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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Now we seen how USA lied about their involvement in Ukraine and the way USA are now framing Russia, I now discount the stuff USA fed us on Serbia and Bosnia conflicts.

We seen how USA tried to engineered Xinjiang troubles and troubles in Hongkong and the lies USA and Western media spun and spun.

As way to USA going about making regime changes for the sole benefit of USA and USA arms industry.


Before the ongoing war, Russian officials were openly rejecting claims that Russian forces will invade Ukraine:

Americans had warned that Russian forces will invade Ukraine:

Chinese President Xi also knew that Russian forces will invade Ukraine.

Which side was lying about this matter? Russia (and its regional ally Belarus).

China was silent.

Americans were right.

- - - -

Yugoslavian crackdown and subsequent massacre of Bosnians is well-documented.

Americans were right.

- - - -

Understand this. Every side will lie (or exaggerate) when it suites its political cause. This is typical human nature.

In regards to your statement in caps, reminder from Forum Rules:

Ethnic / political / nationalistic hate

Needless to say, PDF wishes to be a productive exchange of ideas and not a place of spreading communal, national, political or religiously motivated hatred. Members found involved in such activities would be severely penalized.
In german Panzer means Iron
Iron means Eisen.
You can make Eisen to Stahl (steel).
Then you turn Stahl to gehärteter Stahl (hardened steel).
From multiple layers of gehärteter Stahl you can form them to panzerung.
When I was at a Berufsschule (a German professional college) I learned in practice how to make hardened steel. No joke.
What I don't understand is, why China is not covertly supporting Russia like west supporting Ukraine??

This is the war where China can stop west from aggressing into Indo Pacific specially in Taiwan, US will create similar situation for China after destroying Russian military capabilities, it's right time to test modern weapons built by China in real war.
Before the ongoing war, Russian officials were openly rejecting claims that Russian forces will invade Ukraine:

Americans had warned that Russian forces will invade Ukraine:

Chinese President Xi also knew that Russians will invade Ukraine.

Which side was lying about this matter? Russia (and its regional ally Belarus).

China was silent.

Americans were right.

- - - -

Yugoslavian crackdown and subsequent massacre of Bosnians is well-documented.

Americans are correct in this case.

- - - -

Understand this. Every side will lie (or exaggerate) when it suites its political cause. This is typical human nature.

In regards to your statement in caps, reminder from Forum Rules:

Ethnic / political / nationalistic hate

Needless to say, PDF wishes to be a productive exchange of ideas and not a place of spreading communal, national, political or religiously motivated hatred. Members found involved in such activities would be severely penalized.

Well, as far as i read and also saw live reports in german TV at that time, the minority of Serbs in Bosnia were chased and killed by the Bosnians. And this was the reason that Serbia was forced to help them to stop the the genozid of Serbs in Bosnia.
What I don't understand is, why China is not covertly supporting Russia like west supporting Ukraine??

This is the war where China can stop west from aggressing into Indo Pacific specially in Taiwan, US will create similar situation for China after destroying Russian military capabilities, it's right time to test modern weapons built by China in real war.

Because the Chinese are only driven by money and they won't risk putting at risk their trillions of $ of trade just for the sake of Putin. On the other hand China by only voicing some support for Russia will not put their relations with the west at risk and they can buy Russia at bargain prices. Win win for them.
Well, as far as i read and also saw live reports in german TV at that time, the minority of Serbs in Bosnia were chased and killed by the Bosnians. And this was the reason that Serbia was forced to help them to stop the the genozid of Serbs in Bosnia

I highly doubt it that reporting was like that by german media, either way you are not correct with claims.
Because the Chinese are only driven by money and they won't risk putting at risk their trillions of $ of trade just for the sake of Putin. On the other hand China by only voicing some support for Russia will not put their relations with the west at risk and they can buy Russia at bargain prices. Win win for them.

Supporting Russia is above business or money, it about survival, as west will take down its opponents one by one, Russia is weaker so it was targeted first, they will create bad situation for China while destroying any country which may become Chinese ally or supporter.
Well, as far as i read and also saw live reports in german TV at that time, the minority of Serbs in Bosnia were chased and killed by the Bosnians. And this was the reason that Serbia was forced to help them to stop the the genozid of Serbs in Bosnia.

Yugoslavia's fundamental problem was that it had significant internal divisions on ethnic lines to function as a single country.

Following lecture is informative:

Snake Island,such a small island but big pain and suffering for the Russians.... Such a strategic island because it could have acted as a bridgehead for a landing on Odessa and Bessarabia....

Indeed,Russian troops do most of the fighting,chechens are only filming tiktoks and parading after the Russians did the fighting and suffered heavy casualties and after DNR/LNR suffered high casualties too because they basically act as cannon fodder. (You can tell it by the garbage equipments the Russians provide them with) LNR/DNR are just bunch of dudes who were forcibly conscripted.

Russians are their supporters are telling on twitter that it was Ukrainian helicopter... lol.
What I don't understand is, why China is not covertly supporting Russia like west supporting Ukraine??

This is the war where China can stop west from aggressing into Indo Pacific specially in Taiwan, US will create similar situation for China after destroying Russian military capabilities, it's right time to test modern weapons built by China in real war.

Because the Chinese are only driven by money and they won't risk putting at risk their trillions of $ of trade just for the sake of Putin. On the other hand China by only voicing some support for Russia will not put their relations with the west at risk and they can buy Russia at bargain prices. Win win for them.

China is not trustworthy. The North Koreans don't trust it and China did not protest the NATO invasions of Libya and Syria in 2011 and then did not fight alongside the Jamahiriya Libyans and Assad's Syrians against Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood - unlike Russia. We should remember that when NATO wanted to regime-change the Afghan Communist / leftist government in the 1980s and the USSR was supporting that government China was supplying weapons to NATO's criminal proxies in Afghanistan - the so-called Afghan mujahideen who were criminals from all over the world brought into Afghanistan by NATO.
I highly doubt it that reporting was like that by german media, either way you are not correct with claims.

At that time german TV, mostly the WDR, gives opposite views of the goverment views. This changed after 1998 when the idiots came into power and then total broke down with the dictatorship of Merkel.

And i am correct with my claims. At that time the muslims in Bosnia were 40%, the croats were 30% and the serbs were 25-30%. And the muslims, with the help of US/Germany/EU, wanted to break out of the state of Yugoslavia. But the serbs want not.

Der montenegrinische Serbe und Antikommunist Radovan Karadzic (»Kommunisten sind auch Serben, aber schlechte«) sprach als Vertreter der zweitgrößten bosnischen Ethnie nach den Muslimen ebenfalls davon, das Land ausländischem Kapital öffnen zu wollen. Seine Position wurde vom Westen ignoriert, weil Karadzic vehement für die Verteidigung Jugoslawiens zunächst als Vielvölkerstaat eintrat, d. h. für einen freiwilligen Zusammenschluß aller, die es wollten, auch nach der Abspaltung Sloweniens und Kroatiens 1991. http://www.ag-friedensforschung.de/regionen/Bosnien/abspaltung.html
And that was the aim of the US - to split Yugoslavia into lots of little states where they then can control and push Russia out.

Even the UN admit that bosnian muslims shoot arty at Sarajevo ect. And this the US (Clinton) then used as "fake excuse" to bomb the serbians in Bosnia. It is the same plot as always.

Da sie die große Mehrheit der westlichen Journalisten auf ihrer Seite sahen, nutzten die bosnischen Muslime dies zu ihrem Vorteil, und es gelang ihnen, die Tötung ihrer eigenen Leute in Sarajevo den Serben in die Schuhe zu schieben, weil sie wussten, das die Auslandspresse diese Taten der serbischen Seite anlasten würde.

In einem Kommentar dazu sagte der frühere Stellvertretende Oberkommandierende des US European Command, General Charles G. Boyd:“ Kein erfahrener Beobachter in Sarajevo zweifelt auch nur einen Augenblick daran, das die muslimischen Kräfte es als in ihrem Interesse liegend gesehen haben, auf eigene Ziele zu feuern.“ http://www.ag-friedensforschung.de/regionen/Bosnien/denhaag.html

Also the Srebrenica hoax.

Laut muslimischen Zeugen hat die bosnisch-muslimische Armee auf der Flucht von Srebrenica nach Tuzla in Gefechten mit der serbischen Armee und durch Minen zwischen 2000 und 3000 Kämpfer verloren. 954 muslimische Soldaten, die lange vor dem Fall Srebrenicas umgekommen waren, stehen auf der offiziellen Srebrenica-Vermißtenliste. Fast 3000 muslimische Männer, die seit Juli 1995 als vermißt gelten, stimmten 1996 bei von der OSZE überwachten Wahlen ab – viele übrigens als Flüchtlinge in europäischen Staaten. 500 muslimische Soldaten, die vor 1995 desertiert waren, finden sich ebenso auf der Vermißtenliste. Mittlerweile hat das muslimische Research and Documentation Center in Sarajevo eingeräumt, daß weitere 500 Lebende gefunden wurden, die zu den Vermißten zählen. Die Ermittler des sogenannten Tribunals untersagten serbischen Pathologen, den Ausgrabungen beizuwohnen. Das ICTY hat außerdem 1000 angebliche Beweise des Srebrenica-Massakers trotz laufender Prozesse vernichtet. Verschleiert das Tribunal eher und präsentiert Tote aus anderen Regionen Bosniens als Srebrenica-Opfer, weil die nötigen Leichen fehlen? Die Serben konnten jedenfalls im von internationalen Truppen besetzten Bosnien nicht unbeobachtet Tausende Tote umbetten. http://www.ag-friedensforschung.de/regionen/Bosnien/srebrenica3.html

All the wars in Yugoslavia were staged by US and friends.

Sometimes i wish that Russia do push the button. Sure i will be dead also. But the shitty US and all the other arsholes in the world will be dead too.
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At that time german TV, mostly the WDR, gives opposite views of the goverment views. This changed after 1998 when the idiots came into power and then total broke down with the dictatorship of Merkel.

And i am correct with my claims. At that time the muslims in Bosnia were 40%, the croats were 30% and the serbs were 25-30%. And the muslims, with the help of US/Germany/EU, wanted to break out of the state of Yugoslavia. But the serbs want not.

And that was the aim of the US - to split Yugoslavia into lots of little states where they than can control and push Russia out.

Even the UN admit that bosnian muslims shoot arty at Sarajevo ect. And this the US (Clinton) then used as "excuse" to bomb the serbians in Bosnia. It is the same plot as always.

Also the Srebrenica hoax.

All the wars in Yugoslavia were staged by US and friends.

Sometimes i wish that Russia do push the button. Sure i will be dead also. But the shitty US and all the other arsholes in the world will be dead too.
Well every idiot think he is corect about his views and opinions.
Iron means Eisen.
You can make Eisen to Stahl (steel).
Then you turn Stahl to gehärteter Stahl (hardened steel).
From multiple layers of gehärteter Stahl you can form them to panzerung.
When I was at a Berufsschule (a German professional college) I learned in practice how to make hardened steel. No joke.
Well then, i need to have words with my high school German teacher
China is not trustworthy. The North Koreans don't trust it and China did not protest the NATO invasions of Libya and Syria in 2011 and then did not fight alongside the Jamahiriya Libyans and Assad's Syrians against Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood - unlike Russia. We should remember that when NATO wanted to regime-change the Afghan Communist / leftist government in the 1980s and the USSR was supporting that government China was supplying weapons to NATO's criminal proxies in Afghanistan - the so-called Afghan mujahideen who were criminals from all over the world brought into Afghanistan by NATO.

The regions you mentioned other then NK are mostly under Russian influence and till now China don't have military intervention interest as they know it will hurt their growth and economy, they have studied USSR fall and western tactics, that is why they are first trying to build a military which can match US. The US knows that and they are creating a situation in which China can be dragged into a arms race or in conflicts at Taiwan, south china sea, LAC etc. US and allies are trying encirclement of China by showing them as threat to their neighbors (it's old divide and rule tactic), it will only hurt Asian countries if they go against China, as west is hell bent to stop rise of Asia and avoid loose their control over world.
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