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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Ukrainian destruction of significant elements of a Russian motorized rifle brigade that tried to cross a pontoon bridge over the Siverskyi Donets River on May 11 has shocked prominent Russian milbloggers. Those bloggers have begun commenting on the incompetence of the Russian military to their hundreds of thousands of followers. The attempted river crossing showed a stunning lack of tactical sense as satellite images show (destroyed) Russian vehicles tightly bunched up at both ends of the (destroyed) bridge, clearly allowing Ukrainian artillerymen to kill hundreds and destroy scores of vehicles with concentrated strikes. The milbloggers who have hitherto been cheering on the Russian military criticized Russian armed forces leadership for failing to learn from experience in the war. They also expressed the concern that the constant pushing of Russia’s propaganda lines was making it hard for them to understand what was actually going on.

The effects of this change in tone and discourse by these milbloggers are uncertain but could be potent. People living under tightly censored regimes often trust individuals who seem to be independent of but generally aligned with the government more than the government line (even more than do citizens of democratic societies). The commentary by these widely read milbloggers may fuel burgeoning doubts in Russia about Russia’s prospects in this war and the competence of Russia’s military leaders (at least).

The destruction of the motorized rifle elements may also severely disrupt Russian efforts to isolate Severodonetsk and Lysychansk from the north. Russian troops made no attempts to advance in that area in the last 24 hours.


Putin opines sanctions hurting West more than Russia​

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Western countries were worse hit by sanctions by looking at the 20% sharp rise of inflation in Europe.

Agence France-Presse
12-05-2022 18:55
in World News

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday Western countries were worse hit by sanctions imposed on Moscow over Ukraine than Russia, which he insists has been resilient in the face of “external challenges”.
After the initial setback due to a failed river crossing at Seversky Donetsk, it seems the Russian and allies have finally succeeded in the crossing.

Their forces are now heading towards Rubizhe, Bilohorivka, the Lysychansk Bakhmut highway.

The Ukrainian forces has retreated from many of the settlements they occupied earlier on.
The US could have stayed in Afghanistan till the end of time. It left because it no longer wanted to hold the hands of the Afghan people. The Afghan people lost. The US also achieved its objective of annihilating Al Qaeda.

The Afghans lost because they won’t fight for their future. They’d rather live in backwardness.

Ukrainians on the other hand, choose freedom and advancement as a country, rather than being subjugated by the backwards Russians.
How is Russians that much backward to Americans when Russian owns and build half of the international space station. That's BS. US was printing $200 million a day to finance Afghan occupation. Afghan poor lost, but a lot of Afghans got rich of the Americans. One of the reason US stayed in Afghanistan was to train Uyghurs/xinjing rebellions, and establish potential base to infiltrate Xinjiang. When China cracked down on the border and anniliated CIA networks/Uyghurs congress, Afghanistan lost its purpose. Ukraine on the other hand is truly backward and corrupt. Zelensky and his handlers have been easily bribed by the US, and essentially led their people to suffer through this war. All war takes two party to tangle, Now US funding a $200 million a day Proxy war in Ukraine to destabilize Russia, lets see how long that last with hyper inflation in US and Europe hitting the fan.
The problem with the Russian is despite all the propaganda issued by the Ukrainian side, they have not or sparsely rebuked any of the Ukrainian claims.

The Russian reports although short, are more in compliance to those of a professional army.

While the Ukrainian Army makes up of mainly ill trained conscripts and aged reservists hence the chaotic and undisciplined situation.

We heard Zalensky a non military person personally ordering the disastrous attack on Snake Island against his army advice.

That is why I choose to believe more in reports arising out of Russia. IMO more plausible.

But the accompanying events indicated to us which direction the war is heading.

Example. If the Ukrainian are winning the war, why is German Olaf Scholtz or Lloyd Austin, the US Secretary of Defense suddenly and simultaneously calling his Russian counterpart Sorgoi asking for a ceasefire.

Does not make any sense after the US despatched and dumped billions of dollarsworth of arms in Ukraine and the Ukrainian AZOV neo-NAZI forces are winning.
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The problem with the Russian is despite all the propaganda issued by the Ukrainian side, they have not or sparsely rebuked any of the Ukrainian claims.

The Russian reports although short, are more in compliance to those of a professional army.

While the Ukrainian Army makes up of many ill trained conscripts and aged reservists hence the chaotic and undisciplined situation.

We heard Zalensky a non military person personally ordering the disastrous attack on Snake Island against his army advice.

That is why I choose to believe more in reports arising out of Russia. IMO more plausible.

But the accompanying events indicated to us which direction the war is heading.

Example. If the Ukrainian are winning the war, why is German Olaf Scholtz and Lloyd Austin, the US Secretary of Defense suddenly calling his Russian counterpart Sorgoi asking for a ceasefire.

Does not make any sense after the US despatched and dumped billions of dollarsworth of arms in Ukraine and the Ukrainian AZOV neo-NAZI forces are winning.
My conclusion is the Ukrainian side is not doing as great as they propagate.

As I constantly say, disinformation does not win a real war.

Now Ben Wallace, the UK Defense Secretary is appealing for more Soviet era weapons to suppy to Ukraine.

The ill trained Ukrainian army can't handled the newer US supplied weapons and they are falling into the hands of tge DNR LNR militia intact.
The US could have stayed in Afghanistan till the end of time. It left because it no longer wanted to hold the hands of the Afghan people. The Afghan people lost. The US also achieved its objective of annihilating Al Qaeda.

The Afghans lost because they won’t fight for their future. They’d rather live in backwardness.

Ukrainians on the other hand, choose freedom and advancement as a country, rather than being subjugated by the backwards Russians.
they want but they can't. they have minimum support from the people of Afghan. it is no wonder, they don't understand afghans well enough to get a sufficient support from the people. And that is where Taliban 2.0 is better than US.
The point is Washington does not have answers to baby formula shortage, and the recalls were issued two month of ago. Biden's administration can print $40 Billion for Ukraine but does not have the money to help American mothers. Asking Abbott alone to end this logistic logjam is unrealistic and completely missed the point if you are a mother in one of those 8 states. The point is "what is American interest" is still in debate since current Administration is really out of touch with reality.

Well we can simply do what the Chinese did when this happened to them. Have scores of people sent all over the world to clear off other countries shelves of baby formula instead of fixing the problem. (Which they also did to the world's N95 mask supply back in 2020).

We should just send people to major Chinese cities to clear their shelves. Problem solved!


Chinese Parents Snatch Up Baby Formula Globally​

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