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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But bigger than your country..please stop waffling

I dont claim Greece to be a worldpower.

Russia is a mini economy. Former german chancellor Helmut schmidt called it "Botswana with nuclear weapons". And thats what it is, now even more than before. Its also no partnership with China. Chimas economy is 11 times more powerful than Russia. Thats not a partnership, Russia is simply a little vasall and since it hasno alternative left, is basicly a chinese province.
I dont claim Greece to be a worldpower.

Russia is a mini economy. Former german chancellor Helmut schmidt called it "Botswana with nuclear weapons". And thats what it is, now even more than before. Its also no partnership with China. Chimas economy is 11 times more powerful than Russia. Thats not a partnership, Russia is simply a little vasall and since it hasno alternative left, is basicly a chinese province.

Economy does not matter. Population matters. China is greatest country because of most people.
I would choose nuclear war and global destruction over a world ruled over and dominated by russia. I am sure Most western generals agree. But there will be no need for that. Russia will be defeated right here in Ukraine it seems.
That is the dream of those generals .. but just a wet dream....

Russia does not want to rule the world.. neither do China or any other big country .. but they can't accept being dictated their own policies and the way of their lives.. mash that, swallow it and try to digest it.. HaHaHa!

Mind you..I'm American to the core.. but very fair in my assessments..

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What's stopping any power from taking over Russia? Because they have a strong military unlike what you said about no functional military. Russia is using only a portion of its force in this war and Russia has not yet mobilized. At least this is according to Russia itself and most international estimates of it. Russia also has many thousands of nuclear weapons in case you forgotten. No power dares to touch Russia's actual land to try and take anything from them. Not China, not USA, not anyone or any alliance.

Russia is literally Mackinder's heartland. Eastern Europe is Mackinder's pivot areas.

Russia's natural material wealth is many times larger than Spain's economy. While Russia's total nominal economy is small but if we account for its entire known reserves of natural wealth, it is already probably equal or exceeding Europe since raw material and commodities will only ever become relatively more expensive until science can create useful valuable things from less useful e.g. from lead to gold basically. Until then, Russia's true power even if we ignore size and military, is very strong. They have nukes to protect their interests and their ownership of their land.

Russia has lower life expecency than Bangladesh. Ist extreme poor, has no infrastructure. It also has no cultural impact and no workforce. It faces biggest decline in world population.

My guess is in 10 years wont be a russia anymore. We talk about decolonisation and its utter time to free the various siberian people from moscow imperialism.

How this can be achieved? By weaken Russia permanently. The people see how russia fails and struggles in Ukraine. They ask themself: if ukrainians can fight for freedom, we can do too...

The collapsing economy and mass exodus of smart young people does the rest.

Believe it or not, putinism is in a dead end.

US is the ultimate biggest winner and Europe the loser. Funny Europeans still believe they have a say over how things go in Europe, their trades, their money, or their future.

Russia is the enemy of a free europe. Its that simple. Better ro crush putinism now in ukraine then later in France
And we'll make sure they dont.

It is America which attempts to unify the entire human race under a single hegemony. That is not acceptable to other powers such as China and Russia.

It doesn't matter if Ukraine cant beat russia. All it has to do is weaken it and exhaust it to the point russia is poor and ineffective. Its going better than I had predicted.

Perhaps. But that would require huge investment. It would require 1,000 F-16, 5,000 M1A2, 10,000 M777, 1,000 Patriot PAC 3, 50 Arleigh Burke to fight Russia in war in Ukraine.

Shocker For India — UK Report Blames Its Asian Ally For ‘Smuggling’ Defense Components To Russia For Ukraine War​

Ashish Dangwal
May 4, 2022

Apprehensions that Russia’s modern weaponry relies significantly on parts produced in the UK and other western countries have prompted the British government to initiate a probe into any “credible allegations” that its weapons embargo on Russia has been jeopardized.

According to The Daily Telegraph, a Whitehall investigation is underway following a report by the Royal United Services Institute think tank that underlined the fact that Russian weaponry employed in Ukraine is dependent on imports of sophisticated electronics.

As experts combed through Russian forces’ abandoned hardware in Ukraine, they reportedly discovered high-tech UK parts for jamming devices and military radios.

Experts pointed to the usage of high-frequency transistors made in the UK in Russia’s Borisoglebsk-2 jamming system as an example. The system also had components made in the US, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Netherlands.

Researchers from the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) military think tank discovered that the Kremlin acquires Western components through front companies, intermediaries, and blackmail. Manufacturers appear to have no idea where their products eventually end up.

Following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, the UK imposed a weapons embargo on the country. There were indications that certain export licenses were still being issued.

However, after the invasion of Ukraine, the UK also barred the direct transfer to Russia of dual-use components, which can be used for either civilian or military purposes.

The Rusi report, titled ‘Operation Z: The Death Throes of an Imperial Delusion,’ did not specify when the components in question were likely to have been exported. Also, there was no indication that the producers had committed any wrongdoing.

However, it sparked concerns that parts manufactured in the United Kingdom could still end up in Russia.

It also noted that as a result of Western economic sanctions, Moscow would grow more reliant on component smuggling to keep its aircraft, missiles, and other high-tech weapons operational.

The Department for International Trade in the United Kingdom is now looking into ways to prevent British-made parts from being used by Russia’s war machine.

A government spokesperson said, “We have introduced the largest and most severe economic sanctions that Russia has ever faced, to help cripple Putin’s war machine, including by sanctioning key defense sector organizations and banning the export of critical technologies.

The UK has one of the most robust and transparent export-control regimes in the world. We take all credible allegations of breaches of export control seriously and we will take further action if appropriate.”

File Image: Putin and Modi

The RUSI research also suggested that Russia relies on Western electronics to manufacture 9M727 cruise missiles, Kh-101 cruise missiles, 9M949 guided 300-mm rockets, TOR-M2 air-defense systems, and Aqueduct radios, this was reported by EurAsian Times.
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