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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Western tanks don't do any better. Turkish Leopard 2 in Syria.



That tank was hit in a very weak area (and to be honest it made no sense to have ammo in that area anyways). But had it been hit on the turret it would've blown off away from the crew, saving them and possibly rendering tank unusable but salvageable.
Those who were comparing Russian and similar MBT designs to M1A2SEPv3 ???


Just don't.
Then again, can any tank survive a top attack ATGM?
Nightmarish wake-up..

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Whats really amazing from the Russian side is that they are even taking in injured POWs during live operations.

alot of militaries would not even capture able bodied live POWs during operations, let alone injured ones. and send medics in to treat them on site to boot... good on the Russians. answering western savagery and war crimes with compassion...

Tells you all you really need to know about the moral standards of "the west" vs the russians

@The SC

bet India is having buyer's remorse lol after watching these videos. I wouldn't buy any Russian equipment. It may be cheaper and easy to maintain but ultimately it's easily destroyed and therefore useless. It looked as if the turret did not fly away like on earlier Russian tanks, so that's a significant improvement which will guarantee the safety of those nearby lol

Then again, can any tank survive a top attack ATGM?

RPG's NBD but doubt any western tanks will hold up against top attack ATGM's where armor is the thinnest.
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