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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Europeans think American's are their friends, that's a dangerous proposition.

Calm down tiny man.... Here's a list of issues facing the Biden Administration. Just saying this is a supply issue doesn't help anybody, all that blah blah blah, says nothing.
You rather US took those things and Nationalise it?

Chinese government nationalise those production plant, and one single problem happened, then bam, 10 years later, they are still buying Australian import for 400-500 RMB. Literally they are buying a stuff that cost A$13 in local Woolworths for A$100. You want that instead??

And thanks you for your concern, now F'off back to whatever hell hole you came from Canada. What we spend on our money is our business, we like to F Russia with 40 billions even if our American mother goes without baby formula, is this your concern? CANADIAN blah blah blahing with an American Issue says nothing.
After the initial setback due to a failed river crossing at Seversky Donetsk, it seems the Russian and allies have finally succeeded in the crossing.

Their forces are now heading towards Rubizhe, Bilohorivka, the Lysychansk Bakhmut highway.

The Ukrainian forces has retreated from many of the settlements they occupied earlier on.
WhatsApp Image 2022-05-15 at 12.14.20 PM.jpeg

Because she did stand for nothing and followed newspaper polls. Ending nuclear power and making fossil fuels expendive led germany to energy shortness. Her migrant politics in 2015 were desaster which created a powerful neo nazi party.

Her politics were outright retarded

Which Century ? Listen we are not living in Past. You are boasting about the same thing which Turks boast about Ottoman or Persians about something. What are you up to today ? Nothing, Nada, Zilch ? Living on borrowed money, Someone saving you one way or other for your utter failures and here you are talking like a spokesperson of NATO financed by Greece.

I am also against this invasion but I am not talking about which we cannot do as an Individual. The way you thugs of few nations made NATO and carried out one invasion after another, trust me you would be knocked out by someone and that too far away from your shores. Whatever you tiny pot countries has something called Army we can arrange 10 times of that in a day. Only thing is that we are not thugs like you else we from Asia is more than half of the population with three nuclear power states.

Call it a day and meet on some other thread as it is meant for Russia and Ukraine War.

Well we conquered India...but that aside. Greece does not live in borrowed money. We paid back the last tranche this year.

NATO also carried out no invasions. You are free to lisg invasions NATO carried out. Go on tell.

And today Greece protects Europe from migrants.

You know what you should arrange? Functional sanitary and hygienic infrastructure for your people . Thats your problem, not world politics
That’s a stark statement.

Annalena Baerbock, Germany foreign minister, says in Kiev, Germany will reduce dependency on Russia fossil fuels to zero.
Well, she dislikes North stream 2, dislikes the dictator system Russia from the beginning.

An attempt by Ukrainian soldiers to shoot down a Russian plane with MANPADS

The Russian army stopped the APU's attempt to cross the river. The battle unfolded on the Seversky Donets River, presumably near the village of Petrovskoye, where the Ukrainian army created a pontoon crossing and tried to cross the river. Russian motorized skirmishers engaged in battle and adjusted artillery fire on the guided crossing and the AFU equipment sheltering in the forest. As a result of the battle, the ferry was destroyed and drowned. The Ukrainian troops who managed to cross were destroyed by artillery fire.

Combat operations of Russian airborne units in Ukraine. The personnel conducts offensive battles in Ukraine and destroys enemy firing points. The assault on enemy strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is carried out with the fire support of mortar crews and crews of combat vehicles of the landing force.


Funny how you try to portray Russian moves as if they where somehow , your own personal achievements .

They are not.

Just to remind , your own only personal " accomplishment " , consists of obsessively coping and pasting stuff.

And while you do that . your own people are starving , thanks to Putin :

Humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Somalia

After a devastating locust invasion, the negative economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing drought, the war in Ukraine is worsening the situation in East Africa. In Somalia alone 6 million people face acute food insecurity, among them are 1.4 million children.


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You rather US took those things and Nationalise it?

Chinese government nationalise those production plant, and one single problem happened, then bam, 10 years later, they are still buying Australian import for 400-500 RMB. Literally they are buying a stuff that cost A$13 in local Woolworths for A$100. You want that instead??

And thanks you for your concern, now F'off back to whatever hell hole you came from Canada. What we spend on our money is our business, we like to F Russia with 40 billions even if our American mother goes without baby formula, is this your concern? CANADIAN blah blah blahing with an American Issue says nothing.
Grow up bro, I don't care about Chinese government blah blah and Australian blah blah. Canadians care about issues in US because of NAFTA and NORAD. Issue in US almost always affects Canada eventually. Please stop pretending you can speak on behalf of American mother without baby formula... you dickwad typing skills means didilly all. Like Russia army care about what ever you type in this forum tinydicky.
Grow up bro, I don't care about Chinese government blah blah and Australian blah blah. Canadians care about issues in US because of NAFTA and NORAD. Issue in US almost always affects Canada eventually. Please stop pretending you can speak on behalf of American mother without baby formula... you dickwad typing skills means didilly all. Like Russia army care about what ever you type in this forum tinydicky.
Lol, I don't see you or Canadian contribute to the 40 bil that WE are going to send to Ukraine.

you can dick here all you want, write a love letter to Trudeau for all I care, nobody in the US care about some plucker Canadian have to say about US DOMESTIC POLICY. As I said, I love my tax money going to burn some Russian arse, that's my money my choice, go pay your Canadian Dollar eh, and stop asking us for free protection if you feel like it.

Well, I can speak for ALL AMERICAN IF I WANT, my US Passport and Birth Certificate said so, do you have any one of those? C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N?, so no, better luck next time T-bag

King Crimson - Epitaph​

A gift for all people contributing to this thread,, no matter what side you're on .. listen, read, think and enjoy.. An old SUPER MASTERPIECE song from my youth..still valuable today..

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Lol, I don't see you or Canadian contribute to the 40 bil that WE are going to send to Ukraine.

you can dick here all you want, write a love letter to Trudeau for all I care, nobody in the US care about some plucker Canadian have to say about US DOMESTIC POLICY. As I said, I love my tax money going to burn some Russian arse, that's my money my choice, go pay your Canadian Dollar eh, and stop asking us for free protection if you feel like it.

Well, I can speak for ALL AMERICAN IF I WANT, my US Passport and Birth Certificate said so, do you have any one of those? C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N?, so no, better luck next time T-bag
I certainly don't care about what you say, nobody care buddy, so shut your a hole and shove it up your butt if you want to. What ever.....
I certainly don't care about what you say, nobody care buddy, so shut your a hole and shove it up your butt if you want to. What ever.....
LOL alright C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N, who think he can alter how US uses its own tax money.

LOL :rofl::rofl:
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