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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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No answer my question then you can blabber all you like. Was it intended at you or someone else? Go on mate am waiting.
The rules are not moot. Simple! Regardless who they apply to, you live in the UK, do you understand what homophobia is and what a hate crime is? Thank you for your ignorance.
And this retard calls me brain dead. I don't know man maybe bang your hollow head a few times until it churns out some sort of magic to comprehend this absolute gem of a piece he just somehow blabbered like a drugged Voldemort. Yet you have the audacity to call me a retard. Oh, the irony.

After this gem i think you should be the one receiving a javelin to the head instead of those poor ruskis.

You still dont get it. Youre just a rude litte child. I normally dont use insulting words but i hoped it would make you wake up from your arrogance.

You simply cannot have a conversation without getting personal or use violent language right? Now what does that tell you about your mental health.

Just discovered the ignored button, from now on its a better alternative than wasting energy and time on you.
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First of all, your own position was not clear, I mean the correct location so I had to correct it. (On a lighter note).

Secondly, I don't think such a position is what QUAD or LEMOA expects. I understand India's official (right) position but, let see where it leads. It wasn't about official position of India, at-least I see that since begining. It matters how it has been looked by US and allies in view if India being a trusted and dependable partner. I think you have missed some official or think tanks been asking questions about India's current silence or as you said, official position.

Nice one there :lol:.

Thanks for correcting the location. I just signed in after ages and didn't know what to do to reflect realtime changes.

LEMOA is a logistics agreement between American and Indian forces for specific designated bases for operational or technical purposes. It is not our accession into the NATO by any extent.

This would be like expecting the Americans to sanction China for our disagreements with the latter. No sane European or Western Ally would ever do that for us.

At this point, the Americans are not even able to convince their fellow NATO allies, Germany, Italy, Cyprus and Hungary to ban Russia from SWIFT. Let alone non-NATO friendly countries.
Not surprised

Recognizing separatist areas as independent is a bit too much for China and India.
More like they are scared to set a precedent where their own separatists groups can then be given a legitimate voice internationally to be recognised and even actively militarily supported as well. So this doesn't serve their interests either, reason they are very wary of this Russian action of recognising separatists groups in sovereign countries. . Sets a very dangerous precedent for both countries, which is the last thing they want. Everyone is looking out for their interests, no such thing as a friend in geo politics. Lol
Fair points. China, India(like other countries) is still in a position to remain neutral and not take sides. Since it doesn't want to jeopardise its ties with any side (the west and Russia ). This is still sustainable and possible since both sides have not reached the point of open hostilities and hot war yet. However if there ever comes a day where both sides turn completely hostile to a point of no return then India and the others will have to make a choice then. However we are not at that point luckily.

British politicians are some of the most shrewd chaps out there. Using this opportunity to take leadership in Europe, while showing France and Germany down is nothing short of a genius game BoJo is playing.

He might look like either a fool or a warmonger from a third person's perspective but I admire the brain that is advising him to take a more aggressive stance in Europe to establish UK as the dominant European voice, despite being outside the EU.
Lol, as i suspected, nothing but a call of duty wannabe, when two countries go to war losses happen on both sides, what did u expect, Russia would take Ukarine with zero casualties? what are u basing ur Russians getting mauled analysis on anyways?, a few twitter videos run by the western propoganda machine that are known pathological liars?, taking out a country the size of Ukarine which had advanced AD and conventional capabilities is no cake walk, Iraq was much much weaker and it took the yanks a month to reach baghdad with 300k troops and full on US airforce in the skies. Russia got to Kiev in 2 days and that is one of if not the finest armoured charges seen the 2st century, again stop being a boy of west, stop licking there feat cause u saw cowboys in yankee movies, the real world aint hollywood.
Did i hit your Kremlin nerves there buddy. Ruskies getting a mauling is no good enough reason for you to lift their balls am afraid. I would have heartily criticised Ukraine if they had been the aggressors unlike you i don't lift the ding dongs. The rest of your prattle is just blabber.
Too late. What you want is irrelevant, and I say that kindly. What Putin did, is relevant.

Like I said earlier about the re-release of the Budapest Agreement of 1994, everyone will see that either NATO membership or non-membership is irrelevant. As long as Russia even PERCEIVE that your country is a threat or that your country was once a Soviet satellite and must return to the Russian fold, your country will be a target. Ukraine returned 1700 nuclear warheads to Russia and got invaded. Not because of any potential NATO membership but because Putin want his name attached to the re-glorification of Russia as an empire. Unfortunately, that NATO membership talk just gave Putin a convenient cover. But that cover is unraveling. Even your fellow Scandinavians acknowledged that.

There are many other people in europe who dont want to see another conflict in our neighborhood.

If giving Russia breathing space is enough to keep it peaceful then let it be it.

Not sure about what Putin wants and neither is you tbh. Only he knows. Matter of the fact is that european nations themselves has to find ways to coexist, without external interference or dependence. Europe has to learn to stand up for itself so that it can control its own destiny.
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Nope he always gave fake silly excuses for invasion. For a start, To justify his invasion of poland(starting WWII officially since Britain and France had to declare war on him as they had no more choice after trying to appease Hitler for years by making concessions) , Nazi propagandists accused Poland of persecuting ethnic Germans living in Poland(same slogan Putin has been using with Ukraine, Georgia and his other baltic neighbors for intervention. Lol). They also falsely claimed that Poland was planning, with its allies Great Britain and France, to encircle and dismember Germany. The SS, in collusion with the German military, staged a phony attack on a German radio station. The Germans falsely accused the Poles of this attack. Hitler then used the action to launch a “retaliatory” campaign against Poland. 😆
Sounds very similar to how Japan also used similar excuses to invade China proper. Lol
Big powers are used to such games, so nothing new here. Excuses have to be made for an invasion after all. 😁
So overall, Hitler accused others of "not addressing Germany's security concerns". Kinda sounds familiar here, ain't it?
This is a clear propaganda video, the speech is not spontaneous, it is prepared. The Ukrainian army is resisting, but the situation is not so simple.

Part of my life has been spent trying to learn about psyop activities in world-famous wars. I will not pretend to be a so-called expert here, but as everyone knows, the most important thing in war is not to kill, but to break the will of the enemy.

footnote: The uav called Bayraktar is just a tactical drone, nothing miraculous. the aircraft is only part of an entire system.
UNSC vote

Against: Russia

Abstain: China, India, UAE

11 in favour, 1 against and 3 abstain

Resolution not adopted due to veto by Russia
UAE is gonna get on the FATF grey list for sure now I reckon…
As if they came to us the moment we asked for them.

They have remained neutral in our disagreements with China. The only reason they came to the APAC region is because of Taiwan, Japan and the recent spate of diplomatic wars between Australia and China.

I don't understand what makes most Pakistani members here assume that we are in the NATO (or any other) bandwagon just because of cordial agreements with Western countries.

One does not have to hate someone in order to appreciate or align with someone else, you know.
All well and good but India is the largest purchaser of Russian arms. Supporting the Russian arms industry is threat to western security. India can't claim to be a strategic ally of the USA and threaten its security at the same time. IMO, India will find a hard time evading western sanctions on Russian defense purchases going forward.
At this point, the Americans are not even able to convince their fellow NATO allies, Germany, Italy, Cyprus and Hungary to ban Russia from SWIFT. Let alone non-NATO friendly countries.

These names have agreed, I think. Or did I miss?
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