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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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platform is the rig, lots of companies make land rigs. A few make jack ups and a hand full make deep sea semisubmersibles and drill ships (S.Korea/China).

drilling on the rig is sub contracted to American/European and sometimes Chinese providers. The Chinese have cornered the low tech / low cost tier, technical complex work is mainly done by American and some European firms.

Hö? So your arguement is that regardless Pertrobas build its own plattforms, Petrobas still be unable to use them, has to contract "American/European and sometimes Chinese providers"? Even from a non logical view it sounds crazy 😮
Hö? So your arguement is that regardless Pertrobas build its own plattforms, Petrobas still be unable to use them, has to contract "American/European and sometimes Chinese providers"? Even from a non logical view it sounds crazy 😮

yes, the down hole equipment on the rig is provided by whoever wins the drilling contract independent of the rig operator.
Can you provide a source for your figures? The Russians have been pumping oil long before the "West" turned up. I'm not sure why the "western" fanboys have this overblown myopic view that only they have the best technology and everyone else is living in the stone age.
He is right. Look at Russian air traffic. With spare parts embargo by Boeing, Airbus russian airliners are doomed. Putin tries to stop the leaks by domestic made spare parts. No country in the world would allow Russian airliners with such uncertified parts to fly over their air space. They will drop from the sky.
yes, the down hole equipment on the rig is provided by whoever wins the drilling contract independent of the rig operator.

So Petrobas has the platform, the technic, but is unable to drill with own workers? Cause only the one who has the drilling contract choose the workers? But Petrobas has the drilling contracts offcoast Brazil. So there is a flaw in your arguement.

Or is it more that till now Petrobas has leased the platforms include the workers cause they has no own builded platform? Uh, that sounds logical! And soon with own platforms and still own drilling contracts only Petrobas will decide who work on his platforms and who not. Get over it.
From the news, Germany supports Finland, Sweden to join the NATO.
Ukraine wants Germany as protector. So do all Eastern European countries. And do western countries. Except France.
All want to draw down the iron curtain to Russia.
Interesting, all want close tie to Germany. All want Germany as leading nation. Remarkable considering the atrocities Germany committed in the WWII.


From the news, Germany supports Finland, Sweden to join the NATO.
Ukraine wants Germany as protector. So do all Eastern European countries. And do western countries. Except France.
All want to draw down the iron curtain to Russia.
Interesting, all want close tie to Germany. All want Germany as leading nation. Remarkable considering the atrocities Germany committed in the WWII.

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lets see for how long. Uk quit EU because of the mooching Poland did on them. Right now everyone got germany has the milching cow using their past guilt. They want german economy to power every radical east european country and military to support them as well. eventually it may break EU .
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From the news, Germany supports Finland, Sweden to join the NATO.
Ukraine wants Germany as protector. So do all Eastern European countries. And do western countries. Except France.
All want to draw down the iron curtain to Russia.
Interesting, all want close tie to Germany. All want Germany as leading nation. Remarkable considering the atrocities Germany committed in the WWII.

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I think Germany will support but Hungary will veto. Hungary took vaccine from China and now China has it as a laptog.
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