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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That's wrong.
Russians and Iranians are Easterlings/Rhun.
Best fighting force of Mordor!
Even when the Gondorians say lay your weapons down because they won the battle of Pelenor Field, they fought and died for Sauron, instead of running like the different Orcs (Turks) who have a hate-relationship with their master.
Mordor and Isengard Uruk-Hais are improved Orcs (Turks), like the Janissaries. :D
well by description they look more chinese or perhaps Mongolian and they are supported to be east of Mordor
As of the Third Age, Easterlings were a people diverse in height and skin tone. Their skin was either sallow (a pale yellow) or olive, their eyes were dark (dark brown and black), and their straight hair was black. One unique variant appeared at the Siege of Gondor, described as broad, short, bearded, and wielding axes.
Can they actually do this? Kick Russia out of UN? At the moment China abstained but they will back Russia when needed.

Ukraine has some tactical ballistic capabilities, although not very precise. Tochka-U etc... Yesterday they managed to attack the military base in Rostov. Another remarkable news yesterday was the Russian jet arsoned in Russian base... So we can talk some hybrid wars in some extent.

I don't know if the news about the crash of the plane that these paratroopers were carrying is true, but I can't say it's unlikely. If Russia lost 100 paratrooper commandos, it could become a major source of stress for the domestic public.

What air assets Ukraine have ? Which the Russians can’t manage ? Really interesting this air warfare — (Bye the way- for my guest readers- I am not on any side in this war- I demand peace )
So far multiple accounts have mentioned the II-76 and the Helicopter this downing of the Su- is new and a little bit suspicious, someone is embellishing. Either way, looks like the Ukrainians are putting up a fight, but the end game is drawing near based on what reports on twitter are saying regarding shelling being heard on the outskirts of Kyiv.
This war is so unnecessary, sad and puts everyone in trouble. It is purely the work of Putin paranoia, Anglo-Saxon incitement and Zelensky folly. If the global economic situation had not been so bad, the response to Russia would have been more and more harsh. So sad.
Neither do we from the other hemisphere. I was stationed at RAF Upper Heyford for three yrs when I was on the F-111. I would not trade a single second of that time in the UK and on CONEUR. Beautiful land and beautiful peoples can be found everywhere in the world, so enjoy them wherever you can find them. And as a hetero male, I definitely enjoyed the beautiful women.

Back in 1994, Ukraine gave up 1700 nuclear warheads back to Russia based on a NON-LEGAL document that Russia will not attack. That is 1700 permanent security assurances that became permanently gone. You think Russia care about 'space'?

I do not know you personally, so I say this kindly: That comment is spinelessness.

The problem with peaceful coexistence is finding shared ideologies. What does Russia share with you?

I couldnt care less what someone calls me on a anonymous forum. Adjectives normally come into motion where good enough arguments are lacking. For all i know you could be a dement old guy like Biden.

I have been in the Norgwegian Army myself. Not anything to brag about. Force is for me always the final option, after all other options has been tried first.

Lets just say Cuba wasnt given the freedom to choose to have Soviet missiles in their soil. That for a good reason too. Why Americans cannot allow Russia the same courtesy is for me a mystery.

We stand strong with NATO. Norway do no wish to be a Russian ally, but we dont want to antagonize Russia unessesarily either.
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