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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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And Sunnis killed tens of thousands of Shia.
The US did not ”look away” but used diplomacy.
So you think the strongest Arab country is still a ”crappy little country”?

Iraq War decided already before 9/11 by the Bush Administration.
What was originally a liimited Special Military Operation by Kremlin to denazify the Donbass, etc has now been changed.

This probably in response to action by The US, UK and NATO in Ukraine.

Kremlin has now decided to stay on a long protracted war in Ukraine. Unlike Afghanistan, it will be AZOV neo-NAZI Ukrainian fighting the East Ukrainian with them Russian in encirclement, artilleries and air support and peacekeepers after that.

In view of the threats by NATO Russia will turned Ukraine into a landlocked state with all the new independent Republics protected by Russia.

They have now uncovered evidence of a plan by US and NATO to occupy Crimea militarily and locked the Russia out from the Black Sea.

Russia need to de nazified whole of Ukraine and drain the pus out.

And if necessary, NATO as well

Who gave you the right to regime change there ? To do that in Libya, Syria and Venezuela too ? Apart from trying to do that in Cuba and North Korea for more than a half a century now. You did that in Afghanistan in the 1980s and tried in Egypt during Nasser's time. The problem of NATO is it doesn't want to see leftist movements in governance especially in Muslim-majority societies. A late uncle of mine was in Iraq during Saddam's time and he told me that he liked it there.

I say the free people of the world should help the progressives in USA to achieve regime change there.

Breaking USA into 49 different countries will be good.

Hawaii will be free and under native Hawaiians .
Are you seriously claiming US did not pour enough money into Afghanistan ?

Maybe have not stayed long enough ? ( 20 years )

Have not given the afghans enough weapons ? ( does not look so from the amount of helicopters the Taliban now have . . . )

You cant help people that don't help themselves.

The Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom and are using the weapons given to them.

Can you say the same about the Afghan people ?

To the Afghans this this probably what freedom looks like. This actually is what most have fought for and wanted. I don’t think they ever wanted full womens rights, gay parades and gay marriage, which would have inevitably come had their country accepted a western type of democracy.

Ukraine is fighting for a western way of life, and to not be a Russian slave. They will understandably fight to the end for it.

So if nato pulls out of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, will Russia pull out of Ukraine?
Because you don't understand nuance and context, and reality isn't as simple as 'bad' guy wears black vs 'good' guy wears white Hollywood propaganda :laughcry: Militaries have their strengths and weaknesses. Even the US intelligence community is now openly stating that the war in Ukraine has reached a stalemate, and it appears neither side can achieve outright victory (based on their relative objectives). If you don't understand the finer details of warfare, not my problem, go get an education. :omghaha:
I need to get an education? Am USAF, F-111 Cold War then F-16 Desert Storm.

You did not know it, but you essentially debunked yourself with this latest post. Earlier you did called the US military 'loser' because of a string of wars, now you say there are 'nuances' and 'contexts' that must be considered. In the US military, we have something call 'Professional Military Education' or PME. It is mandatory for officers and enlisted, and continuous for as long as you are active duty. You will learn that in any war, there are two equally important components: political and military. As I was in the USAF, my PME courses focused on the military side of any war. So from my perspective, that which you admonished me to 'get an education', the more nuances and contexts there are, the less credible the charge that the US military is a 'loser' military despite Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

This is a military oriented forum where most people here, including YOU, have never served. And I need to get an 'education'? :lol:
I am not asking for a war, I am saying if they had done more to call the Russian bluff, this war probably not going to start to begin with.
I don’t think Russia would ever have accepted its current borders. They will invade regardless.
These type of "We would act only if they have the advantage" is not going to be deterrent enough for Putin or a run of the mill dictator think twice before their next misadventure.
I won’t think west would care about a deterrent if Russia starts winning. I think they will just intervene and finish Russia off. The costs will be big, but I don’t think we are prepared to live in a world where Russia keeps expanding
When is this DAMN war going to end? When it started, PDF members were given timeline 5-6 weeks.
Russia has no clear objective. What is the point of killing and destroying everyday. Putin should stop this war immediately. Give chance to Ukraine to act Russian demands. Russia can attack anytime if Ukraine don't follow/obey those demands.
Keep listening to Fox News and you will believe in lies and fantasy. Who said it would last 5 weeks? All Russia said it was a special operation and it didn't say a declaration of war. If we go by the standards of the US and West set in the previous world wars then the Russians could end the "special operation" by committing atrocities by flattening Kyiv with a Dresden type bombing or dropping two Nukes on Ukraine like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Euro poodles are barking like the poodles they are, very brave and loud but nothing is going to be achieved. Push the Russians too much and they could attack Europe causing a domino of collapse and a more bloodier war in mainland Europe. Russia is a far more powerful country than the Europoodle propaganda portrays and the major powers know it. It was a well planned Russian operation and the Russian successes are materialising slowly and surely. Other than adding fuel to fire there is little NATO can do while Russia absorbs Ukraine part by part. We can only commiserate with the Ukrainian people who have been shafted by foreign powers and their own politicians, may their suffering end and peace come quickly to them.
The darling of NATO the Azov battalion are engaged in some really disturbing acts:

1. Humiliation, sexual assault, torture and forced confessions of Russian women in Ukraine:

Physical assault, racial discrimination, harassment and humiliation of the Roma minority community in Ukraine:

Here is your sex offender and woman beating Azov “hero”:

View attachment 843310
Maxim Yarosh son of Dmitro Yarosh, the leader of Pravy Sektor, a coalition of ultra-nationalist groups in Ukraine

Photo of Dmitro Yaros circa 2014 after heavy clashes with police and ultra right fighters in Kyiv.

Noooo explosives make things fly? Who knew? Physics is fun kids 😂
What sort of military beat a girl like that? I am sure she ended up in a ditch after rape.
While I have no doubt perverts and sadists are there in the Russian army committing atrocities, the Ukrainians overall seem to be totally consumed by hatred and of a lower moral order. Castrating PoWs, kneecapping, executions, literally eating human flesh et al, openly on camera as it's accepted in their society.
Their perversions have apparently become normalised in their psyche, what with their leaders at the highest level openly asking to commit war crime and genocide.
The West have created a Frankenstein of a nation in their push to destroy Russia.
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I don’t think Russia would ever have accepted its current borders. They will invade regardless.

I won’t think west would care about a deterrent if Russia starts winning. I think they will just intervene and finish Russia off. The costs will be big, but I don’t think we are prepared to live in a world where Russia keeps expanding
Well, it is and it isn't, I will just say if we act early, thing will not be heading this way.

But that is just me, I get what you are saying, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with it, it just a different opinion.
I need to get an education? Am USAF, F-111 Cold War then F-16 Desert Storm.

You did not know it, but you essentially debunked yourself with this latest post. Earlier you did called the US military 'loser' because of a string of wars, now you say there are 'nuances' and 'contexts' that must be considered. In the US military, we have something call 'Professional Military Education' or PME. It is mandatory for officers and enlisted, and continuous for as long as you are active duty. You will learn that in any war, there are two equally important components: political and military. As I was in the USAF, my PME courses focused on the military side of any war. So from my perspective, that which you admonished me to 'get an education', the more nuances and contexts there are, the less credible the charge that the US military is a 'loser' military despite Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

This is a military oriented forum where most people here, including YOU, have never served. And I need to get an 'education'? :lol:

Nope, if you have the education you claim to have, they clearly didn't teach you how to read English, you know, that language your British ancestors bestowed upon you :-) Read my posts again, I described the wars that the US lost and why, as well as the wars the Russians lost, and why. I never called the US military a 'loser' or the Russian military a 'loser'. Every dog has it's day, and some dogs' bark is louder than their bite. Not everyone uses the simpleton vernacular you Americans use, and I know you guys have limited vocabulary.

Here's the funny thing, you dress up Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan as "victories" and claim to be invincible...very much like how the Russians are now claiming "everything is going to plan" and will claim "victory" and "invincibility" at some point :omghaha: you hate the truth...you and the US are VERY MUCH like the Russians, opposite sides of the same coin.
Same thing Russia does to their friends 🥱
Whoever made that tweet need to be reminded the war did not just start this February, it has been since 2014. There are like 8 rotation of US Army National Guard rotate there and train the Ukrainian Military since 2014.....

So yes, we did arm and prep them before Russian invaded in 2022, that mostly because they are the only one who from 2014 to 2022 said they have nothing to do with Ukraine.....
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