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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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"It's just a feint".

"Tactical retreat, bro".

"If Russia really wanted they would get into Paris in a week".

"Russia is superpower number one".

"Russian military planned to lose thosands armored vehicles. 4D chess, man".
"It's just a feint".

"Tactical retreat, bro".

"If Russia really wanted they would get into Paris in a week".

"Russia is superpower number one".

"Russian military planned to lose thosands armored vehicles. 4D chess, man".

Youre slamming in open doors. Anyone who know one or two things about WW2, is aware of the Allied effort in North Africa, Mediterranen and Middle East. I already mention that the victory over Nazis was a combined Allied effort. Still its clear that Soviet faced the hardest battles and remained most devasstated after the War, having lost nearly 20 million people.

France, Benelux and Scandinavia gave up without any significant fight. Spain kinda remained vague and was spared, Italy was an ally so again spared. Baltics and Finns were Nazi allies.

It was Britain and Soviet who stood alone against the odds for long periods. Britain was never invaded but Soviet wasnt nearly as lucky.

The Soviet victory over Nazi was in many ways one of those rare comebacks, because they were on the brink of collapse. When it got its things in order, it began griding victories, albeit with huge losses, but eventually steamrolling into Germany by the end of the war.

One big factor of why Russian lost so many people was that Nazis really hated slavic people. When they occupied Scandinavia forexample, they threated the civilians relatively well compared to what Slavic Russian had to go through. Much of the railways in Northern Norway forexample was built by Nazis with Russian prisoners of war. Many of whom died from inhumane laboring and horrible conditions in concentration camps.

Following factors paved way for Soviet comeback in the war:

1. Operation Avalanche of US-led forces compelled Hitler to divert precious military resources to Italy in 1943. This development coincide with defeat of German forces in the Battle of Kursk in USSR - Germany was unable to reinforce its forces for this crucial battle. This was the turning point of the war in the Eastern front.

Impact of Stalingrad was/is overhyped by some historians.

2. USA was providing extensive material support to USSR via its Lend Lease Program. USSR received a large number of trucks, tanks and aircraft from USA and (even UK) for free. Trucks were instrumental in providing mobility to Soviet forces - a crucial component of the war effort (overlooked by some historians).

German forces had significant mobility and logistics problems in USSR on the other hand. Many of the German supply lines involved use of animals (too slow to be impactful). German advances in USSR lost momentum due to this problem and mounting losses.

Neither Soviet or Russia was/is an Angel.

Germany and Soviet both carved up eastern Europe in order to creater big buffer against eachother. Communists and Nazis hated eachother. Hitler despised communists and accused it for being a jewish conspiracy.


Still, looking at the result theres no doubt the Soviet Union was the real warrior of WW2. Although Nazi Germany was defeated theough Allied afforts, it was Soviet who dealt the biggest blow to Hitler.

Soviet push towards Berlin was impactful in its own right but there are other realities to consider some of which I pointed out above. US-led forces made it impractical for German forces to push too far in USSR.

US-led forces forces slowly but surely degraded German naval forces and Air Power (British contributions are particularly notable), and American bombers subjected German industrial zones to strategic bombing runs at a later stage. Bombing of Dresdan produced effects similar to that of a nuclear bomb (minus radiation).

US-led forces produced much greater effects due to having a strong and capable naval component which provided the ability to reach and fight in any location when feasible. British terrain was also utilized like an aircraft carrier for the Western Front.
The game is over. There is no way out. Seen him at the parade day? Putin looks sick, has aged dramatically in the last days. Many think he will use the last joker: official declaration of war and general mobilization in the coming day. His ergo is bigger. Before he dies he will take the world with him.

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You absolutely can never be sure that your enemy wouldn't use its biggest weapon first. That's the basics of tactics.

But also we know that Putin never had even a basic military education. KGB were intentionally trained to be dummies in military matters to deter them interfering, or trying to seize power back in USSR, or so I was told when we spoke about who is axing whom now in Kazakhstan with locals.

This is why all across ex-USSR, where the president was an ex-KGB, or used to rely on KGB, the military was reduced to nothing, and all influential generals were purged.
Plenty of such videos of Americans in Iraq and Zionist in Palestine. ...

So what?
I dare you to produce a single video of a peaceful individual killed like this.

I am pretty sure you will produce videos of people killed after they or others in the vicinity has engaged in combat or otherwise acted in a threatening way.
Russian military has lost over 100 T-72B3 Object 2016 tanks out of 570 and those have modern western optics what Russians can't get anymore and those losses continue. Most common tank among Russian army ranks is T-72B and it's variants but all of those lack proper armor and come with primitive night-vision sights what render them almost unusable during night time.

How many of those modern tanks are actually operational? Probably not many as we've seen Russians driving around in ancient T-72A tanks.
I dare you to produce a single video of a peaceful individual killed like this.

I am pretty sure you will produce videos of people killed after they or others in the vicinity has engaged in combat or otherwise acted in a threatening way.
Are you nuts, couple of days ago journalist killed in broad daylight, iraqi girl raped and killed along her family, this just on top of my head.
Who are you trying to bulshit here?
Good article - thank you for sharing. always good to look at different perspectives.

He knows very well how is USA behavior, he worked in USA state and he studied where other USA state members were taught.

That's not his best article, he has a lot more.

Particularly I remember one article where he explains how USA controls European elite.
He asked to his PhD professor how USA achieves control European elite and make his will, the answer was easy: bagfuls of money.

The problem with the tanks being used by Russia in Ukraine is not the tanks, it is the tactics and total lack of modern combined arms doctrine. The tanks would be very effective if they were used properly. Instead they are becoming coffins for their crews.
Are you nuts, couple of days ago journalist killed in broad daylight, iraqi girl raped and killed along her family, this just on top of my head.
Who are you trying to bulshit here?
Journalist killed in broad daylight by an unknown killer during a firefight.
That is exactly the type of stuff I expected.
Your top of the head is no video…

Bringing up crimes which were punished by the US Army just shows that the US have some decency that Russia lacks.
Are you nuts, couple of days ago journalist killed in broad daylight, iraqi girl raped and killed along her family, this just on top of my head.
Who are you trying to bulshit here?

That moron only understand by human being when it's blue eyes and blonde.

If democracies kill unarmed Afghanistan civilians is not a crime for that piece of shit.

It's part of their brainwashing, excuse him for be absolutely evil and brainless.

American ruling elite doesnt give a fck about kill brown or white people, and someday that kind of people will learn that lesson.

It's near that day, Ukraine is the start of USA wars plans to Europe.

NATO european members feels safely killing non-white people last years around the world, now it's their turn, they will backstabbed by USA, like Saddam was.
You´re not exactly convincing arguing my lack of common sense and logic is the reason I dont consider russian propaganda and undocumented claims evidence.
You’re even using the fake ”Snake Island attack” created by Russia to hide the fact that Russia couldnt defend the island from ukrainian air assualts.
Did you use much logic when you chose to belive that story? Why would Ukraine want to place anything on an island they’re unable to defend from russian missile and air attacks? It makes no sense at all. But Russia doesnt care, because the pro russians will belive anything.
Time will tell. You may have a stake but I do not.

I will not waste my time trying to prove anything as I seriously do not care who wins.

But all signs are indicating including UK News Media e.g. Guardian News, etc are beginning to acknowledge that all is not well in Ukraine front.

Those who understands warfare will realized that it is the DNR and LNR militia doing the main or primary fighting now.
The role of Russian forces is secondary.

But they have to wait for the DNR and LNR militia to finish their job before progressing forward.

As I says earlier on, a slow and steady approach to final liberation from the neo-Nazi.

Life in the region they have liberated are now normal with Russian Ruble introduced as the alternative currency and new Mayors appointed.
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The problem with the tanks being used by Russia in Ukraine is not the tanks, it is the tactics and total lack of modern combined arms doctrine. The tanks would be very effective if they were used properly. Instead they are becoming coffins for their crews.

Most Russian AFV's can't accuire targets fast due their primitive sights nor can they see far unless conditions are optimal and land is flat.
Those who understands warfare will realized that it is the DNR and LNR militia doing the main or primary fighting now.
The role of Russian forces is secondary.

That is a lame excuse to justify Russian armed forces' poor performance on the ground as everyone knows the planning and the offensives are made by Russian officers and Russian soldiers.
That is a lame excuse to justify Russian armed forces' poor performance on the ground as everyone knows the planning and the offensives are made by Russian officers and Russian soldiers.
Come on.
Based on whose information? Are they corroborated?
Get real. :sarcastic:

When Russia forces initially entered the war in Syria, Assad controlled only 10% of the region.

Using Syrian fighters, after the Russian stop their operation, they controlled 80% of the region.

So based on my observation, what they are doing in Ukraine is almost similar to what they did in Syria then.
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