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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Taiwan separatists should be watching this right now. F*** around with China and you will be next!
But Taiwan is some distance from China and the sea would help a lot??
Anyway, what's the official Chinese response to this invasion? Anything in the UNSC tonight said by China?
Lesson of the day, don't be a cannon fodder for another country.

Thank you.

The US has created a lot of hate between people who share civilizational values (N vs. S Korea, Russia vs. Ukraine, etc.) They should focus on ending veteran homelessness, lack of universal healthcare, aging infrastructure, rising crime, etc., in their own country before f******* things up in the rest of the world.

LIVE: View of Maidan square in Kyiv, Ukraine

All the Pakistani, indian etc pdf members waking up today to this news

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Nah, we were expecting it, Putin the fox outsmarted NATO. NATO will take time to build the momentum as they appraise the Russian operation. All the howling , huffing and puffing by NATO let's see if they have any teeth to confront the Russian juggernaut. Europeans will be scared incase they get invaded next. Germans will be specially careful and the French subdued. Poland may muster up a little courage like they did against Germany but will get crushed if they get out of line. NATO will know Ukraine cannot stand up to a direct fight so would support them in an intense Guerrilla war to grind the Russians down. It's a race against time and the outcome will be determined by the speed of the Russian advance and how long the Ukrainian army can hold out. The longer the Ukrainian army hold out the costlier the war will become for the Russians and costlier for the Ukrainian civilians who will face the brunt of the sufferings.

It would be interesting to know if the Russians will impose a no fly zone and how NATO will respond. It's reality time, as two most technologically advance weapons systems meet face to face.
Thank you.

The US has created a lot of hate between people who share civilizational values (N vs. S Korea, Russia vs. Ukraine, etc.) They should focus on ending veteran homelessness, lack of universal healthcare, aging infrastructure, rising crime, etc., in their own country before f******* things up in the rest of the world.

Oh now you blaming us for what happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait? North Korea invading South? North Vietnam invading South, etc.?
But Taiwan is some distance from China and the sea would help a lot??
Anyway, what's the official Chinese response to this invasion? Anything in the UNSC tonight said by China?
China will condemn Russia.
Provoking? More like an excuse for Putin to retake Ukraine, possible even other countries that were part of Russia and satellite states as a secure controlling influence. Cause when those countries are part of NATO, I don't see a massive foreign army at Russia's borders.

Yeah lets see how America reacts if Russia places nuclear missiles on Cuba or Mexico.

Admit it America has lost its own self control or rather its self restrain.
Its evident from the military adventures, US media and even popular culture.
new footages are too bad. Sirens are sounding in the cities. People are running to the subway stations in panic.
so no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room! in a few hours Imran khan will go to lay wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Russia. Then he will have lunch and multiple hours of talks with president Putin. All this will be recorded by the world media. Then he will sign gas contracts with Russia and praise Russia!

then Biden will finally call him to apologize ……..or will sanction Pakistan let’s see …….this stuff Writes itself!

Putin has taken a page out of Saudi Arabia and MBs no wonder his friends with him. He announced he will only take parts and sack the remaining keeping the Ukrainians hostage in a bufferzone to be slowly chopped off as time passes
But Taiwan is some distance from China and the sea would help a lot??
Anyway, what's the official Chinese response to this invasion? Anything in the UNSC tonight said by China?

China would not support this out of principle (helping parts of a sovereign nation secede) but it will not condemn Russia either.
so no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room! in a few hours Imran khan will go to lay wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Russia. Then he will have lunch and multiple hours of talks with president Putin. All this will be recorded by the world media. Then he will sign gas contracts with Russia and praise Russia!

then Biden will finally call him to apologize ……..or will sanction Pakistan let’s see …….this stuff Writes itself!


We will see what Biden does against Pakistan. Didn't the Americans try to dismember Pakistan during Afghan occupation? Pakistan did the right thing. Unlike absent India and a panicked America, Pakistan is actually mediating. Pakistan government has said from day one that it seeks to play a mediator role.
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