground Burst mean the detonation is on Ground level, obstructed by Ground structure.
In all the description of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I have never seen these bombing described as "ground burst". They have always been described as "air burst" assisted by barometer. And seriously, half a kilometer in air, is very much an air-burst.

If you have sources to contary, I am happy to look at them.

Lets, however, circle back to original point: Can Russia do a nuke attack limited to Kiev leaving mascow intact? If US could do it back in 40s. I am sure as hell, Russia can do it now. If anyone in the world can, Russia surely can.
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