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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Kindly stay on topic.


Russian hardware closely examined:

Latest on Russian advances in the East:


There are unconfirmed reports of another Russian Su-35S shot down.

Which make me wonder why the pathetic reports from that Institute Study of War always made its appearance?

As that totally discredited when you see the line up of those ghouls and monsters making their crappy report filtered via NED and guys like Pomeo.

As if anyone interested in the truth or seek the truth find that from a bunch that always tell lies after lies after lies

To avoid seeing below again, I am considering on sending that entity to where sun and moon never shine and cockroaches roam that he can search and search for the truth there.


May 27, 2022 - Press ISW

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Kateryna Stepanenko and Mason Clark
May 27, 7:30pm ET
Russian forces began direct assaults on Severodonetsk on May 27 despite not yet having fully encircled the town. Russian forces have performed poorly in operations in built-up urban terrain throughout the war to date and are unlikely to be able to advance rapidly in Severodonetsk itself. Russian forces continue to make steady and incremental gains around the city but have not yet encircled the Ukrainian defenders. Ukrainian forces continue to maintain defenses across eastern Ukraine and have slowed most Russian lines of advance. Russian forces will likely continue to make incremental advances and may succeed in encircling Severodonetsk in the coming days, but Russian operations around Izyum remain stalled and Russian forces will likely be unable to increase the pace of their advances.
Key Takeaways
  • Russian forces began direct assaults on built-up areas of Severodonetsk without having fully encircled the city and will likely struggle to take ground in the city itself.
  • Russian forces in Lyman appear to be dividing their efforts—attacking both southwest to support stalled forces in Izyum and southeast to advance on Siversk; they will likely struggle to accomplish either objective in the coming days.
  • Russian forces in Popasna seek to advance north to support the encirclement of Severodonestk rather than advancing west toward Bakhmut.
  • Positions northeast of Kharkiv City remain largely static, with no major attacks by either Russian or Ukrainian forces.
  • Russian forces continue to fortify their defensive positions along the southern axis and advance efforts to integrate the Kherson region into Russian economic and political structures.

We do not report in detail on Russian war crimes because those activities are well-covered in Western media and do not directly affect the military operations we are assessing and forecasting. We will continue to evaluate and report on the effects of these criminal activities on the Ukrainian military and population and specifically on combat in Ukrainian urban areas. We utterly condemn these Russian violations of the laws of armed conflict, Geneva Conventions, and humanity even though we do not describe them in these reports.
ISW has updated its assessment of the four primary efforts Russian forces are engaged in at this time. We have stopped coverage of Mariupol as a separate effort since the city’s fall. We had added a new section on activities in Russian-occupied areas:

  • Main effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and three supporting efforts);
  • Subordinate Main Effort—Encirclement of Ukrainian troops in the cauldron between Izyum and Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts
  • Supporting effort 1—Kharkiv City;
  • Supporting effort 2—Southern Axis;
  • Activities in Russian-occupied Areas
Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine
Subordinate Main Effort—Southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Encircle Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine and capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)

Russian forces began direct assaults on built-up areas of Severodonetsk on May 27 without having fully encircled the city and cut off the Ukrainian defenders. Geolocated videos confirmed that Chechen units seized a hotel located in the northern part of Severodonetsk on May 27. Severodonetsk Military-Civil Administration Head Oleksiy Stryuk reported that Ukrainian forces previously repelled Russian attacks on the hotel on May 26, but Russian forces captured the position sometime on May 27.[1] Luhansk Oblast Head Serhiy Haidai said that Russian forces also conducted offensive operations just southeast of Rubizhne toward Severodonetsk.[2] Russian forces also continued to push on Severodonetsk via Ustynka and Borisvske just 9km and 14km southeast of the city, respectively.[3] The Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) falsely claimed that Russian forces cut off all routes and surrounded Severodonetsk, trapping Ukrainian units in the Severodonetsk cauldron, though this is untrue and Russian forces have not yet fully encircled Ukrainian defenders.[4] Ukrainian sources differed on the extent of Russian advances, with Stryuk estimating that Russian forces have encircled approximately two-thirds of Severodonetsk’s perimeter and Haidai stating Russian forces have only reached the city’s outskirts.[5]

Russian forces likely seek to advance toward Slovyansk from Lyman to the north due to stalled operations south of Izyum.[6] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces shelled two settlements approximately 30km and 35km southeast of Izyum and conducted limited attacks south from Lyman.[7] Russian forces have been unable to advance south from Izyum on the E40 highway due to Ukrainian resistance along the road and may now be changing their approach to attack toward Slovyansk from the northeast. The Ukrainian General Staff also noted that Russian forces in Kharkiv Oblast are training personnel to replenish infantry, tank, and artillery units, and deployed the 29th Separate Railway Brigade from Smolensk to Kharkiv Oblast, likely to generate new forces and restore logistics to attempt to resume stalled offensive operations southeast of Izyum.[8]
Russian forces in Lyman are additionally attacking southeast toward Siversk as part of ongoing efforts to encircle Ukrainian defenders in the town.[9] Russian forces will likely attempt to seize the roads leading to Severodonetsk from the northwest to sever Ukrainian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) in Luhansk Oblast.[10] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces fired mortars and rocket-propelled grenades on settlements within a 20km range of northwestern Siversk and launched an airstrike on Siversk on May 27.[11] Russian forces in Lyman appear to be dividing their efforts—attacking both southwest to support stalled forces in Izyum and southeast to advance on Siversk; they will likely struggle to accomplish either objective in the coming days based on past Russian performance.
Russian forces attempted to seize access to two highways east and northeast of Popasna on May 27 in a continued effort to partially disrupt Ukrainian GLOCs to Severodonetsk. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces continued assaults against villages adjacent to the T1302 highway from Bakhmut to Lysychansk, just northeast of Popasna.[12] Russian forces also attacked east of Popasna to secure access to the T1303 highway to Lysychansk.[13] Russian forces are likely prioritizing the Lysychansk direction, rather than advancing toward Bakhmut, to support Russia’s main effort operations in Severodonetsk.

Supporting Effort #1—Kharkiv City (Russian objective: Withdraw forces to the north and defend ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum)
Russian forces did not launch any ground assaults against Ukrainian defenders north of Kharkiv City on May 27. Russian forces continued systematic shelling of Ukrainian-liberated villages to preserve their defensive positions near the Ukrainian-Russian state border.[14] Ukraine’s Security Service reported that entire Russian units rioted and refused to conduct an offensive operation on Kharkiv City, though ISW cannot independently confirm this claim.[15]

Supporting Effort #2—Southern Axis (Objective: Defend Kherson against Ukrainian counterattacks)
Russian forces continued to fortify their positions along the southern axis.[16] Ukrainian Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Representative Vadym Skibitsky reported that Russian forces are currently building a third line of defense in Kherson Oblast and are consolidating their control over railroads, airfields, and ports.[17] The Zaporizhia Oblast Military Administration also said that Russian forces transferred land, air, and sea military equipment from Crimea on May 26, including 24 "Grad” MLRS systems.[18] The Ukrainian Southern Operational Command reported that Russian forces also continued to deploy reservists from Crimea.[19] The UK Defense Ministry noted that Russian forces deployed 50-year-old T-62 tanks from storage to the southern axis.[20]
Russian forces launched an unsuccessful ground attack near the Kherson-Mykolaiv Oblast border and continued artillery and airstrikes throughout southern Ukraine, the first attack near Kherson for several weeks.[21] This attack is unlikely to be part of a wider offensive operation. Russian forces also launched a missile strike on the Motor Sich Plant in Zaporizhia City on May 26 but missed the target and damaged residential infrastructure nearby.[22]

Activity in Russian-occupied Areas (Russian objective: consolidate administrative control of occupied areas; set conditions for potential annexation into the Russian Federation or some other future political arrangement of Moscow’s choosing)
Russian forces continued to set conditions for the long-term occupation of Ukraine’s southern regions. Ukrainian Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Representative Vadym Skibitsky reported that Russian occupation forces are likely preparing for referendums on the occupied territories in September or October.[23] Russian occupation authorities began transitioning Zaporizhia Oblast to the Russian time zone and introducing Russian license plates; they also promised to establish new subsidy and tax systems in the near future.[24] Russian occupation officials are additionally reportedly attempting to create an Internal Ministry subordinate to the Kherson Oblast Civil-Military Administration to support occupation administration and possibly support integration with Russia’s own Internal Ministry.[25] The Zaporizhia Oblast Military Administration reported that Russian authorities continued to hand out Russian passports to Melitopol residents, which will allow the Kremlin to mobilize and control the movements of inhabitants of the occupied territories and conscript them for military service. These efforts will also allow the Kremlin to claim it is protecting Russian citizens, as it did in the DNR and LNR prior to February 24.[26]
Russian occupation officials are struggling to subdue Ukrainian partisan activity in the south. The GUR intercepted a call with a Melitopol resident who noted a rise in unspecified partisan activity in Kyrylivka, a coastal town just south of Melitopol.[27] GUR representative Skibitsky also claimed that Russian forces began avoiding bridges and roads, likely to avoid Ukrainian partisan attacks.[28]
Immediate items to watch
  • Russian forces are likely reinforcing their grouping north of Kharkiv City to prevent further advances of the Ukrainian counteroffensive toward the Russian border. Russian forces may commit elements of the 1st Tank Army to northern Kharkiv in the near future.
  • Russian forces are unlikely to advance rapidly in direct assaults against Severodonetsk, but supporting operations to fully encircle the town will likely continue to secure incremental gains.
  • Occupation forces in Mariupol will continue to strengthen administrative control of the city but are likely unsure of what the ultimate annexation policy will be.
  • Russian forces are likely preparing for Ukrainian counteroffensives and settling in for protracted operations in southern Ukraine.
NATO did not have any operations in Korea.
North Korea was fought by the United Nations after starting a Soviet/China supported war of aggression.
North Korea was fighting to unite Korea peninsula much like Vietnam. US supported south, and drummed up support by its puppet UN to form a coalition army to invade Korea.

Kindly stay on topic.


Russian hardware closely examined:

Latest on Russian advances in the East:


There are unconfirmed reports of another Russian Su-35S shot down.

You beat me into posting that report! ( i was to busy laughing while reading it ... ).

It does explain why Russians are soo soo damn keen on taking washing machines back to Russia - it is quite simple it seems - orders from the top - it is for spare parts for their tanks, planes and cruise missiles it seems !!!!!!!!!

Ukraine has received Harpoons and M109 self propelled howitzers.
None of these will matter(MLRS, Harpoons, artilleries, tanks) when Ukraine has no forward logistic and supply capabilities. Russia dictate terms of engagement and will eventually grind Ukraine to submission by using Missiles, long range artillery and air bombardments. Ukrainian Army are just Cannon fodders for the Americans.
None of these will matter(MLRS, Harpoons, artilleries, tanks) when Ukraine has no forward logistic and supply capabilities. Russia dictate terms of engagement and will eventually grind Ukraine to submission by using Missiles, long range artillery and air bombardments. Ukrainian Army are just Cannon fodders for the Americans.
A Harpoon coastal defence system is like four trucks in place somewhere near the coastline, just waiting for a target. Doesnt really need logistics or supply.
The ukrainians seems to be fighting for themselfs, no matter how hard the russians are trying to create this false narrative of the americans using ukraine.
North Korea was fighting to subdue South Korea much like North Vietnam subdued South Vietnam creating a million refugees. US supported south, and drummed up support by UN to form a coalition army to defend South Korea against Communist aggression.
Now Vietnam is a dictatorship, and South Korea is not.
Even the western press, drum beaters of a Ukrainian victory, seem to be accepting that it's all over on the Donbass/ Eastern Ukraine front.
North Korea was fighting to subdue South Korea much like North Vietnam subdued South Vietnam creating a million refugees. US supported south, and drummed up support by UN to form a coalition army to defend South Korea against Communist aggression.
Now Vietnam is a dictatorship, and South Korea is not.
I think the key word is aggression, US started Korea war through intervention and then China entered the War. US/UN directly intervened and started the aggression. That fact cannot be denied. Macarthur even suggested to use Nukes, so your logic is way off bases.
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I think the key word is aggression, US started Korea war through intervention and then China entered the War. So

I think the key word is supported aggression, US/UN directly intervened and started the aggression. That fact cannot be denied. Macarthur even suggested to use Nukes, so your logic is way off bases.
The aggression was started by the North Korea invading South Korea On June 25th 1950.
The US responded in July after a UNSC resolution.
To deny those well known facts is embarassing.
Ah yes, the "United Nations" which yesterday I have told one of your fanatic thankers, @Raffie, that it is just an extension of Western Capitalist governments aka NATO aka Crusders. The UN Security Council aka UN Terrorist Council as Muammar Gaddafi succinctly put it in 2009 in his UN General Assembly address, is not only anti-democratic because it doesn't consult with the rest of the delegations in the UN General Assembly nor with every person in the countries or movements represented by those UNGA delegations ( which it should have been through Communist direct democracy ) but also because the UNTC just is an expression of the will of NATO to go ahead with regime-changing wars, genocidal wars and general regime changes even with dissent by the two non-NATO permanent members especially USSR / Russia.

In 1950 how did "United Nations" aka NATO start a war with two members of the United Nations - USSR and China ? If the Democratic People's Republic of Korea wanted to expel Capitalists from the entire Korean area and bring a progressive society there what bloody business was it of the Western imperialists to interfere ? To maintain dominance of anti-human Capitalism in many places in the world NATO genocided one million North Koreans in the three year Korea War. In waging that war the NATO governments and allied governments ( like of my India ) went against the democratic rights of many of their citizens who were against their anti-democratic governments waging war against North Korea, a war of Capitalist imperialism that resulted in the genocide of one million North Koreans and the destruction of NK's cities.
That's why Commie China inherited the seat of the Republic of China (around 1970), and the USSR, India or Israel were involved in the UN, all were leftist in the 40's-60's...
It's clear that, today, Russia and Commie China are more capitalist than the West, in fact, they perfectly fit the definition of fascism by its inventor, Benito Mussolini : "capitalism pushed to the extreme"
If you see the Yanlees as "dirty capitalists", guess what? Putin, Jinping or Khamenei are even more capitalist and imperialist too, BTW, Khamenei is as rich as Jeff Bezos, and Putin is twice as rich...
Putin's daughter owns a €8M mansion in Biaritz, France; Lavrov's daughter in law a £4.4M apartment in London.

Korean People's Army (KPA) forces crossed the border and drove into South Korea on 25 June 1950. Joseph Stalin had final decision power and several times demanded North Korea postpone the invasion, until he and Mao Zedong both gave their final approval in spring 1950. The United Nations Security Council denounced the North Korean move as an invasion and authorized the formation of the United Nations Command and the dispatch of forces to Korea to repel it. The Soviet Union was boycotting the UN for recognizing Taiwan (Republic of China) as China, and PRC (People's Republic of China) on the mainland was not recognized by the UN, so neither could support their ally North Korea at the Security Council meeting.

Gosh, do your classes!
Crusders? are these a specie of Crustacean?
This is very insulting

I have a suggestion for you,stop reading your bullcrap western propaganda media before people like you start trying to convince france to invade russia. It maybe too late for you,but at least it's free to try.
I have two suggestions for you:
Free Tibet
Chinese Democracy
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That's why Commie China inherited the seat of the Republic of China (around 1970), and the USSR, India or Israel were involved, all were leftist in the 40's-60's...
It's clear that, today, Russia and Commie China are more capitalist than the West, in fact, they perfectly fit the definition of fascism by its inventor, Benito Mussolini : "capitalism pushed to the extreme"
If you see the Yanlees as "dirty capitalists", guess what? Putin, Jinping or Khamenei are even more capitalist and imperialist too, BTW, Khamenei is as rich as Jeff Bezos, and Putin is twice as rich...
Putin's daughter owns a €8M mansion in Biaritz, France; Lavrov's daughter in law a £4.4M apartment in London.

Korean People's Army (KPA) forces crossed the border and drove into South Korea on 25 June 1950. Joseph Stalin had final decision power and several times demanded North Korea postpone the invasion, until he and Mao Zedong both gave their final approval in spring 1950. The United Nations Security Council denounced the North Korean move as an invasion and authorized the formation of the United Nations Command and the dispatch of forces to Korea to repel it. The Soviet Union was boycotting the UN for recognizing Taiwan (Republic of China) as China, and PRC (People's Republic of China) on the mainland was not recognized by the UN, so neither could support their ally North Korea at the Security Council meeting.

Gosh, do your classes!
Crusders? are these a specie of Crustacean?
This is very insulting

I have two suggestions for you:
Free Tibet
Chinese Democracy
Again,only western lunatics think china is more capitalist and imperialist than USA, doesn't even need to be explained.
That's why Commie China inherited the seat of the Republic of China (around 1970), and the USSR, India or Israel were involved in the UN, all were leftist in the 40's-60's...
It's clear that, today, Russia and Commie China are more capitalist than the West, in fact, they perfectly fit the definition of fascism by its inventor, Benito Mussolini : "capitalism pushed to the extreme"
If you see the Yanlees as "dirty capitalists", guess what? Putin, Jinping or Khamenei are even more capitalist and imperialist too, BTW, Khamenei is as rich as Jeff Bezos, and Putin is twice as rich...
Putin's daughter owns a €8M mansion in Biaritz, France; Lavrov's daughter in law a £4.4M apartment in London.

Korean People's Army (KPA) forces crossed the border and drove into South Korea on 25 June 1950. Joseph Stalin had final decision power and several times demanded North Korea postpone the invasion, until he and Mao Zedong both gave their final approval in spring 1950. The United Nations Security Council denounced the North Korean move as an invasion and authorized the formation of the United Nations Command and the dispatch of forces to Korea to repel it. The Soviet Union was boycotting the UN for recognizing Taiwan (Republic of China) as China, and PRC (People's Republic of China) on the mainland was not recognized by the UN, so neither could support their ally North Korea at the Security Council meeting.

Gosh, do your classes!
Crusders? are these a specie of Crustacean?
This is very insulting

I have two suggestions for you:
Free Tibet
Chinese Democracy
But those are not suggestions. You want to free tibet? Come and fight against the PLA, you are welcomed to have a try. CCP's approval rating is higher than 90%, you are also welcomed to come to have a try to overthrow it.
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