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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Incorrect ranges for Russian systems, and those are not the only systems at the disposal of the Russians, and they have larger numbers, not to mention attack from RuAF and longer range rocket artillery, e.g. Smerch and Urugan. Numbers provided by NATO too few, although the counter-battery radar could make a difference.
If Europe truly goes with energy embargo for years or decades, the only winners are the oil producers. Europe loses out at least as much as Russia if it chooses so. Russia simply sells to others and they will find a buyer for every molecule of oil they produce since everyone not only wants to buy oil, they need to.

By doing that Europe is only doing the US a big favor while it hurts itself and seemingly hurts Russia. Basically Russia is the shop selling products that everyone needs to survive and Europe is telling the shop owner it will not buy food but rather find whatever is on the ground or go to another store that sells for 1.5x the price. It only hurts Europe. The other producers are going to love this and the USA is a producer too.

Well it's good for Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and so on. Every other major player is rushing to secure energy. Either way it's imperialist powers going at each other. Ukraine stuck between two powers and abused.

Russian production is expected to decline by 20% YoY without western tech and capital. You have to remember most Russian assets are brownfields and need advanced recovery techniques.

Even today with access to western tech, Russian recovery rate is at meager 20% compared to 45% for the North Sea another brownfield with declining production.

So far, western firms are servicing existing contracts but not signing new ones in Russia. If this continues for another three years, Russia will be out of the energy business entirely.
Russian production is expected to decline by 20% YoY without western tech and capital. You have to remember most Russian assets are brownfields and need advanced recovery techniques.

Even today with access to western tech, Russian recovery rate is at meager 20% compared to 45% for the North Sea another brownfield with declining production.

So far, western firms are servicing existing contracts but not signing new ones in Russia. If this continues for another three years, Russia will be out of the energy business entirely.

Can you provide a source for your figures? The Russians have been pumping oil long before the "West" turned up. I'm not sure why the "western" fanboys have this overblown myopic view that only they have the best technology and everyone else is living in the stone age.
Lol what ever help you to sleep at night

You must be a zionist or a little kid.

Because those are the only group of people who are non-chalant about inflation

Kids are too stupid to understand

Zionists are too spoiled to understand. For them money comes as easy as crying on media, holohoax shaming the US, german taxpayers to pay for everything needed.

In the real world, non parasitic countries who actually have to earn their own money. For them sky rocketing food and energy prices are an existential threat to their way of life

Nobody is laughing about inflation little kid. Its close to 10% in some western countries. With no end in sight to its rise
Can you provide a source for your figures? The Russians have been pumping oil long before the "West" turned up. I'm not sure why the "western" fanboys have this overblown myopic view that only they have the best technology and everyone else is living in the stone age.

Not really, western firms have operated in Soviet Russia. how do I know? my french father worked for Elf Aquitaine in Soviet Russia. Not to mention Stalin tried to nationalize western oil firms in the 1930's and failed.

as for facts and figures, do your own damned research, i don't have time to indulge trolls on the internet for free.
Not really, western firms have operated in Soviet Russia. how do I know? my french father worked for Elf Aquitaine in Soviet Russia. Not to mention Stalin tried to nationalize western oil firms in the 1930's and failed.

as for facts and figures, do your own damned research, i don't have time to indulge trolls on the internet for free.

In other word, all you have is hyperbole, hearsay, and wishful thinking pulled from where the sun don't shine. It's so amusing watching you rednecks squirm like slugs with what's going on at the moment, your global hegemony is being challenged and it's making you crap your pants.
Russian production is expected to decline by 20% YoY without western tech and capital. You have to remember most Russian assets are brownfields and need advanced recovery techniques.

Even today with access to western tech, Russian recovery rate is at meager 20% compared to 45% for the North Sea another brownfield with declining production.

So far, western firms are servicing existing contracts but not signing new ones in Russia. If this continues for another three years, Russia will be out of the energy business entirely.

Fair enough I'm sure this is accurate to an extent. But I do not think this is something to bank on. Will Russia simply sit on its hands during that time?

Recovery and refinery tech are not like mastering all known 7nm node production technologies. Not even like manufacturing other advanced technologies. Simply said, I think this obstacle, even if it is as extreme as a situation is hopeless now, they can overcome that. They can find ways around especially given time and definitely when they have the money to. Again this is not like buying nuclear technology or top secret stuff. Even if somehow their own cannot overcome technical problems, there are alternative solutions they can buy? Anyway that's probably unnecessary as the stuff you are hinting I daresay will not even be a real challenge if they need to do it. Simply said in the past they never needed to. Just like Germany doesn't need a space program similar to other space powers but doesn't mean they can't do it if they needed to. This is a minuscule challenge in comparison. If you truly believe they cannot and all other humans falter except the west, then that is your opinion and your view of how things work. It doesn't make it true.

Certainly the details matter a lot here and unless we're experts in this field and know precisely what it is they are missing and exactly how difficult it is to overcome those things, it isn't a bet at all to say Russia cannot easily deal with it. At most some trouble and this is assuming the worst for them and given only small resources and time to overcome their technical problems. I doubt very much their energy business totally stops because their own refinement technologies are today very dependent.
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Howitzers are easy targets for armed drones. Without air defense they are done for.

Tos1a has 6 miles range

Russia has the 2s7 pion can hit upto 34.5 mi

German spg should change that. Although only 7 being sent

TOS-1A range is 6 km if I'm not mistaken.

Russian RAPs have longer range, but we so far not seen Russian using 152mm anywhere close to its maximum range. On other hand, USA sent RAPs.

152mm outranges 122mm obviously, but there been no use of Russian artillery at ranges dramatically longer than 15km, except for shelling cities.

They have no FOs, and drone based killchains used by Ukrainians.

Ukrainians often use 122mm for CB by driving undetected within Russian range, and overwhelming Russian batteries with the rate of fire, and accuracy provided by drone FOs.
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