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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Meanwhile in Philippines, Ferdinand Marco Jr. is overwhelmingly elected as the new President.

His opponent who ran on a pro-USA agenda and her defeat spelled trouble for the US foreign policy.

The US needed her badly to further their anti-China and encirclement strategy.

Looks like the Filipino are smarter than the Europeans.

They determined their own destiny and future.

Even the rebellious Mindanao Province is at peace now.

Ukraine with their Donbass, Lugansk and Donesk.

Philippines with their Mindanao.

Philippines managed to settle it peacefully under President Duterte.

Zalensky cause Ukraine to split up. Who has he to thank for?
That is why ASEAN shown its ambivalence towards the Ukrainian crisis. It is not in their interest but many of them are silently dumping their US dollars reserves.

It is a TRAP every ASEAN nation recognized and will not participate.

To be used as cannon fodders.

But it was their own choice. Nobody forced them.

What has Ukraine got to do with says Canadians? Utterly brainwashed and stupid.

IMO I must says CGTN has a more balance reporting. They reports events from both side fairly.

The anchors are very professuonal e.g. Liu Xin and will never edit or censored their guest opinions. They reported the news as it is.

I like RT as well. Although sometime they do cross the line with their personal opinions.

BBC is a hodgepodge of real and fake.

While Al Jazeera, CNN, Fox are mainly rubbish media with obvious agenda.

Let us decide. We are not idiots. The days when they cam easily brainwashed us is almost over.

Just that most viewers, audience are plain lazy or caught up with a fixation in their minds.

Do we have any recent source from Russian Officials and Ukrainian Officials each detailing the combat losses sustained by either side?

Russian forces destroy 793 drones, 2,979 armored vehicles in Ukraine operation - top brass

MOSCOW, May 10. /TASS/. Russian forces have eliminated 163 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 124 helicopters, 793 unmanned aerial vehicles and 2,979 tanks and other armored vehicles since the start of their special military operation in Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on Tuesday.
"Overall, the following targets have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation: 163 aircraft, 124 helicopters, 793 unmanned aerial vehicles, 300 surface-to-air missile systems, 2,979 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 351 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,440 field artillery guns and mortars and 2,789 special military motor vehicles," the spokesman said.

Do we have any recent source from Russian Officials and Ukrainian Officials each detailing the combat losses sustained by either side?
No not really. Its all unofficial. The official causality reports are old.
So the Russians now have 2 pincers each 20-30 km away from Kramatorsk and another potential pincer in the east-south east 30-40 km away. It's basically game over for Ukraine. It's just a matter of time. Zelensky wants to launch a "large counter offensive" in mid June-July but won't Russians just annihilate any large formations off the map with satellite reconnaissance, missiles, rockets, artillery, jets ?

After that if the Ukrainians don't want to stop the Russians will likely take Odessa. After that if the Ukrainians still don't want to negotiate then the Russians will likely besiege Dnipro and Kharkiv once again or just keep hitting Ukrainian targets without mercy.

The center circle is Kramatorsk

Ukraine Donbas 10 May 2022.jpg

Despite this reality on the ground this is the kind of garbage you hear in the western mainstream media. Utter lies. Americans can't afford healthcare but always have money for wars ? US is the only industrialized country without universal healthcare. 10% of the population do not have any healthcare and insulin costs 8x more than in Canada. Lloyd Austin their current defense secretary used to be on the board of directors of Raytheon. I mean come on need I say more ?

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